I would like to join in on this if possible I got FF III a week ago and would like to get the onion knight open.
Here is my friend code: 433876530662
and I will add everyone from the main list.
Here you go folks...
G=Good Friend Code
E=Error Friend Code
?=Untested Friend Code
Page One People
E - MasterMiyamoto - 360-856-192-671
E - *superxboy - 223-419-687-675
G - *Thegreatfrogsoiety - 008-674-035-059
G - *hawksmoke - 107-458-333-074
G - spartan755 - 270-667-045-968
G - ベト - 116-048-323-534
G - tomneil04 - 094-573-519-449
G - Xantari - 429-580-986-784
Page Two People
G - *Magnus - 313-617-028-149
G - *trixtra - 399-516-131-494
G - *Adon - 455-351-002-069
G - *Maximus - 335-091-566-467
G - *Zigidias - 068-803-938-460
G - *Grey159 - 403-811-393-084
G - *Silo_Dragoon - 068-803-999-610
G - david_pickett_84 - 128-933-557-784
G - dirka dirka - 111-753-724-130
G - vocal666 - 262-077-540-974
G - JuniortedTed - 489-710-877-581
G - old school - 356-566-817-605
Page Three People
G - Fairbanks32 - 524-070-687-098
G - Night-One - 313-617-303-353
G - knat - 489-710-439-349
Page Four People
G - *Tak2007 - 287-847-418-646
? - *darkshadow321 - 124-638-282-985
? - derico - 485-415-992-225
? - Prettymae - 390-926-972-067
? - *tehn00bslayer - 352-272-377-814
? - dragonkeeper - 068-804-526-718
? - Pwnd0z3r - 180-473-715-312
I would like to join in on this if possible I got FF III a week ago and would like to get the onion knight open.
Here is my friend code: 433876530662
and I will add everyone from the main list.
Here you go folks...
G=Good Friend Code
E=Error Friend Code
?=Untested Friend Code
Page One People
E - MasterMiyamoto - 360-856-192-671
E - superxboy - 223-419-687-675
G - Thegreatfrogsoiety - 008-674-035-059
G - hawksmoke - 107-458-333-074
G - spartan755 - 270-667-045-968
G - ベト - 116-048-323-534
G - tomneil04 - 094-573-519-449
G - Xantari - 429-580-986-784
Page Two People
G - Magnus - 313-617-028-149
G - trixtra - 399-516-131-494
G - Adon - 455-351-002-069
G - Maximus - 335-091-566-467
G - Zigidias - 068-803-938-460
G - Grey159 - 403-811-393-084
G - Silo_Dragoon - 068-803-999-610
G - david_pickett_84 - 128-933-557-784
G - dirka dirka - 111-753-724-130
G - vocal666 - 262-077-540-974
G - JuniortedTed - 489-710-877-581
G - old school - 356-566-817-605
Page Three People
G - Fairbanks32 - 524-070-687-098
G - Night-One - 313-617-303-353
G - knat - 489-710-439-349
Page Four People
G - Tak2007 - 287-847-418-646
? - darkshadow321 - 124-638-282-985
? - derico - 485-415-992-225
G - Prettymae - 390-926-972-067
G - tehn00bslayer - 352-272-377-814
G - dragonkeeper - 068-804-526-718
? - Pwnd0z3r - 180-473-715-312
? - tantricmoon - 433-876-530-662
People I've already added:
I'll add more later. If you want me to add you, please pm me. I'f you're already on my friend's list, please add me (or let me know if you want to be removed)
All right! Ive got you all down! I'll delete those who haven't added me by the end of the week.
Anyhow, looking forward to my first message. Thanks very much. Oh and on my DS I'm Tsuval.
I have added all of the numbers but everyone's number is still showing up grey and wont let me send a message. Is there anything else im suppose to do besides check mail in the moghouse to get the numbers to change to white?
i've added u david p and tantric
Oo oo add me too please. I'm almost done but I want to work up my levels before taking on the big honcho.
Here's mine!![]()
403 811 638 362
ciao ciao and pax christi!
Originally Posted by MasterMiyamoto
I've added you chuga
Please add me. I'll be sure to add most of u (Taking ino account I can only add 28 people)
FC: 3222 0767 9741
I'll add u tonigth (11-29-06)
I've added you darkouer
Uhhhh... Okay so how do I find my friend code? I am SO lost.... someone find me!
'm glad to see someone else took the intiative and updated the list for me.This is so cool to how popular this thread got. Thanks everyone. Gold for everone! lol If you mail me i do my best to mail everyone back. Looking forward to talking to you guys!
tehn00bslayer Thanks again! major props for you, i'll be sure to give you some positive reputation!!!
Here you go folks...
G=Good Friend Code
E=Error Friend Code
?=Untested Friend Code
Page One People
E - MasterMiyamoto - 360-856-192-671
E - superxboy - 223-419-687-675
G - Thegreatfrogsoiety - 008-674-035-059
G - hawksmoke - 107-458-333-074
G - spartan755 - 270-667-045-968
G - ベト - 116-048-323-534
G - tomneil04 - 094-573-519-449
G - Xantari - 429-580-986-784
Page Two People
G - Magnus - 313-617-028-149
G - trixtra - 399-516-131-494
G - Adon - 455-351-002-069
G - Maximus - 335-091-566-467
G - Zigidias - 068-803-938-460
G - Grey159 - 403-811-393-084
G - Silo_Dragoon - 068-803-999-610
G - david_pickett_84 - 128-933-557-784
G - dirka dirka - 111-753-724-130
G - vocal666 - 262-077-540-974
G - JuniortedTed - 489-710-877-581
G - old school - 356-566-817-605
Page Three People
G - Fairbanks32 - 524-070-687-098
G - Night-One - 313-617-303-353
G - knat - 489-710-439-349
Page Four People
G - Tak2007 - 287-847-418-646
? - darkshadow321 - 124-638-282-985
? - derico - 485-415-992-225
G - Prettymae - 390-926-972-067
G - tehn00bslayer - 352-272-377-814
G - dragonkeeper - 068-804-526-718
? - Pwnd0z3r - 180-473-715-312
? - tantricmoon - 433-876-530-662
? - chugachuchukabo - 403-811-638-362
? - darkouer - 322-207-679-741
tantricmoon - The other person has to add you also inorder to make the number white. The white number turns into a white name when you exchange you your first message.
treekiller1234 - You have to be that far into the game to access "Mog-Net" Once you get that far you talk to the mog and choose thelast option and it will let you view your FF III Friend Code.
Hey. My Friend Code is 446761538804![]()
Hey whats up just looking for some people to talk to on mognet here is my friend code
PZO: 0988 6931 9242
Hmm... It's been working for me so far. I've started conversations with techn00b and pwnd0zer. If anyone else is interested in talking to me, please send me mail first.
Oh by the way, I have Onion Knight now so my responses may be slow...
Last edited by dragonkeeper; 11-30-2006 at 04:52 PM.
Here you go folks...
G=Good Friend Code
E=Error Friend Code
?=Untested Friend Code
Page One People
E - MasterMiyamoto - 360-856-192-671
E - superxboy - 223-419-687-675
G - Thegreatfrogsoiety - 008-674-035-059
G - hawksmoke - 107-458-333-074
G - spartan755 - 270-667-045-968
G - ベト - 116-048-323-534
G - tomneil04 - 094-573-519-449
G - Xantari - 429-580-986-784
Page Two People
G - Magnus - 313-617-028-149
G - trixtra - 399-516-131-494
G - Adon - 455-351-002-069
G - Maximus - 335-091-566-467
G - Zigidias - 068-803-938-460
G - Grey159 - 403-811-393-084
G - Silo_Dragoon - 068-803-999-610
G - david_pickett_84 - 128-933-557-784
G - dirka dirka - 111-753-724-130
G - vocal666 - 262-077-540-974
G - JuniortedTed - 489-710-877-581
G - old school - 356-566-817-605
Page Three People
G - Fairbanks32 - 524-070-687-098
G - Night-One - 313-617-303-353
G - knat - 489-710-439-349
Page Four People
G - Tak2007 - 287-847-418-646
? - darkshadow321 - 124-638-282-985
? - derico - 485-415-992-225
G - Prettymae - 390-926-972-067
G - tehn00bslayer - 352-272-377-814
G - dragonkeeper - 068-804-526-718
? - Pwnd0z3r - 180-473-715-312
? - tantricmoon - 433-876-530-662
? - chugachuchukabo - 403-811-638-362
? - darkouer - 322-207-679-741
? - CRACKRaPTOR - 446-761-538-804
? - pzothewarrior - 098-869-319-242
lol dragonkeeper, when i'm on mog-net iTALKlikeTHIS![]()
Anybody here can wait until christmas. Anybody can give a friend code after christmas. I can't have FFIII until christmas![]()
your hilarious dragon
That's cool. Me too. My friend code is 085983886833. I hope somebody, maybe yourself, will take my friend code and add me to their address book on mognet.Originally Posted by pzothewarrior
I hope nobody minds that I add their friend code to my mognet address book.Originally Posted by david_pickett_84
Thats the whole point behind me compiling the list. So that everyone could add everyone (or anyone) they wanted. I would reccomend trying to "hook up" with some one by getting a hold of them on here by "Personal Message" and arranging some sort of time that you guys will message back and forth if you want to get your onion knight faster.
If I were to add somebody, would they know, or would I have to send them a message on here stating that I added them?
i've added u chocobo
It would help if you touched base with the person before you did anything so it saves both of you some time. That way you know that person is active and they will write back. You can do what ever you want though. I'm pretty sure you only have to send messages to unlock Onion KNight, so as long as you are sending messages to a valid Friend Id thats all that matters.
For all those between pages 3 through 6, sorry, i've been slacking...
I do need to post some info for ya here though.
First of all, you can't get Ultima Weapon until you've been in Eureka, so for those of ya out there that thought you could get it before the end of the game, sorry to burst your bubble.
And in order to receive the side quests, you have to send and receive from that recipient, in total, 7 pieces of mail. You must then send 4 to 5 mails to each in game recipient, some in a particular order, in order to unlock the onion knight, and the pendant quest, which allows you to obtain the orichalcum quest.
Also, for those of you having problems finding the secret dungeon after you've unlocked it, head EAST from the floating continent, and maybe half a screen north or south, and you should see it no problem. The shadow is 4 times larger than your airship shadow, you can't miss it.
And yes, you can send more than one mail per hour just by turning your DS clock ahead an hour. But this also works both ways. Should you set it back after you send alot of mail, you will have to wait an additional hour for each additional mail sent. Send 10, wait 10 hours. So use at your own risk.
I'd go through the bother of adding your codes, but i'm near the end myself, so PM me if you want to send me mail, and i'll see about sending you some myself.
Last edited by Adon; 12-02-2006 at 01:46 AM.
So, you have to send one person 7 pieces of mail? Just to be clear..
EDIT: Looks like i satisfied the requirements, Onion Knight Seems pretty cool.I'll still write back to ANYONE who send me mail.
Last edited by david_pickett_84; 12-03-2006 at 01:59 AM.
Hi everyone! This is ym first post and I'm kinda of excited to see this mognet thing in action. My friend code is 408106506044. I'm Josh BTW.
Sweet, good to have you, if you wanna email lemme know and i'll add you.
I just want to clarify that as well. Does anyone know if this is true, or if it is just 7 mails sent/received in total to anyone on Mognet?Originally Posted by david_pickett_84
Quote from Team America:
Spottswoode: Remember, there is no "I" in "Team America".
Intelligence: [pause] Yes, there is.
Joe: Sh*t! I've got five terrorists going southeast on Bakalakadaka Street!