here is mine:
Hey ! Cause I couldn't find anyone out there who wants to share some letters with me I decided to open this wonderful threadAnyone who makes use of Wi-Fi; please post ! I really want to have those damned side-quests...
My FC:
here is mine:
I like the whole idea of having Wi-Fi for the new final fantasy. That should really get the attention of people.
My friend code is 008674035059
Hey. Someone please email me @ or IM me on AiM @ Cab00se956er to trade friend codes =). much luv
I can't get to this link; is it a duff link?Originally Posted by «Geomancer»
Quote from Team America:
Spottswoode: Remember, there is no "I" in "Team America".
Intelligence: [pause] Yes, there is.
Joe: Sh*t! I've got five terrorists going southeast on Bakalakadaka Street!
my code is 107458333074
hey everyone my code is 270667045968. reply/email/IM me @ Cab00se956er to trade =)
HAHA! SWWEET! I got my game at the last minute before the store was going to close. Here's my Code: 116048323534
Please tell me who you are first.
My Friend code:
Final fantasy III:
Dark Knight, Knight, Devout, Summoner, & Theif.
Here ya go, glad someone started this :
Some one add me, please! I have a MIGHTY NEED!!!! to get onion knight!
4295 8098 6784
If you want me to add you, please send me a message or i wont bother adding your FC =) ty much.
So I added a few of you here to my list, but it wont let me send even though you are on the list. I have not used my 1 mail per hr so what gives? Am I forgetting something:
tomneil, I already added you. Same with Xantari. YOu must've not added me yet.
Oh and if anyones adding me then pm me.
My Friend code:
Final fantasy III:
Dark Knight, Knight, Devout, Summoner, & Theif.
Mine is 313617028149.
add me FC is: 399516131494
Here's mine: 455-351-002-069
Hope to hear from ya soon!
Hey I'm on AIM: MaximusDerathus
Freind Code: 335091566467
Send me an IM if you add me!
AIM: Alex C Do
Friend Code: 068-803-938-460
I added everyone above this post, message me if you add me =)
Everyone send me lots of mognet mail!!
My fc is 403811393084
IM me at Skamunist159 so that I can add you back!
My sn is Sjs4life703 is anyone wants to im me, and my FC is 068803999610
12 89 33 55 77 84
Lookinf forward to getting some mail, what ever happen to the item trading rumor?
(hi by the way, long time lurker FFIII dragged me out of the closet finally![]()
My Friend Code is: 111 753 724 130
"david pickett 84", Grey 159 and Magnus; I've added you guys.
PM me on these forums if you add me! Cheers
Last edited by dirka dirka; 11-21-2006 at 02:09 PM.
Quote from Team America:
Spottswoode: Remember, there is no "I" in "Team America".
Intelligence: [pause] Yes, there is.
Joe: Sh*t! I've got five terrorists going southeast on Bakalakadaka Street!
thanks, looking forward to a message, what do you guys think of the thread i made?
Yeah this is a great topic! I've got FFIII imported so I've got no one here with the game. Great for me! Please add me to yours guys!
p.s. I've added everyone above this post to my Friends!
Quote from Team America:
Spottswoode: Remember, there is no "I" in "Team America".
Intelligence: [pause] Yes, there is.
Joe: Sh*t! I've got five terrorists going southeast on Bakalakadaka Street!
Co cou ! haha! addé moi!!!!
My FC is 489710877581
My FC is 3565 6681 7605
I will add everyone above this post please add mine as well
Hello-o! I just joined the group and I figured this was a great place to start! My code is:
I hope to hear from you all!
-NC the others people have to add you also for it to work? I'm slightly confused...haha