My friend code is 403 834 427 447
Let me know if you add me
ya i need help as well
My friend code is 403 834 427 447
Let me know if you add me
Just got the game...need friend codes. Please add me. Thanks
My friend code is 103 200 942 395
my friend code is 3780-7905-9275 can som1 add me? i want the unlockable stuff...
some body add me 506 928 826 247
Landon all lvl 100, and a all Event pokemon, some one PLZ add me
if you mean th e Wii game or the DS game?????
ok, here's the master's code, heh, for DS
Last edited by MoonStone; 01-11-2008 at 06:48 PM.
HMMMM........Whats for lunch?
MoonStone Dread Rose....
Ok dav, dzubow, and megachu, I have added you three but I need you all to add me.
My code is 2878-8619-8345.
hi, my friend code is 111783601099, i help u, u help me, fair enough?
i forgot to mention a few things, since were already dat many ppl, how bout we all add each others friends code then set a date like Feb.1st at 8pm and send msgs so we can be sure dat nothing goes wrong since were linking up at the same time.![]()
Cactrot, I finally managed to send you something. It just said "Hi". Hope youre able to reply.
I need help too. 4081-4777-9040
Ok so it is 2008 and some people haven't gotten onion knight and or ultima weapon. NEIThER DO I! so heres my friend code ill add all of people that post as to they will add me.
Friend Code:412443184333
Teams Name(in order of which met): Aaron, Rikku, Yuna, Tidus
thank god, my friend code is:
damn never mind it wont accept your code
oh yeah my friend code is 004422648344
Hi, I need help, too! My friend code is 073143174194
We have a thread for this stuff guys
Better yet, how bout I just merge all the spammy Friend Code topics into one.
hello i need help getting the onion knight and ultima weapon can you add my final fantsy 3 friend code 0946-2050-3461
can you post you friend code on here if you can help me
fc is 4167-4447-2977 plz help![]()
My FC is 356614701926. PM me if you wanna add me and I need help getting Onion Knight![]()
for sum reason couldnt add pkmonrangerpro but peeps add me fc is 4167-4447-2977