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Thread: FFI Help Thread

  1. #1
    FFI Help Thread Masamune master's Avatar
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    FFI Help Thread

    Hi guys, i don't see a FFI help thread anywhre, so decided to go ahead and make one! If you have ANY questions and need help, post it here! Hope that this can really help people out on their game!
    ~"In my veins courses the blood of the ancients... I am one of the rightful heirs to this planet!"

    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  2. #2
    do you know if there is any way to change your job in the psp version other than the tower of trials like how to get the red mage master jobs? any info will be of help ty

  3. #3
    get the rat tail and take it to bahumet and you class up
    Last edited by drifter; 08-18-2007 at 10:21 AM.

  4. #4
    Whistling Songbird FFI Help Thread Asectic's Avatar
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    Does anyone know how to get out of Hellfire Chasim B4? I saw some hole at the North but I cant seem to get there no matter which way I go... Plus the exit magic or whatsoever wont work since its already "outside". Please Help! Otherwise I have to start the game all over again... -.- please?

    Edit: Thanks a lot i got it now [cause some ppl dont put maps of it in the web that has walkthrough]
    Last edited by Asectic; 08-08-2007 at 07:07 PM.

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  5. #5
    That One Guy FFI Help Thread dimmufan's Avatar
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    The floors in the Hellfire Chasm and all the other extra dungeons tend to change a little each time you go through them. What might be floor 4 during one trip could end up being floor 7 on another trip. Is this scenario the one where you are outside? If so, then you have to talk to the pirate. He'll say something about the levistone which you already possess from the Ice Cavern. Use the levistone in the desert that has the palm tree and the airship will appear. Use the airship to collect various treasures before going to the exit.
    2% of teens haven't tried smoking pot or drinking, if you're one of the 98% who has, then post this in your signature.

  6. #6
    Here this should help a lot:;cheats

    Go to the bottom until you see Hellfire Chasm and look at the map. It will be one of them.

  7. #7
    hey can someone help me out? i will give you a brief synopsis of my characters and where i need help at:
    knight: lvl 39: knows slight white magic spells nothing great
    ninja: lvl 38: knows fira blizzara and thundara i think
    red wizard: lvl 39: knows all black magic spells up to lvl 7 magic with blizzaga
    master: lvl 38: pretty strong at this point at least, hitting 300's normal.
    i have already gotten the airship, and i am having some trouble locating the 3rd crystals dungeon does anyone know exactly, like pinpoint where it is?

  8. #8
    can someone help me? i all of my characters are 38-39 and they are already powered up by the dragon emperor, i have the airship, and i am stuck and i dont know where to go find the 3rd crystals dungeon. please reply im really in need of some assistance.

  9. #9
    FFI Help Thread Raines's Avatar
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    In your blindspot, waiting with a book, ready to papercut you.
    a) double posting is frowned upon here.
    b) You need to go to Gaia first, I wouldn't bother with any of the equipment or magic yet, it's pretty dear. Ask around, and you'll get told about something called oyxale.
    You'll then have to go to the fairy spring, in gaia still. And then you have to find a missing fairy in a little patch of desert, I don't think it's that far from the town. But the fairy in a bottle, for something likr 35,000 gil. And head back to the spring. With the oxyale you can enter the third dungeon.
    The town that the dungeon is in is called Onlak I think.
    'This generation
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  10. #10
    ty, and sorry about double posting, didnt show up after i posted it, i think my comp sucks a little bit. sorry =\ oh, i have gotten to the water dungeon but i am stuck at the room with all the mermaids in the little huts or what not.
    could you possibly tell me how to get thru there, i have gotten the diamond equipment and teh light axe but i cant seem to figure out which way to go with all the holes in the floor.

  11. #11
    FFI Help Thread Raines's Avatar
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    In your blindspot, waiting with a book, ready to papercut you.
    It's been ages since I've done it, and I've just been checking the internet for you and I can't find any maps of the underwater cave for the GBA version.
    This is the best I can do.

    Chapter 7 is the water crystal.
    'This generation
    With fire in our eyes
    Strong are the ties that bind us
    We don't need no alibis

    New Expectations
    Moments in the sun
    We've waited all our lives
    And now we know our time has come'

  12. #12
    tyvm, ill try it and see what happens...

  13. #13
    I feel epic... FFI Help Thread Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    No one's asking ANY questions, so I will.

    What should I expect in the four new dungeons?

  14. #14
    Shake it like a polaroid picture FFI Help Thread RagnaToad's Avatar
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    kick-ass bosses from previous games en some very good weapons too!
    check some Dungeon faqs on
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  15. #15
    I feel epic... FFI Help Thread Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    Thanks. And the bosses were cool. The weapons, even cooler.

  16. #16
    Okay... So... After a while, the dancer girl stops telling you where you need to go... I guess I'm just supposed to go around and look for trouble?

  17. #17
    FFI Help Thread Raines's Avatar
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    In your blindspot, waiting with a book, ready to papercut you.
    Quote Originally Posted by FaeAeval View Post
    Okay... So... After a while, the dancer girl stops telling you where you need to go... I guess I'm just supposed to go around and look for trouble?
    Yeah, pretty much.
    If you get stuck just post what you last did in this thread, and someone will help you.
    But the dancers won't help you anymore.
    'This generation
    With fire in our eyes
    Strong are the ties that bind us
    We don't need no alibis

    New Expectations
    Moments in the sun
    We've waited all our lives
    And now we know our time has come'

  18. #18
    Thanks! I appreciate it!

  19. #19
    it's been a while on this thread, clearly... i have a question (aside from the thread i started about that crazy earthgift shrine...):

    i think i need to look for the levistone and some kind of metal for the elf in mount duergar.

    oh, i'm playing ff1 on psp


  20. #20
    oops. my question is: where do i find the stuff i mentioned above?

  21. #21
    The levistone you won't find until later. You need to beat the boss of the cave you're in before you can advance to where the levistone is. It's found after you beat the second of the four fiends in Gulg Volcano, which is more-or-less where you go after the Terra Cavern.

    You could go where the levistone is now, but you won't be able to retrieve it until you've beaten the first of the fiends.

  22. #22
    is there any way to delete a spell from the list of learned spells?

    my white wizard has stona, shield2 and inv2 on 6 lvl, so i'd like to remove one of them to learn warp2. is it possible? the merchand from crescent lake tells that the list is already full.

    i play the original nes version.

  23. #23
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ FFI Help Thread Treize's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if this works for the nes version, but in the psx version you can. First you go to the menu. Then you view the characters magic. Finally you select drop instead of use and drop a magic. Try that and see if it works.
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  24. #24
    unfortunately it doesn't work, but thanks for trying.

    i've read that there is a place in the game that you cannot exit unless you have the warp2 spell. is it possible to finish the game without it?

    and another question: can i use the healing staff without any limit or is it going to dissapear after several casting the spell?

  25. #25
    The fantasy
    i have two crystal where should i go now
    Last edited by The fantasy; 07-01-2008 at 04:03 AM.

  26. #26
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The fantasy View Post
    i have two crystal where should i go now
    By "Two Crystals" you mean the Earth & Fire Crystals correct? You need to type a bit more clearier because I couldn't understand it. Anyway now that you have those two crystals you should make your to the Water Crystal at Onrac. Assuming you have the airship by now, you should head to Gaia and talk to the pirate at the north edge of town about a Fairy he sold to a caravan in the Ryukahn Desert Southwest of Gaia. Head to the desert, park your airship on the grass before hitting the desert, and walk due north. Go past the tower for now, and you'll see a different form of sand north past the tower, enter it and you'll find a shop, you'll have to shove out some gil to buy the fairy(40,000gil). After buying it, return to Gaia and past the pirate from earlier to a lake to release the fairy, where she gives you some Oxyale. Afterwards you can go onrac which is located in the southeast alittle ways south of Gaia. by the way before I get in depth what level are all your characters? Did you do the job change quest? Did you get the airship yet?
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

    XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!

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  27. #27
    Alright guys, I started FFI again on the FF Origins disc for the PlayStation, and i'm wondering what are the best setups to use? I'm trying Warrior, White Mage, Black Mage, and Thief at the moment. I'm doing pretty good so far.

    I think I'm beginning to understand. An answer from the Planet, the Promised Land...I think I can meet her...there.

  28. #28
    That One Guy FFI Help Thread dimmufan's Avatar
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    For an all-around balanced team, that seems like a pretty good choice. You can sub in a black belt for the thief for a slightly more offensive team, or sub in a red mage for a more balanced team. The thief is good for escaping battles a little more easily, but overall, you have a fairly well-rounded team. For a challenge, try a party of 4 white or black mages.
    2% of teens haven't tried smoking pot or drinking, if you're one of the 98% who has, then post this in your signature.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by dimmufan View Post
    For an all-around balanced team, that seems like a pretty good choice. You can sub in a black belt for the thief for a slightly more offensive team, or sub in a red mage for a more balanced team. The thief is good for escaping battles a little more easily, but overall, you have a fairly well-rounded team. For a challenge, try a party of 4 white or black mages.
    Yeah i'm kinda confused about the Thief, why doesn't he have a Steal ability? >_<, I mean, he is meant to be a Thief after all.

    I think I'm beginning to understand. An answer from the Planet, the Promised Land...I think I can meet her...there.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by KeyranSolo View Post
    Yeah i'm kinda confused about the Thief, why doesn't he have a Steal ability? >_<, I mean, he is meant to be a Thief after all.
    The "steal" ability wasn't included until Final Fantasy III, so all Theives are good for is quickness such as evasion, accuracy, and speed. Bummer, I know. I was expecting "steal" too.
    Last edited by zSoraz; 08-24-2008 at 01:04 PM.

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