Have you ever hated a character so much you've wanted to silence them with a kick to the throat? Have you ever liked a character so much that you wish there were more hours in the game?

I have several that I hate, probably more than those I like actually. The one that springs to mind right now is ClapTrap. I hate him so much that just thinking about his voice brings out a strange, murderous rage in me. Is there really any need for them all to stand around screeching 'look at me, I'm dancing'!? I've emptied clips into his face in a vain attempt to him at the start of Borderlands.

Another one that I particularly hate is Albert Wesker. I've hated that smug buzz-cut adorning sh*tbag since way back in Resident Evil 1. I've just been playing Resident Evil 5 and all I think when I see him is 'I hate your face... I hate it sooooooo bad!' In the beginning he was a decent bad guy; Veronica changed that. Now he's this recurring dude that has the personality of a brick. I just flat out hate him.

Grey Fox from Metal Gear Solid can have my children. I actually love him. I still remember the awe I experianced when I tiptoed down the corridor towards Hal Emerichs lab. The bodies on the floor... The fear that there was something in there that I couldn't see. Then when I took up thesuit as Raiden in Sons of Liberty I nearly cried with joy. I never wanted it to end. I generally think he is a very good sub-plot character. He has a great back-story and his suit and skills are badass.

There are more but I'll only rant some more.