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Thread: Your most loved and hated games characters

  1. #1
    Mojo Jojo Your most loved and hated games characters Trunks's Avatar
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    Your most loved and hated games characters

    Have you ever hated a character so much you've wanted to silence them with a kick to the throat? Have you ever liked a character so much that you wish there were more hours in the game?

    I have several that I hate, probably more than those I like actually. The one that springs to mind right now is ClapTrap. I hate him so much that just thinking about his voice brings out a strange, murderous rage in me. Is there really any need for them all to stand around screeching 'look at me, I'm dancing'!? I've emptied clips into his face in a vain attempt to him at the start of Borderlands.

    Another one that I particularly hate is Albert Wesker. I've hated that smug buzz-cut adorning sh*tbag since way back in Resident Evil 1. I've just been playing Resident Evil 5 and all I think when I see him is 'I hate your face... I hate it sooooooo bad!' In the beginning he was a decent bad guy; Veronica changed that. Now he's this recurring dude that has the personality of a brick. I just flat out hate him.

    Grey Fox from Metal Gear Solid can have my children. I actually love him. I still remember the awe I experianced when I tiptoed down the corridor towards Hal Emerichs lab. The bodies on the floor... The fear that there was something in there that I couldn't see. Then when I took up thesuit as Raiden in Sons of Liberty I nearly cried with joy. I never wanted it to end. I generally think he is a very good sub-plot character. He has a great back-story and his suit and skills are badass.

    There are more but I'll only rant some more.

  2. #2
    Ellipsis Your most loved and hated games characters Meigumi's Avatar
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    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    Hey, possible spoilers. If you want to read, go at your own risk.

    The character I just absolutely don't like in the bottom of my heart is Larkeicus, from Echoes of Time. From the moment I saw his face, I knew he was evil deep inside. When he speaks, I can trace the poison in those words. When he laughs, I can feel evil intent coming from him. Everything he has ever done to be the person he is now is something what I would call "immoral". Never have I had greater joy in destroying such a pathetic, digital boss, countless times, through each New Game+.
    He even hurt Sherlotta, that mean old man.....

    I SO WANT:
    The best character ever....Ohohoho, there are so many heroes and heroines I love~ It's hard for me to pick ONE character, so I'll try to make it as short as I can, picking one character of each gender...

    Hope Estheim(FFXIII)--I don't love him just because he's the most cutest character I have ever seen. He's a fantastic Medic and Ravenger, with his high Magic stat. He has the lowest HP, but he makes up for power. <3 Plus, he's the only one who I thought that acted more realistically-I mean, come on-Who wouldn't panic about turning into l'Cie, just because they couldn't do one thing? Who wouldn't feel so much hate from watching their mother fall? He eventually matured and accepted everything. I think he had the most emotion showing in the game, which made me love him more. <3 And if Eidolons count, Alexander is awesome, too. <3 <3

    Sakuya Izayoi(Touhou)--She's probably the only character I use to play Hisoutensoku on Lunatic. Sure, her abilities are slow, but she's a very aggressive character to use~ How she throws knives and teleports through time is so elegant, and she's usually calm and composed all the time~ Her spell cards are so out-of-the-world deadly if one doesn't graze in time <3
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

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  3. #3
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    I hate:

    -Gary Oak from Pokemon. What a conceited little doucher. I especially hated him in the cartoon. Why did he need his own cheerleading squad? Talk about pretentious!
    -Various characters in Oblivion who were always douchers to you and you couldn't kill them because they were important to the storyline or something. I used a mod that allowed you to kill anybody, and there were a couple I still couldn't kill! Like that head of the Arena. The other ones I left naked at the bottom of that one tall cliff. Their bodies stayed there a long time, too. One of them was that orc who was head of the Cheydinhal Fighter's Guild.
    -The Slave Traders in Fallout 3. Where were they? I don't remember. I just remember that I went in there, talked shit with the guard for a little while, who told me I needed to pay my way in or something, which I agreed to. Then I walked past him and stood there while him and his other guards yelled warnings at me. Then when they started attacking, my companion and I mowed them down. Then we went inside and killed all the slavers in there too, though that was pretty chaotic and I think I had to reload at least once. But it was very satisfying. Especially killing the named ones, like the boss, and also that guard outside with a mouth on him.

    So essentially, I don't like gigantic asshole characters, and if I can, I will kill them.

    I love:
    -Fox McCloud from StarFox. Pretty obvious to anyone who's been around for more than a year or two. I used to use him as my avatar all the time. Which was why I was a little miffed when Rocky got cast as Fox and I got cast as Peppy by Gypsy that one time It's okay though... I can forgive... this oversight. ... ... ...
    -Croco from Super Mario RPG: Dunno why. Just the way he looked, I guess. Silly little animal villain. Used to use him as my avatar waaaay back in the day. Then Dodie cast me as him without even knowing this, because she is awesome and smart.
    -Locke Cole from FF6. Because he's a pimp, and he'll pull your lungs out of your throat if you call him a thief. I think that was the quote...
    -Solid Snake or Naked Snake from Metal Gear. Grizzled war veterans. They kick ass. Though I've never completed one of their games, myself... or even gotten that far in one, for that matter.

    ...I'll have to come back to this one. Too much thinking involved. Such a bother. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  4. #4
    Consistently Average Your most loved and hated games characters Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    Ooohh let me think....
    Lee Chaolan from Tekken 5. Thinking about him now just annoys me. He's a spoilt rich kid who thinks he should rule the Mishima Zibatsu (im sorry for spelling) because he's Heihatchi's adopted son. thats the basics of it because i never really wanted to repeat his story mode. He's also one of the only characters that no matter what stage im at, he'll still beat me, plus there's that weird sound he makes when he performs Silver Slash, kinda like a chicken thats being strangled. I get a certain amount of satisfaction when i use him as my practice dummy and repeatedly knock him down.

    Love: (well, i like them alot)
    Paul Pheonix from the same tekken: I just like his whole bad, biker image and his "im gonna be the toughest in the universe", while dumb never gets old. Theres also my favourite quote from the game:

    Jinpatchi: "In my prison, over the years, my hatred of man-kind festered and grew until.." (or something like that)

    Paul: "Yeah yeah i got your freakin' point, so all i got to do now is kick your ass right?"

    Jazz from 'the war for cybertron' (i like Transformers): He's cool and laid back, kinda like his namesake, and again its the quotes that won me over: "you're cruisin' for a bruisin'" to name one. I use him for most missions whenever i can.

    There are more but i dont want my post to get too huge.

    EDIT: Xigbar! How could i forget old Xiggy? For starters he's my favourite member of Organisation 13, heck the KH universe, i love his laid back surfer drawl and his overall attitude ("you really put the Organisation in a pickle"). He has some authority amongst the group being a senior member and i love that when you fight him, he spends the whole battle suspended upside-down in midair, because he can. Plus there's his Arrowguns... the list goes on.
    Last edited by Kurt Zisa; 02-26-2011 at 12:50 AM.
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  5. #5
    Registered User Your most loved and hated games characters
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    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    Characters that make me go

    Not too many, tbh. Only a couple come to mind atm, so here they are:

    Snipers in any game EVER. They hide out in places and I never spot them until I'm getting hit with some of their bullets. I'm like "Oh cool, I'll just run through here and get to where I need to....HOLY COW WHERE ARE THOSE BULLETS COMING FROM?!?!?!? I GOTTA FIND COVER QUICK BEFORE ALL MY HEALTH IS GONE!!!"

    Asshole snipers.

    Those wall guardian things in Okami. I'm embarrassed that I can't remember what exactly they're called, since I've played that game a bunch and I should know. Anyway, you gotta hit their weak points before they'll be out of your way and you can progress forward, which isn't too much of a problem at first. Later on in the game though, you have to remember a crapload of points. It's frustrating since they flash on the screen for a limited time, and my memory is pretty shite, so I had to use lipstick on my tv screen to remember where they all were. Now that I have a really nice tv, I can't do that cheat anymore, so it gets frustrating trying to remember where all the points are...

    Characters that make me go

    Waaay too many here, but I'll try to keep it short and follow Meigumi's example of picking one male and one female:

    For teh guys: Probably coming as a shock to absolutely no one - Sephiroth. He gets a lot of hate though, but eh, let people hate on. I still like him, and my opinion is the only one that matters to me. I like him for his interesting history, great abilities, powerful presence, and he was the first antagonist that made me question whether I really wanted the heroes to win in the end.

    For teh ladies: Oooooh, much tougher to choose, but I suppose I'll be predictable here as well and say Amaterasu. Okay, okay....she's a wolf, but she's still female, dammit! Even though she can't speak, she still conveys her messages well enough using some pretty hilarious expressions. Watching her story unfold was pretty intriguing, and finding/using her god powers was a blast.
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  6. #6

    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    Most hated... Probably Rinoa (FFVIII). She's just annoying. She wants to be saved, she nearly falls off the garden, she can't fight, and she annoys Squall all the time ("Love meee~~~~" >_<). I really can't stand her. And I don't understand why anyone can like her - except you like the type of girl who wants to be strong but is rather weak. (Like the rebellion thing she's in. She wants to be part of it, but she's way too weak to do ANYTHING on her own. Nargh!)

    Oh and I really hate the tiger-like character in Spyro the Dragon. I don't remember his name, I played it a long time ago, but... he was annoying. The way he talked!!! @_@ I wanted him to disappear and leave me alone all the time... and then he reappeared in the third game. -_-"

    Most loved... has to be Auron (FFX). There is no other character I like more. (*looks at her signature on TFF*...... ^^") I even have a wallpaper of him on my computer since... four years, if I remember correctly. I didn't feel the need to change it. What I like about Auron: He's strong, he's loyal - and he doesn't talk much. He's more the silent warrior who seems to be on his own, yet feels a deep friendship when with Braska and Jecht. He's just... mature. ^^"

    Also, I've come to really love Allegretto (Eternal Sonata). He's just a sweet boy who tries to save his loved one no matter what. <3 And takes care of Beat all the time. He's some kind of "hero", though not a real one. That's probably why I like him. :>

    There are several more I hate or love, but these four immediately come to my mind when I think about it. ^^"

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  7. #7
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Your most loved and hated games characters ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    Just a top 3 from each, just to keep it short:

    Squall (Final Fantasy VIII): What I like about Squall is that he and I are a lot alike. We share a lot of the same characteristics, such as being quiet, in our own little worlds a lot of the time etc. But I think he has a lot of depth as a character, and watching him change once he meets and hangs around with Rinoa all the time.

    Alucard (Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night): I picked him because he is so damn cool! I mean, well, you only really see him as a 2D sprite, but I enjoyed being him more than any of the Belmonts in the Castlevania series.

    Ezio Auditore Da Firenze (Assassin's Creed II/Brotherhood): I used to like Altair more, until you get more into ACII. Ezio's story is very compelling, how you get to watch his story from the moment he was born, and play until he is a fully grown adult. Along the way, you see how he rises up as an Assassin, and why he does so. He's a unique character in the gaming world.

    Honourable mentions: Dante (Devil May Cry), Sora (Kingdom Hearts) and Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

    Queen Brahne (Final Fantasy IX): I've always hated Brahne, ever since I got the game. She is annoying everytime she pops up on screen, she's evil, and how can she expect us to believe that someone that damn ugly could have a daughter that hot?!

    Camera Guy (Earthbound): F*** off I don't want my f***ing picture taken!

    Azazel (Tekken 6): The hardest final boss in the history of fighting games. He is so damn broken it's unbelievable. I can beat him, but it takes a few tries, especially in Scenario.

    Honourable mentions: Dimitri Rascalov (Grand Theft Auto IV), Gary/Your Rival (Pokémon) and Demyx (Kingdom Hearts II)

  8. #8
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph View Post
    I hate:
    -The Slave Traders in Fallout 3. Where were they? I don't remember. I just remember that I went in there, talked shit with the guard for a little while, who told me I needed to pay my way in or something, which I agreed to. Then I walked past him and stood there while him and his other guards yelled warnings at me. Then when they started attacking, my companion and I mowed them down. Then we went inside and killed all the slavers in there too, though that was pretty chaotic and I think I had to reload at least once. But it was very satisfying. Especially killing the named ones, like the boss, and also that guard outside with a mouth on him.
    Paradise Falls and the Lincoln Memorial. I hated them too. ><

    I really liked Hal in Metal Gear Solid. Wouldn't go as far as to say a crush, just he was a really likeable character.

    Alistair in Dragon Age. I LOVE him. He is amazingly cute and funny and romantic. Every word that comes out of his mouth makes me smile. Steve Valentine really did his character some justice with the voice acting too.

    Eva from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. She's a strong female character. With a love for bikes too. "I only get off my bike when I fall in love... or die."

    Heidegger in FFVII. He was behind Sector 7 being destroyed, and I hated his horse type laugh.

    Cait Sith in FFVII. I just hated his for forcing his way into the party and betraying us. Even though it turned out it was Reeve, I still didn't like him.

    Queen Brahne from FFIX. She scares me.

    Vaan in FFXII. I could tolerate him, actually. But that didn't stop him from being a whiny bitch.

    Benny from New Vegas. What a up himself player.

    That's it for now, I think.
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 02-24-2011 at 10:23 AM.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

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    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
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    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  9. #9
    Mojo Jojo Your most loved and hated games characters Trunks's Avatar
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    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity
    Alistair in Dragon Age. I LOVE him. He is amazingly cute and funny and romantic. Every word that comes out of his mouth makes me smile. Steve Valentine really did his character some justice with the voice acting too.
    I had the exact same thing but with Leliana. I would seriously sex her voice. I pretty much just wanted to hear her talk all the time. It's the main reason she was in my party if I'm honest. Oh, man... I have a game crush and I just realised... That's not good.

    I also HATE Loghain. That man was a total douche. He was meant to be, sure. It's more the fact that he has the 360 right at the end where he's like 'oh, man, I've been such a bad boy...' what's with the freaking epiphony? His face was irritating, too... And his voice...

  10. #10
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Your most loved and hated games characters Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    Again, there's difference between useless characters, and ones I hate the most. Sheva for instance, liked her appearance, and that bit of personality she had, but her thirst for bullets, which by the way lead to some frustrating moments, forced me to dislike her in the end.

    I'll restrain myself from using Final Fantasy characters.

    Ashley (Resident Evil 4) tops Navi when it comes to most annoying character. But then again, she's just an ordinary teen, I should give her more credit, and to be honest many of us would react the same if we were in her position, still, that doesn't change the fact that she's rather annoying.

    Characters with Nintendo stamp, Link, and Mario for instance. Tedious characters to say the least, little to no personality, doing the same damn thing over, and over again.

    I'll have to second ZantetsukeN's choice, Azazel made me threw my PsP once. I can handle a hard boss, Azazel's not just hard, but cheats as well.

    As for the ones I like...

    Vergil (Devil May Cry), I'm not the one who adores particular character solely due to his or her's appearance, Vergil is an exception.

    Characters from Metal Gear Solid franchise, Solid Snake, Big Boss, Miller, Hal Emmerich, just to name few. Of course, I don't like every character, but Metal Gear Solid series has an outstanding set of well done characters.

    Majority of Tekken cast, Kazuya, and Jin in particular. When it comes to fighting games you can't really expect deep story, nor deep character interaction, slowly, but surely over the years Tekken gained both, thus I started to appreciate characters even more.

    I could go on forever in both categories, though this should be enough.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  11. #11

    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    I dont post often, but this is an interesting thread so ill bite...

    Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate

    Vaan, ill agree that he was obnoxious. I cant think of once throughout the entire game that he grew to be more mature. he seemed to always be in it for himself, and had his own motives. Im sure this is not the case but the negative traits in his personality outweigh his positives.

    The Orange button on guitar hero/Rockband, stupid button. No one likes you. Your notes always show up when you're least wanted and you ruin my streaks.

    Gill, from Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Stupid boss. Not the hardest in the SF series, but when i first fought him, and saw him heal himself... made me angry. I take great joy in tearing apart this diaper wearing jerk.

    Like! Yeah!

    Kefka, Final Fantasy III
    The characteristics that would normally make him someones hated character are what i loved the most. He is sooo crazy, so, so, so crazy. And maniacal... and omg awesome.

    Thrall, Warcraft series There are so many great characters in the Warcraft universe... Jaina Proudmoore, Grom Hellscream, Broxigar, Magni Bronzebeard... But I daresay that Thrall trumps them all. He has come so far, and imo throughout all the games, i would have to say that he is one of the series' main characters. Or the main character. Think a moment about his exploits... Almost single handedly took down Mannoroth (with the help of Grom, but he died there.) Led his own people through the Dark Portal, and forged an entire empire through his charisma,kindness, and leadership created what we know as The Horde today. And for those that play World of Warcraft, he is currently holding the ENTIRE world of Azeroth together with his own two hands. Holding the Maelstrom open and keeping the world from ripping itself apart.

    I have more, but none that come to mind...


  12. #12
    Death Before Dishonor Your most loved and hated games characters Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters


    Vaan(FFXII) ~ Not honestly sure why. He kind of annoyed me, but then again so did alot of the charactres in XII. So not really sure, he just pisses me off.

    Wesker(RE5) ~ Whenever you fight him in the manor type looking place. Him, and Jill both always piss me off at that part. Once I got the Hydra, I simply triple barrel him right in the ass, and win. Come to think of it. I don't like Wesker anywhere. Previous game, movies, I all around hate his ass.

    Alex(Golden Sun) ~ He was far to smug in this game for his own good, and what really got me is you never got to fight him in it. I always wanted to just Djinn his teeth in, but was never given the chance. I would have loved to stomp him one good time.

    Sten(Dragon Agerigins) ~ Anyone who has played this game can more than likely guess why I don't like him. Everytime you talk to him, he is a doucher supreme. The only person in your group that I really like is the damn dog, and that is just cause he is a dog, and can't talk. Therefore can't give smart ass remarks.

    Raider's(Fallout 3) ~ I hate any, and every Raider in this game. They are annoying, and nothing, but a hassel when trying to explore the waste land. Mutated animal's I can deal with. But random ass crazies blasting me with rocket launcher from miles away uhh uhh.


    Snow(FFXIII) ~ He is just my kind of character you know. He always wants to be the hero, and rescue everyone, and he is completely full of himself, and cocky. Which is something that I like in a person, and a game character.

    Orlandu(FFT) ~ If you have played it you know why. He is just a monster when it comes to battle. He uses all sword skills that are seen throughout the game. Gotta love the thunder god. T.G. CID 4 LIFE

    Eddy Gordo(Tekken Series) ~ The thing I like about him is the capoeira. It is a real fighting style that is simply beautiful to watch. I am a huge fan of it, therefore a Eddy fan seeing as how it is what he uses to fight with.

    Vance(Fallout 3) ~ For those who don't know he is the vampire in the blood ties mission. I like him because of the shiskabob. By far my favorite sword in the entire game. Although Jing-Wei's shock sword is very close.

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  13. #13
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Your most loved and hated games characters T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    Hmm, most loved and hated of any game, not just RPGs? Well...let's do this!

    Loved (in one way or another)

    1) Terra Branford (Final Fantasy VI): Duh! Raise your hand if you didn't expected her to appear first. She' platonic love interest, so it's evident she will be a favorite character. Probably the first character in a game that really shook me, and it's an appreciation that I've grown and developed ever since my youth. So yeah...

    2) Axel Almer (Super Robot Taisen A, Original Generations, Original Generation Gaiden, OG Saga Endless Frontier Exceed): I'll admit it; at first, he was quite undesirable. A complete monster, to be said; had some issues with the female lead of the game, treated her like a "doll" without feelings or whatnot, and was quite savage. However, his theme song was great, and his moves were also great. Then I heard a little rumor about his "silly" side, and that hatred turned into admiration; quite was my surprise when I figured just how silly he could be when he was the good guy. Nowadays, I just see him as awesome; either if he's a silly amnesiac who tries to hit on every female, or the no-nonsense serious military officer, or even the noble demon whom opposes the party but does it out of duty and out of settling old scores. Then the prelude to his story is remade for an anime, and they ramp up his awesomeness tenfold.

    BTW, the voice of the monstrous mecha that looks like an Eva? Toshiyuki Morikawa, aka Sephy's voice in Japanese. Axel's voice (the guy that teleports away on the blue mecha) is Nobutoshi Canna, aka Gattsu from Berserk.

    3) Jansen Friedh (Lost Odyssey): Another acquired taste. For starters, he seems like an obnoxious coward, only there for the money and for the fame; a rascal and a scoundrel, and not even with the taste Han Solo mastered. Then you see a bit forward, his advances with the queen of Numara and how he deals with the children that form part of your party, and you start growing up on him. Then he just badmouths the big boss (which, as the game states, is an Immortal; you hang with four Immortals, and Jansen is not one of them), and his respect is dutifully earned. There's a lot of growth each time he appears, after he reveals his true cards and shows how he really is, his obnoxiousness turning into a nice charm. Oh, did you expected a Thief? Well, he has something like that, but he's actually your party's official Black Mage. No, really, he is.

    4) Mathiu Silverberg (Suikoden): Not really a main character but sort of an important NPC in your humongous party, this man is a strategical genius. He was known as a particularly ruthless but efficient strategist, but as a method of atonement he chooses to be a school teacher. Then the kingdom your group opposes attacks the place where he lives, and he casts away his mild-mannered attitude to aid your party in the tactics. And he proves to be quite effective; most of the time you use him in the large-scale battles, he offers superb advice and usually allows you to take the lead. When opposing the main character's father, he also goes a bit further and suggests unorthodox tactics to oppose the main character's father's cavalry; spears with flamethrowers. And his hand doesn't quiver. And he's the nicest of the Silverberg; the youngest (and the only female of the family) dies early on, and his brother is touted as even more ruthless yet slightly less efficient than him. For a middle-aged man, he earns my total respect, and he doesn't has to be a warrior or a magician to do so.

    Good Heat (these are villains that I personally despise, but also admire; the idea is that I don't hate them because of any issues I might have with them, but because IMO they do the job right of being despiccable)

    1) Romeo Guildenstern (Vagrant Story): In fear of what might be a big, long spoiler, I will have the explanation spoilered:
    At first, you see him as a cruel but dutiful leader of a band of warriors, whom follow him out on a mission for...well, stopping the supposed bad guy, Sydney Losstarot. Then, you notice that he's particularly detached, perhaps a bit too cruel, while Sydney isn't as cruel as you think (rather, he's a bit too methodical on his actions). As time goes on, and you send more and more of his people to death, you realize he has ulterior intentions and that he might not be as pious as you see him; of course, he's an antagonist much as Sydney is. And just when you're about to take your battle with Sydney at last...

    ...Well, he shows he's just a complete and utter bastard. First, he rips the magic tattoo from Sydney, meaning that the supposed big bad and the minor antagonist switch roles and you're supposed to fight Guildenstern instead. Then, he reveals his master plan; he wanted to take the power of the Dark, the power of the place you're standing, for his own.

    But the worst? See that cute girl, the one with the white rose tattoo on her chest, the one that the main protagonist used several times as a window to catch on the Blades? The one that during the entire story is shown to be pretty innocent, and hopelessly in love with Guildenstern? Yeah, well; kiss her goodbye. He blatantly claims he only used her because he needed an innocent soul to sacrifice. That draws the line, and the two battles against him are satisfying in a cathartic way.

    And yet, you can't help but wonder in his magnificent acts of bastard. This I call "good heat", because you have to hate him and admire him, but not hate him because he's obnoxious or anything, but because he definitely deserves no atonement for his actions.

    2) Kefka Palazzo (Final Fantasy VI): Really, no surprise here. If I've supported him in the last few Villain knock-offs is for one reason; he's adorably despicable, to the point that you simply can't forgive him for what he has done...and he still does it in a very elegant way. But, as the forums show, YMMV.

    3) Vindel Mauser (Super Robot Taisen A, Original Generation 2): Much like Axel, he's quite the surprising villain. For starters, his intentions (and that of his group, the Shadow-Mirror) aren't very clear, but when you start going further down the path, he reveals his master plan, one that's interesting to behold; in order to save the world, he plans to plunge it into endless war, so that humanity is pretty much forced to advance or else perish. By going to the maximum extremes of social Darwinism to the extent of engineering a master war between loads of aliens, the Earth and space-living Earthlings (in A) or engineering a war between the remnants of an opposing group and the unified Earth Federation while plotting with another group of aliens (in OG2) shows just how despicable he may be. And yet, his good heat generates not only in his goals (which shows his madness, and yet his clarity of mind within that madness) and the fact that he does a lot with so little. In A, he has about 5,000 troops, and each and every one of those troops are capable of manipulating entire armies into unrest; in OG2 he's a bit stronger than before but even then he manages to make important deals to multiply his technology to a full fighting force. And when he fights, he uses quite the badass unit. And his song is awesome. And his seiyuu (Hideyuki Umezu) has a very deep voice, a la Norio Wakamoto. Really, quite the spectacular character.

    4) Luca Bright (Suikoden II): If someone deserves to be respected and have his guts hated, is this guy. Pretty much driven by the desire for revenge for all the ills visited on his family, he basically becomes an unstoppable juggernaut, which requires pretty much your entire party to defeat. But that's not the peculiar thing; it's that he does that (IIRC) without the aid of magical runes (specifically True Runes), and that the reason he gives to be evil simply don't run out; he has given himself to hatred, and while he might have a reason to conquer and destroy, he has grown to enjoy it. He's one of the few guys you can kill without any need for mercy; he doesn't seem to have a conscience anymore. That is, IF you can kill him.

    5) Albedo Piazzola (Xenosaga): I dunno, but I think I have a soft spot for maniacal villains that really deserve to die (or is that righteous anger? I have no clue). Albedo is this kind of character; mysterious, but irredeemably mad, and still has a good reason why to do so. But it's really the squick that causes him to be effective as a hated villain (in a sense of good heat); the psychological assault on MOMO is just...well, partly priceless and partly "dude, you're really sick, you're assaulting a loli" thing. I really feel so bad for the Kirschwassers, that by the time I'm...well, supposed to take him down, I might get that cathartic feeling of going the extra mile for Erde Kaiser. What's the worst thing that can happen? Oh yeah, he regenerates himself and...things happen. And he seems so quiet...

    6) Gongora (Lost Odyssey): A smug done hatefully right. Someone who's effectively Immortal (much like most of your characters), sly, manipulative, and when he gets absolute power he uses it with cackle and glee. Someone whom apparently has an aversion to truth (except when convenient), trust, and simple plans, plus that ridiculous clothing and haircut. But he really goes far when he engineers wars just to have a massive magic engine just so that he can destroy stuff, considering he has lived for about 1000 years and is probably VERY BORED... YMMV with him; he may be liked or disliked, but you definitely can't say he's forgettable.

    Hated (in one way or another)

    1) Maxim (Lufia II: Curse of the Sinistrals): Hoo boy! Well...I must admit, this is an acquired taste, but it's a definite one. A friend of mine better suits it this way: you have someone who would effectively die for you, is the closest thing to your childhood friend, accompanies you for the length of your adventure, is really, really cute, go for the elf warrior-mage chick!? Whom you've just met about three seconds ago!? Really, Maxim; really!? Then comes the Squeenix remake, and what do they do? They uber-hotify Selan and make Tia...some sort of weird monster. Ugh. ...So yeah, it's a silly reason, but there ARE sillier reasons to hate a character, no? But I feel that the story used a red herring in a pretty bad way. And then you get Dekar pretty much eclipsing Maxim in awesomeness...

    2) Necron (Final Fantasy IX): No matter how many convincing people try to give me, this is one big "why the heck he even exists!?" He tried to steal the spotlight from Kuja without doing anything; at least Ultimecia tried to do something behind the scenes, as a proper manipulator, but Necron didn't even try. He just...appears out of nowhere to die sent into nothingness...or something.

    3) Tingle (Legend of Zelda): Uh...remind me why we should have a gay fairy again? C'mon, the portrayal of gay people has advanced a lot during the last few years, and you have to have someone who's just so campy it's ridiculous! And he has little importance in the story, unlike...say...I dunno, the Oracles or even the fastidious Navi (which, while bothersome, isn't nearly half as bad as Tingle, and actually helps on targeting and finding secret items, so you can withstand her "Listen!" every now and then.

    Bad Heat (basically those characters I consider mediocre at best, because they're supposed to be awesome but something just doesn't ring right).

    1) Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII): And here's one you probably expect as well. Don't go debating why he's awesome or surprisingly well done (or not); I've explained myself a lot and this is part 2 of the Molotov cocktail that usually follows his trail, and if there's any need to debate just...wait for the right thread or something. But there are a few things that really turn me off admiring him by any means; probably it's the treatment in Advent Children, maybe it's the exaltation by some fans, maybe it's because he's popular, or maybe because he's a bishounen, but he doesn't bring the same excitement as other FF villains such as Kefka, Exdeath, Zemus, Ultimecia or Kuja by any means. It's...sorta like how I can't handle John Cena even if he's supposed to be THE face of WWE.

    2) Jack of Blades (Fable): Quite shamefully, toiling hard to find another character with bad heat, I find Jack to be quite the example. He's despicable, and he tries to show...but he appears quite too late. As for what he does...
    Probably the most despicable is to burn the Guild of Heroes to the ground just for kicks. He starts as a smug, being pretty obviously evil when he gives to the people of the Arena a fight to the death (a very obvious good/evil choice for the Hero), then he goes with the "you know, I'm gonna reunite you with Mama! Wasn't she hot and everything?" Then he goes and lets you find your mother, captures you, makes your living life a nightmare, you escape, he finds the secret of your heritage and something, drives the world into darkness, forces you and other Heroes to fight his Minions, etc. etc.

    So...seems like a pretty strong villain, considering that he achieves (to a point) what he wanted; near-absolute power by holding the most powerful weapon in existence, the Sword of Kings. So why he's just one inch below greatness?

    You see...the first Fable isn't very strong on narrative. It tries to be non-linear and open, and the story is more about how your Hero goes to be the paragon of virtue, a common murderer and ne'er-do-well, or outright worse than Jack himself. So, you could have expected to have something like...I dunno, fighting yourself as the opposite of what you are (your evil urges if Good, your conscience if Evil, and your indecisiveness if "Neutral"), so having someone so desperately try to be hated with such an empty reason makes him fall very short of the right spot. Looking at his actions, you may expect him to act quite right on what he does, and he certainly acts the despicable part. But, had there been more meat to that story, that would have been magnificent; Jack could have certainly been the most despicable of all villains, just because he treats you like nothing. But he appears pretty much halfway through the story, and suddenly everything seems to be hammered into him: the sack of Oakvale, your training (through Maze), the sorrows of the main character's sister (through slavery and blindness), and more. It's all so sudden, and you get lost on the idea of "hey, I can be a tycoon at the cities!" or "hey, should I be a mighty Paladin or a brutal Assassin or what?" that it kinda misses the point.

    Perhaps if the game had been much longer, the narrative a bit better explained, giving some earlier hints about his existence, and then the sudden twist of revealing that Jack is just a reflection of the Evil you could have been (or the Evil you could be) would have been masterful. Perhaps it's the smugness that rubs off the wrong way, perhaps it's because Molyneux sucks at doing narrative, but he falls real short of the target.

    I dunno if I might have any more, but that's as best as I might work with.
    Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.

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    The Final Boss Theorem:
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    'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
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    Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:

  14. #14

    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    Here's a thread for me!

    LOVE -

    Jr. (Xenosaga) - I just love this little redhead to pieces. His personality endeared him to me from the start. And I adore his interactions with his brother, which leads to...

    Albedo (Xenosaga) - How could you not love the twisted maniac that this guy is? There's more to him than he first leads you to believe, and it's his inner workings that intrigue me.

    Yuri Hyuga (Shadow Hearts) - SH was the first RPG I ever played, and Yuri is the man. He needs no describing; he simply is that awesome.

    Raven (Tales of Vesperia) - This guy drew me in from the moment he appeared on-screen.

    Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia) - I was worried he might sully the Yuri name, but I worried for no reason. He does the name justice.

    HATE -

    Sodia (Tales of Vesperia) - I won't go into details. Suffice it to say that I just can't stomach this girl.

    Yuriev (Xenosaga) - If they removed him from the Xenosaga universe, I'd be thrilled beyond belief. Words cannot express how much I loathe this man.

    Sephiroth (FFVII) - I can't even see this guy as a real villain. He irritated me that much.
    Last edited by Glorious Raven; 02-27-2011 at 03:16 PM.
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  15. #15
    Registered User Your most loved and hated games characters Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    -Vaan (FFXII)
    -Hyrule chickenhead freaks (Zelda TP)

    -Yuri Hyuga (Shadow Hearts)
    -Link (The Legend of Zelda)
    -Garnet (FFIX)
    -Zidane (FFIX)
    -Vivi (FFIX)
    -Ice Climbers
    -Ayane (Tenchu)
    -Gabe Logan (Syphon Filter)
    Last edited by Zidane77; 03-02-2011 at 04:11 AM.

  16. #16
    Mojo Jojo Your most loved and hated games characters Trunks's Avatar
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    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    Quote Originally Posted by Glorious Raven
    Raven (Tales of Vesperia) - This guy drew me in from the moment he appeared on-screen.
    I liked him when I got the knight captain suit. Before that I thought he looked like a douche. Just my opinion. XD

    Quote Originally Posted by T.G. Oskar
    3) Tingle (Legend of Zelda): Uh...remind me why we should have a gay fairy again? C'mon, the portrayal of gay people has advanced a lot during the last few years, and you have to have someone who's just so campy it's ridiculous! And he has little importance in the story, unlike...say...I dunno, the Oracles or even the fastidious Navi (which, while bothersome, isn't nearly half as bad as Tingle, and actually helps on targeting and finding secret items, so you can withstand her "Listen!" every now and then.
    Amen, brother. I particularly agree because of the Tingle featured in the wind waker. Good lord I hated that guy. I should have left him in jail where he belonged. In Majoras mask the maps he sold you were the most pointless waste of money ever to feature in a game. You could wander the practically linear paths in no time. It may have helped if they worked in the sense that AC: Brotherhoods maps worked. You know, show the locations of heart pieces maybe? Navi and Tatl were a far cry away from Tingles tiresome pointlessness.

    I just thought of another character I hate; Hammer from Fable II. Possibly the worse tank character I've ever seen. She just talks utter crap wherever she goes. Anybody who does the most minuscule amount of damage whilst commenting on the dungeon I beat 3 hours ago pisses me off. The only impact she ever had on my game was annoying getting in my way during battle, annoying the guards at the crucible so I had to be famous to enter, and preventing me from fast-travelling thus preventing me from free roaming in a free roam game.
    Gypsy Elder is my awesome TFF sister.
    We have a faithful dog, Calvan, to keep us company.

  17. #17

    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    Quote Originally Posted by Trunks View Post
    I liked him when I got the knight captain suit. Before that I thought he looked like a douche. Just my opinion. XD
    Ha, I hate that costume with a fiery passion. I only like his Gentleman and Shining Star costumes. I would have loved to get his Ricardo outfit, but I sadly only have the 360 version.

    I dislike his original outfit, though. It makes him look like a homeless guy, but his personality overrides the outfit from the get-go. XD
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  18. #18
    Just kind of there. Your most loved and hated games characters Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    Mario- He was my first videogame character. I man, Who can bring themselves to hate mario?

    Any one of Sonic's friends barring Tails, Knuckles, And Amy. They are all frecking annoying.
    -My Tee Eff Eff Family-
    Unknown Entity, My recipe trading, PS3 playing cousin.
    And then just like that i'm gone again.

  19. #19
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    I think I'll add a few more. A few entries above have made me think of some more.


    Sonic the Hedgehog. I mean, come on. He's the guy! He can run really fast, and he's got the 'tude!
    Yoshi. Especially in Yoshi's Island. Think that game had the best design for him, definitely. Cute little bastard.
    Geno. One of the coolest characters everybody wanted that did not appear in SSBB. Critical failure.
    Blaze the Cat. The fiery princess from another dimension. She's also got the 'tude. My favorite of Sonic's friends.

    Cool Villains (Thanks for the idea, TG Oskar)

    Kefka Palazzo: Favorite Final Fantasy villain, bar none. Gave me every reason to hate him in game.
    Sigma from Mega Man X. Bad ass robot. Especially his first form in Mega Man X with the lightsaber thingy.
    Vile, also Mega Man X. Ripped off Boba Fett's helmet, but I can forgive him that. Decidedly insane, violent robot with a shoulder cannon. Cool design.
    Storm Eagle, also, Mega Man X. Probably my favorite Mega Man robot master ever. He had a kick-ass design, a kick-ass stage theme song, and possibly the only robot master with a tragic anti-villain back story. Really makes me wish they'd do more with him.
    Harlie, Crono Cross. A decidedly tragic anti-villain. I mean, yeah, she did some terrible stuff, but by the end, she seemed to regret it and wanted to be with Surge, from what I understood. Especially if you watch all the endings. Definitely my favorite character in that game.


    Freakin' Amy Rose. Can't stand her. Annoying little fangirl stalker. Sally was 100 times cooler. At least.
    Arle Howe from Dragon Age. I didn't even know his full story my first play through, and I still greatly enjoyed kicking his ass and ending him. Then, I found out more... total bastard.

    Also guys, let's try not to just list names. Give some reasons behind your decisions. Don't let this just become a list thread! Most people are doing a good job of this, in any case, but just sayin'. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  20. #20
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Your most loved and hated games characters Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    Hmm, When I post my Hate list, I mean I wanted to shred their existence into nihility and if they were alive right now infront of me, they wouldn't be for long.

    Sheva from Re5. I know it is scripting, but seriously. I JUST finished farming Heart of Africa from Wesker, but for some reason, Sheva kept on getting shot down from Jill, forcing me to buy a bullet prof vest, but then she leads jill to me, while i'm fighting wesker, and Jill shoots me down, forcing me to buy yet another bulletproof vest.

    Azazel from the Ps3 version of Tekken 6. Really, the worst boss in existence tho I beat him my 3rd try. I mean hell, that powerful and likes to spam attacks... Beating him with Raven is hard as hell.

    Vayne from FF12 was a good villain plot wise but in battle he was... chump food. I mean, even if there are numerous hunts, the boss should be harder than the previous boss.(Tho I have been noticing a trend the bosses right before the final boss prove to be harder)

    Like list.
    While I do like characters, I don't like anybody on the same scale as I hate the posted characters.

    Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...

  21. #21
    Badass Military Agent Your most loved and hated games characters Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Your most loved and hated games characters

    Hmm this is pretty interesting let's go with the characters

    I HATE!!!

    Zephyr from Resonance of Fate- He started off awesome, badass, everything I ever wanted in someone who carries around a machine gun.... then IT happened, a cutscene and some emotional exchange later he turned into a little whiny bitch, and anyone who reads my post would know I hate little whiny bitches!!! Why couldn't he just stay awesome?

    Sazh from FFXIII - Being one of few african american people in videogames I was expecting much out of him, although his sarcasm and stuff was on point, he ended up being a whiny little bitch as well, I wanted to slap him at times...

    I LOVE!!!

    Ryu from Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter

    Pure badass, I'd put his name under Badass in the dictionary, one of few main characters and I mean few, very few, who would risk everything including the destruction of a world to save someone. No matter who got in his way, he cut them down whether it was a doctor, his best friend, his teacher, women, children, old people, Ryu was on point. Even when faced with repeating a prophecy of destruction Ryu could care less about it, he was pointed in one direction the entire game and that was UP. I've rarely seen characters of his caliber nowadays, he's a legend.

    Wein Cruz from Growlanser II: The Sense of Justice

    Normally I'm against guys all for justice and being soft, smooth, generous and all that sentimental stuff but Wein did a good job of presenting it with a taste of something else, can't quite pinpoint it.... ah yes being an effin BADASS, he singlehandedly made this game awesome for me. Whether it was going up against his friend, deciding the fate of a world, being frame for murder, Wein was just on the ball. It is definitely the greatest of all time, I rarely play others like this except from Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter, singlehandedly taking on a group of people so your friends can get away, pure awesomeness, most games where that happens, someone steps up and say no you can't blah blah blah and eventually they come back to help out saying I just couldn't leave you alone blah blah blah. Wein was like bitch get the hell outta here now I got this shit son, and he handled his business like a man. I might go back through it for the god knows how many times I beat it lol

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