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Thread: Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time

  1. #1

    Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time

    Name the 3 games in Zelda series that you liked most in the order from best to 3rd best. You can also discuss about the other games you didn't pick.

    The 3 Zelda games I liked most were these:

    1.Majora's Mask - awesome story, awesome dark setting, lot's of side quests, tons more heart pieces to find, good difficulty, awesome and original levels and dungeons.

    2.A Link to the Past - a Zelda classic. Awesome dungeons, good difficulty, lot's of secrets, great setting, great bosses.

    3.Ocarina of Time - a great all around game with good difficulty, awesome dungeons, good story and many nice Zelda secrets.

    Haven't played any other Zelda games, but I took a glimpse on youtube at the Wind Waker and Twilight Princess and have read that they're good games as well.

  2. #2
    Memento Rhapso Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time

    1) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
    It's my favorite now and probably always will be. It's the music, the graphics, and the tone of the game that drove it home for me. I love it to death.

    2) The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
    The latest and second greatest in my opinion. It was breathtaking, wonderful, and the controls were perfect. I'd say this one ties with TP, but SS doesn't quite have that serious tone that made me love TP as much as I do. Not saying that it needs it, or that all Zelda games should be serious, but TP is special because of that.

    3) The Legend of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
    This one gets loads of bad reputation, but it's one of my favorites regardless. It tied with Wind Waker on my list, but I'm going to pick it because it was an amazing challenge, and, even with the RPG elements, helped define what a Zelda game is.

    It was really hard to pick favorites for the sake of this thread. I honestly don't have a least favorite Zelda game- they're almost all on the same level. So, the ones I didn't pick are still amazing games to me, but these ones are almost exalted above them.
    Fun fact: The voice actor for Viral in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann also did the voice acting (grunts and shouts) for Link in Twilight Princess.

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  3. #3
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time

    I. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - most valuable game in my collection for personal reasons. Link's Awakening got me into Zelda series, aside nostalgia it's a really good game, one of few that broke the usual Zelda pattern. I've beaten it so many times now I can could do it blindfolded.

    II. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - the best one if you ask me, even though it means little as storytelling isn't Zelda's strongest point this one has the best story out of them all. I feel this game did more for Zelda series than Mario 64 managed to do for it's franchise.

    III. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - it was really hard for me to chose the third game, not because they're all equally good, better yet no other sticks out to me like the first two. In the end the choice fell down on A Link to the Past as it is overall a great game.

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  4. #4
    Registered User Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time Kuja's Avatar
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    Re: Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time

    I really can't decide, I haven't really played and finished most Zelda games, I must've only completed at least 3 of them. xD

    But Twilight Princess is my top favorite. It was my first Zelda game, introducing me to the Zelda series. I really think it was a great game to start with, it had a great story and adventure, and characters, and I don't like it just for the graphics, but they were pretty amazing too, and I'd love to have another game with those kinds of graphics. There was so much to explore, and alot of the changing from Link to Wolf Link was great too, it gave the game a different feel.

    Skyward Sword would come second. I played this game non-stop once I got it, and I loved it. The cartoon-ish graphics and everything, it was amazing. It took a while to get used to though, different controls and all that too, but it was very enjoyable. I particularly loved Groose, and all the character changes he went through, throughout the game. This game had some challenging parts, but it really wasn't too hard, and pretty straight-forward and easy to play.

    And I think my other favorite would have to be Ocarina of Time. It's like the only other Zelda game I've completed, other then Phantom Hourglass, but anywho. I think this might've actually been my second Zelda game, really. It made me really enjoy classic games like this, on the N64 and systems before that. I really loved the ability to play the Ocarina in this game, I loved all of the songs you could play, and it was always a great feeling when you're able to memorize them all too. This game had a pretty great adventure too, being able to switch from Kid and Adult Link.

    But what am I saying, I love all Zelda games, besides Majora's Mask, that one scared me alot.. xD
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  5. #5
    Relaxin' with Final Fantasy Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time KainsBro's Avatar
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    Re: Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time

    A Link to the Past is #1 for me, just played like crazy when it first came out! I still love it!

    The Wind Waker: I just played it almost non-stop when it came out! I just loved exploring the Ocean trying to find all the hidden stuff! God knows how much time I spent going around to all the platforms and using the hook to pull up items out of those glowing rings! Just awesome Dungeons and great story!

    Ocarina of Time: Is any list of Zelda games complete without it? One of the best all-time games EVER created! Absolutely flawless in my opinion!

  6. #6
    Queen Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time

    My top 3 are:

    1. A Link To The Past
    2. Ocarina Of Time
    3. Majora's Mask

    I love Zelda.

  7. #7
    Memento Rhapso Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time

    Quote Originally Posted by omgawd View Post
    My top 3 are:

    1. A Link To The Past
    2. Ocarina Of Time
    3. Majora's Mask

    I love Zelda.
    Riveting detail. Why is ALTtP your number one?

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    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time

    Quote Originally Posted by Viral View Post
    Riveting detail. Why is ALTtP your number one?
    Why are you backseat modding? Don't do that, that is against the rules. Report a post instead But yeah, more detail would be good, omgawd.

    As for my favorites:

    Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
    is the first Zelda I ever played, and for some reason it is the one I have the most love for. Even if lots of people hate it. Maybe it's the nostalgia factor? but I also like it for the battle mechanics, the music, and the RPG elements (it being the most rpg-like of the series.)

    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    cannot be denied as a genuine classic. The first 3D Zelda title, with a huge world to explore and get lost in. I still need to beat it some day... I am at the end. I got stuck, though.

    The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
    was once upon a time my favorite video game, period. Then I played it way too much, and it got old. Still, I have super fond memories of exploring the land of Hyrule, finding all its secrets. Remember wanting to travel beyond the country's borders, see what was out there. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  9. #9
    Registered User Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time
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    Re: Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time

    My favorites are all tied for first. That's just how I do. Hard to rate 'em, so I love them all equally. In no particular order:

    Wind Waker - If I had to live in a post-apocalyptic world, I think I'd choose the Wind Waker. Yeah, sailing everywhere can be a pain, but on the whole, it's a pretty cheery-looking setting. Loved the combat, and the facial animations gave Link so much character for me. Plus, we learned that Ganondorf has actual motivations for his actions other than "Because I'm evil!"

    Skyward Sword - GROOOOOOOSE! And to a lesser extent Ghirahim. He was a fun villain. Again, really satisfying fights (dem jingles~ <3) and very beautiful-looking game overall.

    Ocarina of Time- I can't even recall how many times I played this one, but it's a lot, and I still love it. I still remember the commercials that played advertising the game, and how pumped my brothers and I were for it. We finally got enough cash together to buy it, and it was amazing.

    The only Zelda game that I played that gets a distinctive "meh..." from me would be Phantom Hourglass, which is unfortunate because I thought Wind Waker was so awesome. That tower was so tedious though. Really dragged the whole experience down for me... :/ You may also notice a distinct lack of 2D love in my list... Well, I haven't played much of those, but once I'm caught up with the main (non-MMO) FF games (just II and V to go!), I'll get to work on the Zelda backlog.
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  10. #10
    Queen Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time

    Quote Originally Posted by Viral View Post
    Riveting detail. Why is ALTtP your number one?
    That was the point, I chose not to soo..wanted to get straight into it. But since ur itching to know, A Link To The Past is my No 1. because I loved the alternate worlds, puzzles and strangely I always looked forward to the final bosses for each dungeon and the music. That sound when you open a treasure chest is my message tone. I love it in it's 2D glory and Ocarina Of Time was the best transition for the series into 3D graphics amongst alot of other things. Majora's Mask was a great sequel to OoT with its darker setting and originality.

  11. #11
    the night man cometh Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time Joxsjua's Avatar
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    Re: Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time

    The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past was amazing when it 1st came out. Had me captivated as much as Final Fantasy 4 for the SNES. When Nintendo Power magazine fell short of supplying me with the complete strategy guide for this I found myself calling up the tip line # and racking up the phone bill for my parents.

    Zelda II: The Adventure of Link was the second RPG leveling style game I played, with Final Fantasy 1 being the 1st. The idea of an action RPG back then was mind-blowing. Trying to grind levels in this was horrible if you already got all the exp bags but I still had a blast with this one.
    The worst part about the game were the flying demon heads that knock you off into the lava that moved exactly like the Medusa heads from Castlevania. Maybe that's where all the bad reviews stemmed from, lol.

    The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening I was the last kid around to get a gameboy back in the day but when I finally got one this game was just being released. It had all the elements from the original Zelda and then some. Tons of fun, but to honest I could never get into the N64, GameCube, or Wii Zeldas so the original gameboy title won 3rd place in my book.

    At the moment I'm playing I'm trying out The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for the DS and it's pretty fun the 3-4 hours I've played so far. Although I'm struggling to find any DS titles that I find captivating. Maybe my console gaming days are over. =[

  12. #12
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    Ocarina of time-superb game play and storyline

    Majoras mask-same as ocarina or time just prefer ocarina of time

    Wind waker/link to the past-hard to decide both fantastic games!

    Between these four games I found it so hard to split and decide I love them all! Fantastic games.

    On that note if someone made me choose between only ever being able to play zelda series or final fantasy series I probably couldn't decide which I would choose! Hard choice!!!

  13. #13

    Re: Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time

    It's cool how everyone picked his/her own best 3, but I was surprised that almost all picked ALTTP in their top 3. Yeah, that was the game that really captivated me as well and I think it set standards for all future Zeldas ahead. It showed just how complex and vast Zelda games could be. I played the hell out of it, when it first came out as well. Good times.

  14. #14
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time

    1. Ocarina of Time: I know it's the most well known, but I don't care. I love it, a true classic. It's also the first Zelda game I played, and my first games in a series always stick with me.

    2. Phantom Hourglass: While it's not always highly ranked, I thoroughly enjoyed this game. I loved the visuals more than anything.

    3. Original game: The one that started it all. To me, the original game is the most addictive, and it is still tons of fun even now. It's probably my most played game on my 3DS (apart from OoT )

  15. #15
    Soaring to the sky Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time Pie Bot's Avatar
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    Re: Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time

    I've only ever completed two Zelda games but I think I can get a top three

    1) Ocarina of Time
    I could say because it's fun but that's too simple, putting it bluntly it was compelling and it made me want to play it through (although I don't get why people think that the Water Temple was that hard ... )

    2) Skyward Sword
    It had a fun premise and some nice controls, it has my favorite item (the Beetle), but it didn't reach its fullest potential, such as, many dungeons are too short (at least for my tastes) and then there are Silent Realms ... anyhow, it has its ups and downs but I think OoT gets a better place in the ranking

    3) Phantom Hourglass
    It is a nice game, although the timed dungeon wasn't done very well (at least in my opinion) and the wild goose hunt on a part of the game is a bit off-putting ...
    But, it was a nice game overall

  16. #16

    Re: Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time

    Just curious, have you played Majora's Mask as well? How was it compared to OOT?

  17. #17
    Just kind of there. Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: Your 3 most favorite Zelda games of all time

    Quote Originally Posted by Odin1199 View Post
    Just curious, have you played Majora's Mask as well? How was it compared to OOT?
    Majora's mask is amazing. Definately number 4 on my list.


    3) Twilight princess.
    The game to say the least brought me out of a very dark place in my life.
    I don't to this day know how that worked out as dark as the game can turn.
    Between the best looking Graphics in the series, In my humble opinion.
    And the sheer size of the world. Twilight Princess comes in at number 3.

    2) Link's Awakening(DX).
    The first portable Zelda is also the best portable Zelda.
    Between the awesome soundtrack and the great grapics(Even for a monochrome game it looks great!)
    [SPOIL]The fact that
    It was all just a Shipwrecked Link's dehydration dream.

    Kept it from being number 1 on my my list.

    3) A Link to the Past.
    A game the needs no introduction. A Link to the past is quite frankly my favorite in the series. No matter how many times I play it. I always seems to have the drive to play it the whole way through.
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