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Thread: WoW

  1. #1
    Air from my lungs. WoW Violet's Avatar
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    Just to make things clear, I'm not making this thread for you guys to bash on WoW. I know a lot of people hate it and say all kinds of bad things about it, but I'm not interested in seeing that. What I am interested in, for this thread, is who is still playing it.

    Yes, I am one of those people that actually like playing it. I'm not a hardcore WoW gamer, I can live without it. Infact, I just started playing it again yesterday, as I still had a WoW card(expires in May), so I decided to use it. The only high leveled character I have is a level 74 warrior on the Alliance side. I've been playing it off and on since 2006, and I still don't have a maxed out character. This just goes to show you how much of a casual gamer I am.

    I want to know who is still playing WoW, or who would like to play WoW if they had somebody to play it with.
    I'm going to be playing it with Loaf for 10 days, since his internet cuts out after that, but it would be interesting to see who else would like to join us.

    Again, this isn't about bashing WoW. Go bash it in that MMO thread Che made. I'll report your post otherwise, since I made this point clear enough.
    Last edited by Violet; 03-09-2010 at 05:47 AM.

  2. #2
    TFFF Ghost WoW Howling Wind's Avatar
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    Re: WoW

    One of my friends at school still plays it. But a lot of people in my school play. I tried it once but it never got my interest. I think the deathknight class is OK. It's growing on me. I watch my friend play it sometimes. Only she goes in the battle ground and attempts to murder everyone.

    She has a level 30 and a 80 and a 77 I think. Shaman, Hunter and a Rogue.
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  3. #3
    Professional Klutz. WoW Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: WoW

    I play Violet.

    We have a problem, though. You guys are US... I'm UK. Would I have to make a new character in order to join you guys? If that's the case then I'll have to go against all my principles and grind my way to a decent level. I just can't face doing the mind-numbingly boring first quests again.

    So I'll join you Ann. We'll have to work out how, though.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
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  4. #4
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: WoW

    Quote Originally Posted by Hyzenthlay View Post
    I play Violet.

    We have a problem, though. You guys are US... I'm UK. Would I have to make a new character in order to join you guys? If that's the case then I'll have to go against all my principles and grind my way to a decent level. I just can't face doing the mind-numbingly boring first quests again.

    So I'll join you Ann. We'll have to work out how, though.

    You need to buy a copy of the game from the US and make a new account, not just a new character, in order to play on US servers.

    Djinn and I had this issue when the game first came out, I bought two copies and mailed him his overseas.

    Anyways, I've been playing WoW off and on, with 6-8 month breaks, since the day it came out. In vanilla (no expansions WoW) I had a level 60 Night Elf Rogue I raided with along with an alt 60 paladin I never played, come BC I leveled my rogue to 70 along with a druid and raided Kara and Gruuls endlessly with, then rerolled horde with a Blood Elf Priest, made her 70, raided up to 7/9 Black Temple. I also leveled another druid horde-side for PvP healing.

    Currently, with Wrath, I have a level 80 undead rogue (current main, was raiding, stopped after 2 wings of ICC), 80 blood elf priest, 80 orc hunter, 80 tauren druid, and 80 blood elf paladin, along with a 71 orc shaman and a 71 tauren warrior (Who's been around since vanilla)

    My alliance toons, since I've gone back a couple times, are my original vanilla rogue (now 73) the BC druid (now 73) and my vanilla alt paladin (now 71)

    I only log in nowadays to farm something or other, wether it be ore on the rogue, leather/scales on the hunter, jewelcrafting dailies on the paladin, herbs on the druid, or spam my priest's enchanting in trade.

    My priest was my original main for Wrath, raided all of the launch content (Naxx, Obsidian Sanctum, Malygos) and was 4/5 T7 with most 213 epics in every slot, as holy. My Rogue is in mostly 25 man ToC and 10/25 man ICC gear, with a couple old pieces of T9. I just sell all my frost emblems for money (via primordial saronites). =\

    I'm pretty bored with the game now, as I said I just login to farm and make money (25K current gold total, all 7 70+ toons have epic/NR flying, and two of my alliance toons have NR/epic flying, and one just has NR) I don't have anything to shoot for anymore, my priest is ICC ready, my rogue was raiding ICC, my hunter is done with heroics/emblems, my paladin is in all tank gear from heroics/emblems, and my druid... well, tree < priest, boomkin < mage, kitty < rogue, bear < prot paladin. I have no use for my druid anymore, and would gladly delete him if I needed to for another toon slot.

    The only goal I have for myself in the game is to get my shaman and warrior to 80 before Cataclysm, as well as another class to-be-determined, but I might save my last 2 toon slots for leveling Cataclysm toons.


    I play, I have 5 80s and 5 70+ toons, and I only play nowadays for making in-game money to pass the time, I'm not as hardcore as I used to be.

  5. #5
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: WoW

    Sean, that isn't true, you change the .wtf file and your realms change from EU to US. You also just download the US version and reinstall it.
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  6. #6
    Professional Klutz. WoW Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: WoW

    Either way, I'd end up getting the US version by paying. You can't download each one for free. I may as well just order the US game, at least I can get that for a cheaper price on Amazon or something.

    Thanks for the information guys. I'll get the game, then.

    Loaf, how exactly would I go about changing to a .wtf file?

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
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  7. #7
    Air from my lungs. WoW Violet's Avatar
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    Re: WoW

    That's weird. I thought you just switch servers or something like that. Well, let me know when you buy the US version, we can go pwn shiz together :3.

  8. #8
    Professional Klutz. WoW Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: WoW

    What race do you play as Violet? I have a level 74 Draenai hunter, a level 50 night elf warrior and a level 47 blood elf mage.

    I suppose I'll go back to being a Draenai again. I liked them the best. Maybe I'll be one of the new species actually. When I finally do join you that is.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  9. #9

    Re: WoW

    Personally, i have never played it and probably never will, it doesn't appeal to me. But i do know a lot of people who do play it, they all seem very happy with playing it.

  10. #10
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: WoW

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    Sean, that isn't true, you change the .wtf file and your realms change from EU to US. You also just download the US version and reinstall it.
    Source? When I looked it up, Blizzard posted saying US and EU keys would be different and localized to only allow US or EU servers and accounts. This means that you need a US key (thus a US account) to play on US servers and a EU key (and thus a EU account) to play on EU servers. You might be able to switch the actual client to show you EU servers, but it doesn't mean your account can connect to them.

    This, of course, was when the game first came out.

  11. #11
    Air from my lungs. WoW Violet's Avatar
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    Re: WoW

    Quote Originally Posted by Hyzenthlay View Post
    What race do you play as Violet? I have a level 74 Draenai hunter, a level 50 night elf warrior and a level 47 blood elf mage.

    I suppose I'll go back to being a Draenai again. I liked them the best. Maybe I'll be one of the new species actually. When I finally do join you that is.


    My current character is a lv 76 gnome warrior, and I have another character that's a lv 36 drae shaman. I always play alliance, I never really cared for the horde(only in Warcraft 3 ).

    Do you like pvp servers?

  12. #12
    Professional Klutz. WoW Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: WoW

    Pvp servers are the same as any, to me. If I play on a pvp server for long enough it's the norm. Why, do you play on them? I can do that.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
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  13. #13
    Air from my lungs. WoW Violet's Avatar
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    Re: WoW

    My main is on a regular server. I'd say come join me and Loaf on the pvp server, but he's not gonna have internet for long. So just come join me on Proudmoore, it's PVE . Character's name is Ryas.

  14. #14
    Rune Knight WoW Trodorne's Avatar
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    Re: WoW

    DEATH TO THE ALLIANCE. sorry im horde and never will change.

    but the game is fun and i love the story for the horde. it is an outcast society that fights to defend what little they have. and if you want to get a good background into WoW there are movies on just search Warcraft lore and you can learn more on the backgrounds of most of the characters. I love the grizzly hills.

  15. #15
    Professional Klutz. WoW Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: WoW

    I'll do that. I've ordered it so it should be on it's way. Should be fun to have somebody to play with rather than my clan... They just bitch and moan.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
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  16. #16
    Air from my lungs. WoW Violet's Avatar
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    Re: WoW

    Lol. We shall kick ass and reign supreme! What times are you usually on? My character just hit 80 the other day, and I'm all stuck with knowing what to do next. And I still have to save up money to get an epic flying mount, I'm only up to 3K gold.. I suck. lol

  17. #17
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: WoW

    Ann I've explained to you what you need to do when you hit 80. Ignoring me like usual.
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  18. #18
    Air from my lungs. WoW Violet's Avatar
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    Re: WoW

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    Ann I've explained to you what you need to do when you hit 80. Ignoring me like usual.
    But my armor GS sucks right now D:. It's like.. 3K I think, I'm not sure. It needs to be at least 5K to do heroic runs? I need to get some better shiz and I dunno where to start.


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