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Thread: The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen?

  1. #1
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen?

    Note: I tend to call the Final Fantasy development side of S-E "Square". Just FYI

    If a few of you have been wondering where I've been, I've mostly been quietly lurking. My interest in FF has really been at an all time low lately. Part of it has just been laziness and my procrastinating habit being as bad as ever.

    But I have to say part of it has been the underwhelming stream of FFs in the last couple of years.

    This changed when I finally picked up TWEWY for my DS. And it's probably the game I've played the MOST in the last couple of months, beating out even Console Gaming.

    It's just so rich and innovative. So many awesome little things about the game. The Pin system being like a mix between FFVII's Materia and Pokemon. I'm in the process of finding every single pin possible. I'm trying to beat all the enemies on all difficulties to see what they have. And I'm saving up money to buy all those fancy clothes.

    Something about this game just clicks with me, but I can't help but wonder why we can't see more ideas like THIS in an FF game. Sure the game is built around portable gaming (grinding) and the touch screen, but I really think a lot of these systems could've been utilized for an FF game. Especially for one trying to be more modern like FFVIII. Pins > Junctions, Clothing and Brands > Armor. What's nice is is that has all these little facets of a battle and equipping system, but unlike Vagrant Story which I WANTED to get into, but was just too complex, TWEWY is just pure FUN though.

    Anyway, just had to gush about how awesome this game is.

    EDIT: Oh and I liked the story too. It's got a lot of heart. It's like FFVIII but with more likable and DOESN'T turn into a sappy love story.

  2. #2
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen?

    It's no secret how much I love TWEWY. I've said it countless times, but it is the most unique game I have ever played.

    I think Squeenix have a real gem on their hands here. The battle system is unique, innovative and refreshing, using the features of the DS to it maximum. The Pin system is great, I agree that it is like the materia system, but different enough to make it its own thing.

    The story is new, something I haven't seen or heard of before. The characters are well thought out and developed. The ending is a great twist that I for one didn't see coming. I love a good story twist.

    Anyway, TWEWY is the best DS game I have ever played, and probably Squeenix's best game in quite some time.

  3. #3
    Registered User The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen? GameMasterGuy's Avatar
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    Re: The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen?

    TWEWY is easily the best DS game on the market. It had a funny afterstory (another day), lots of content (reaching God/ demon ranks and obtaining all pins), adjustable difficulty with rewards for using the higher ones, a great soundtrack, and a great story.

  4. #4
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen? Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
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    Re: The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen?

    This game is awesome I have unlocked most of the reports at the end and well I'm a tin pin master my level is 80 and I have over 50% pin mastery this game has an interesting storyline in my opinion I was really shocked when I found out
    Joshua was the composer at the end of the game but I guess when I think about it it makes sense seeing as Pi face was kinda talking to him during his playtime in the UG I especially like Beat he's pretty funny
    Last edited by Taco-Calamitous; 02-06-2011 at 09:46 PM. Reason: Yeah man, please mark your spoilers.
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  5. #5

    Re: The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen?

    Ethan you might want to put that stuff in spoiler tags so you don't ruin it for other people.

    So yeah TWEWY it defintiely Square's best attempt. I absolutely loved the game. The characters and story totally sold it for me. I wasn't a huge fan of pins because getting all them required finding others that owned the game.

    Sho Miminnato is probably one of my all time favorite villains. He wasn't super epic but he totally fit the story. I also think it was neat that it balanced from mature themes and lower quite easily. I mean the game revolves around death and esteem and such things.

  6. #6
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    Re: The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen?

    I'm another that really enjoyed TWEWY. Once I get around to finishing up a few games in my backlog, I plan on doing another playthrough. It's been quite a while since I picked it up.

    The story, characters, and elements of customization were all great, but what really hooked me was the battle system. I loved being able to set up attacks to use with the different pins available, and taking out the Noise with various attacks is soooo satisfying. It's feasible to beat the game with sticking to just a few pins though, but collecting them all was part of the fun, imo.

    To be honest, I never got the hang of controlling Neku and whoever his partner was at the time in the battles, so I usually just focused on using Neku's attacks. Seemed to work out alright though, so it's all good.

    I still find enjoyment in a lot of Square's projects (new and old), but I'd have to agree that TWEWY is definitely among their best.
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    Consistently Average The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen?

    It sounds pretty sweet, is it a new game or what?
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  8. #8
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen? Treize's Avatar
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    Re: The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen?

    Quote Originally Posted by SaixBeserk7 View Post
    It sounds pretty sweet, is it a new game or what?
    It was released in Japan in 2007, so it's not really new. I planned to play it, but never got around to it. Maybe I'll start now that I've seen people have a lot of good things to say about it. Usually hand held games don't have that high of quality, so I was hesitant. It'd be nice to see a good game from S-E. I haven't seen one it years.
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    Consistently Average The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen?

    Quote Originally Posted by Treize View Post
    It was released in Japan in 2007, so it's not really new. I planned to play it, but never got around to it. Maybe I'll start now that I've seen people have a lot of good things to say about it. Usually hand held games don't have that high of quality, so I was hesitant. It'd be nice to see a good game from S-E. I haven't seen one it years.
    It seems to be a good one from what i've read and DS games of this sort dont generally dissapoint. One question though... if it was released in Japan in 2007.... has it been released here?
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    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen?

    Yes, it has. Quite a while ago, in fact. Like a couple years ago now, I think. Here's your official site for the game. I remember my friends talking about this back in the day, but I never played it. I remember the control scheme seemed interesting, but probably too complicated for my simple mind. Anyhoo...

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    Consistently Average The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen?

    Hmmm me-thinks a trawl through e-bay is in order...

    Any other SE titles you guys can recommend?
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  12. #12
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen?

    Quote Originally Posted by SaixBeserk7 View Post
    Any other SE titles you guys can recommend?
    Not in this thread. That would be going off-topic. Maybe you can start another thread about Square-Enix in general. Also, if you're gonna post in a thread like this asking about whether a game is new or not, you should probably do some research on your own first. Look it up on google or wikipedia. There are quite a few people talking about it, so you might deduce that it was released here in the US. Also, don't respond to this thread again unless you have something to add about the game, or I will give you a spam warning. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  13. #13
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Re: The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen?

    Quote Originally Posted by Atma-Noah View Post
    I wasn't a huge fan of pins because getting all them required finding others that owned the game.
    Actually you can use Mingle WITHOUT any other DSes. Just set it up to Mingle, plug the Power Cord in, close it, and just leave it for a good day or so, you'll get a good 3 or 4 "Aliens" which are 100 MP each. Also, I figured out that if you have a Wii, download the Nintendo Channel and Stream a DS Demo. TWEWY will see it as a "Civvy" for 20 Points. Once I figured out the whole thing with PPs, I had my decks set up to level up Pins in different ways. I had my "Shutdown Deck" that I'd switch to whenever I wanted to stop playing, a "Mingle Deck" I'd switch to before I started Mingling, a "Spare" deck for when I'm in Battles that require certain Pins, and then my main Battle deck. I've had no problems leveling up any of my Pins (it does help to have a quick "cheat sheet" of which Pins evolve into what and how *awesome face*)

  14. #14

    Re: The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen?

    Oh really? I didn't know that, thanks for the tip. That might actually just be enough for me to dig out my DS. I'm such a completionist that I just stopped playing after completing certain aspects of the post game but I couldn't finish my pin collection.

    Telegraph the battle system has a pretty good learning curve so it is easy to start and get the basics of it. But it did take awhile to become an expert with it, I still think I've never fully used Beat's and Neku's best combo.

  15. #15
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Re: The World Ends With You - "Square's" Best Effort this Gen?

    Quote Originally Posted by Atma-Noah View Post
    Oh really? I didn't know that, thanks for the tip. That might actually just be enough for me to dig out my DS. I'm such a completionist that I just stopped playing after completing certain aspects of the post game but I couldn't finish my pin collection.

    Telegraph the battle system has a pretty good learning curve so it is easy to start and get the basics of it. But it did take awhile to become an expert with it, I still think I've never fully used Beat's and Neku's best combo.
    I think this is the first RPG I've played since the first Pokemon games where I've had a desire to collect everything possible and 100% everything.

    BTW another "trick" to mastering Pins and evolving them, namely in those special ways, is that Mingle Points and Shutdown points are more "potent" than regular Battle Pin Points, and the game keeps track of how you level it up with a uniquely colored progress bar. If the bar's well over half filled with Pink (Mingle) or Green (Shutdown) you can just level up the rest in battle and it will evolve as it should.

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