View Poll Results: Wii: dead?

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  • Nintendo still makes a game every 4 months that's decent.

    9 25.00%
  • The Wii has been defeated, reverted to a children's gaming machine.

    9 25.00%
  • The Wii is now a "test" console for getting the Wiimote and in-game motions synced for next-gen.

    2 5.56%
  • You can try to sell your Wii, but nobody would buy it. It's done, dude.

    0 0%
  • The Wii has some great titles, I dunno why you're missing out.

    13 36.11%
  • Your thoughts are purely opinions, and to each their own. Sell the Wii.

    3 8.33%
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Thread: Is the Wii dead?

  1. #1

    Is the Wii dead?

    Should I just sell it? I was all about the Wii when it first came out, but the excitement died out really fast. As a 23 year old gamer, most of the games (if any) are not marketed towards me. I haven't noticed anything even come out for the Wii that I'd be mildly interested in, besides the New Super Mario Bros, in months.

    The concept behind the Wii was/is great, but I think they're gonna have to finally incorporate the Wiimote stuff into a next gen console in the next-next gen console war.

    The Dreamcast had a better lineup of games than the Wii when Sega announced they were abandoning it.

  2. #2
    The Quiet One Is the Wii dead? Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    Financially? No, its not dead. But it is pretty close to being to the core gamer group who are not interested in Wii Fit and Wii whatever-you-want-to-add-to-the-end titles. It's a party console and a casual console, two things you don't really do that often. Casual gaming or whatever, is meant to be gone and done really quick and party gaming is group events that while fun only happen on the weekends and probably aren't a weekly event.

    About the only thing people are still really playing on the Wii that is a solid core game is Smash Brothers, but its always had a pretty rabid fan base to begin with. Nintendo keeps going because they can promise a new Mario/Zelda/Metriod game and get people on board once a year.

    But I'd say it is pretty bad sign when you're getting people on board once a year rather than once a month or so.

    I'm still waiting on Zelda to make its true appearance on the Wii and not a silly port of a GC game that I already own. Ever since Sony entered the market and showed a console that could hit in all markets equally, Nintendo (at least for me) has an image trouble with being seen as for children. If Nintendo could fix that image problem, they'd be a more appealing console for me. I love Nintendo, but they only make so few games that I'm actually interested in that it takes years upon years for me to actually have a reason to buy the system. I mean I didn't buy a Gamecube until Twilight Princess came out and at that point the Wii was out, the Gamecube was pretty over. That's pretty bad when it becomes worthwhile at the very end of its cycle.
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  3. #3
    .............. Is the Wii dead? smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    The only game coming out that im remotely interested in is no more heroes 2. Add on to that the fact i was only ever interested in 4 or 5 games on the console overall and you have the most overhyped piece of technology ever designed. At the end of the day motion controls were only a gimmick enjoyed by braindead morons( and from the sales of some wii games the "braindead moron" demographic is in the gamebuying majority).

    I can see Natal and Arc going the same way. Of course by sales alone Nintendo think they have won the console war but since i own a xbox and ps3 all mine does is gather dust. A disappointment on the scale of the N-Gage.
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  4. #4

    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    Financially? No, its not dead. But it is pretty close to being to the core gamer group who are not interested in Wii Fit and Wii whatever-you-want-to-add-to-the-end titles. It's a party console and a casual console, two things you don't really do that often. Casual gaming or whatever, is meant to be gone and done really quick and party gaming is group events that while fun only happen on the weekends and probably aren't a weekly event.

    About the only thing people are still really playing on the Wii that is a solid core game is Smash Brothers, but its always had a pretty rabid fan base to begin with. Nintendo keeps going because they can promise a new Mario/Zelda/Metriod game and get people on board once a year.

    But I'd say it is pretty bad sign when you're getting people on board once a year rather than once a month or so.

    I'm still waiting on Zelda to make its true appearance on the Wii and not a silly port of a GC game that I already own. Ever since Sony entered the market and showed a console that could hit in all markets equally, Nintendo (at least for me) has an image trouble with being seen as for children. If Nintendo could fix that image problem, they'd be a more appealing console for me. I love Nintendo, but they only make so few games that I'm actually interested in that it takes years upon years for me to actually have a reason to buy the system. I mean I didn't buy a Gamecube until Twilight Princess came out and at that point the Wii was out, the Gamecube was pretty over. That's pretty bad when it becomes worthwhile at the very end of its cycle.
    I'd agree with you, but the creator killed the franchise. It's no longer the competitive series that it was. They removed all skill from melee with the advanced techs when they created Brawl. It's just another "party" game.

    And while I do like the Zelda series, I'm not sure if owning a Wii for one game every couple years is worth it anymore. I can just borrow my girlfriend's.

  5. #5
    Registered User Is the Wii dead?
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    I don't get the use out of my Wii that I initially thought I would when I first bought it back when it was first released. Now, I just use it for my Wii Fit, and I'll sometimes break out some party games when I have a friend over or something.

    I suppose I fell into the hype bandwagon of the motion controls, and was also really excited that I could play all my favorite classic games through this new console. It's still alright, but I just thought I would get more use from it.

    Random story: When both the Wii and PS3 were launched, my parents offered to get one or the other for me. I opted for the Wii. Now, I wish I had gotten the PS3, because back then, all the models still had backwards compatibility, and those models are very difficult to find today.

    The only game that's coming out I can think of that is of any reason why I'm keeping my Wii is Super Mario Galaxy 2, and that doesn't even have a release date yet. My Wii could be gathering dust for quite a while before I even get my hands on that game.

    So, ultimately, the decision is up to you whether you want to keep the system or not. If you do decide to keep it, and want games to play, you might have to invest in some of those casual games that Nintendo seems rather keen on releasing here lately.
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  6. #6
    The Quiet One Is the Wii dead? Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    This is true, I enjoyed Melee a lot more than Brawl for it skill. But then again, they made Zelda over powered and awesome in Brawl where she was fairly weak in Melee and nerfed a lot of Sheik in Brawl. Oh well. But this is also why I don't own a Wii yet, because as you say one game every couple of years isn't worth it. Probably be the time the end of the Wii comes there will be like ten games I want to play on it and it'll be worth the investment.

    Right now I think I'm only interested in Mario Galaxy, which is certainly not worth buying the system for when I'd only be buying one game. I own 17 games for my PS3 and will get be getting another 5 or 6 in like the next couple months. And my interests are pretty small compared to the rest of the market out there. So the Wii has a long way to go if it ever wants to reach that group ever again.

    Unfortunately, I think Nintendo is happy with first party selling unreasonably well and their console selling unreasonably well and nothing more. I think the money's gone to their heads and they stopped caring about making games for the core gamer anymore.
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  7. #7
    Death Before Dishonor Is the Wii dead? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    MY Wii has been collecting alot of dust lately. With so many kickass 360, and PS3 titles out right now I just don't see the point. I still play my Wii once a month or so. I have Cabella's Big Game Hunter 2010 which is pretty kick ass on the Wii, you also can't go wrong with Sonic and Mario at the Olympics. Super Smash Bros Brawl isn't as good as I initially thought it was going to be.

    If it was me I wouldn't sell it. Because you never know what the future may hold. They could start coming out with sweet ass games before you know it. But I do understand not wanting to wait around for this event to take so I don't really know what to tell you....

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  8. #8
    TFFF Ghost Is the Wii dead? Howling Wind's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    Wii was always dead for me. Which is strange because those party games would help with my super hyperness. But. It never kept me interested. Which is another one of my problems. I loose interest really easy in something if it doesn't seem very interesting in the first place. As for Zelda... That game lost its challenge ever since TWW (I still like the game) but TP had no soul in my opinion. Get from point A to point B. Same AlttP rehash. Dungeon items only good in that dungeon. Hardly any side quests.

    Mario at least still is a challenge. I played Mario Wii at my friends. Other then that... there isn't anything to get me to want my parents to buy me a Wii.

  9. #9
    Registered User Is the Wii dead? Leksandar's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    Though I do agree to the general tone of the replies to this thread, I'm still happy I own a Wii. First of all Tetsuya Takahashi's next game, Xenoblade - or Monado if you will, is a Wii exclusive. Second, games such as Another Code R, Fatal Frame IV, Disaster: Day of Crisis, Little King's Story, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Tales of Symphonia 2, No More Heroes, and the Silent Hill remake are all games I'm happy not to miss.

    Also, that Epic Mickey game looks really neat. Another interesting thing that's going on is that Hironobu Sakaguchi's new company, Mistwalker, isn't doing well economically. So they're currently making their last game. It's called The Last Story, and it's Wii exclusive. It'll be fun to see if his trick will work again after what happened the last time he did it.

  10. #10
    ...Whatever Is the Wii dead? SquallMLeonhart's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    Are you high? Of course it's not dead but if there's not enough games coming out for you then just take in the woodshed and shoot it.

    Personally it's the best system out there today and you know I'm right. Playstation and X-box constant "realism" games can't compete with the Wii alone let alone Nintendo. They're the first ones to kick it up a notch with physical game play that literally puts you in the game and not just hold a controller. If I could play the classic Final Fantasys on a Wii I'd take my PS and X-Box into the woodshed.
    Last edited by SquallMLeonhart; 02-22-2010 at 06:25 PM.

  11. #11
    TFFF Ghost Is the Wii dead? Howling Wind's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    Quote Originally Posted by SquallMLeonhart View Post
    Are you high? Of course it's not dead but if there's not enough games coming out for you then just take in the woodshed and shoot it.

    Personally it's the best system out there today and you know I'm right. Playstation and X-box constant "realism" games can't compete with the Wii alone let alone Nintendo. They're the first ones to kick it up a notch with physical game play that literally puts you in the game and not just hold a controller. If I could play the classic Final Fantasys on a Wii I'd take my PS and X-Box into the woodshed.
    Each to his/her own.

  12. #12
    The Bad Boy of TFF Is the Wii dead? Block's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    If you don't actually like games then you love the Wii. My fiancee is terrible at games and refuses to play them... except for the Wii. She'll play anything on the Wii, just not with me, because I "Always Win".

  13. #13
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    I...guess I was expecting more from the Wii, I don't know. My mom has one and I've tried it out a bit but it really just isn't for me. I've seen a few games that interest me but nothing sufficiently motivating to get me to the store. It amuses them just fine but I guess I'm just old fashioned, I prefer my controllers and 'realism' to a gimmicky device that caters to an audience I am not a part of.

    The weird part is I always considered myself a casual gamer but now with casual gaming becoming more mainstream, I've realized that I'm really not. I really wanted to like the Wii, too. Ah well, such is life.

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  14. #14
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    I see it as the perfect side console.
    Basically you have a 360 and/or a PS3 (most better games are on both these days) for the majority of your gaming needs, but your Wii sits there for the occasional awesome exclusive and for VC so you don't constantly need all your older consoles cluttering up your gaming space. The range of games for older consoles still isn't all there so you may need to pull out your SNES/Genesis once in a while, but it's getting there, Just add a SNES style classic controller (I imported that awesome famicom clone one from Japan) and you're set.

    Basically I'm saying it's not worth getting rid of the Wii when it does spit out some great exclusives every so often, but it's easier if you have another console as well.
    victoria aut mors

  15. #15

    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    Quote Originally Posted by SquallMLeonhart View Post
    Are you high? Of course it's not dead but if there's not enough games coming out for you then just take in the woodshed and shoot it.

    Personally it's the best system out there today and you know I'm right. Playstation and X-box constant "realism" games can't compete with the Wii alone let alone Nintendo. They're the first ones to kick it up a notch with physical game play that literally puts you in the game and not just hold a controller. If I could play the classic Final Fantasys on a Wii I'd take my PS and X-Box into the woodshed.
    Wish I was. Are you the ultimate troll or a giant douche? Time will tell.

  16. #16
    TFFF Ghost Is the Wii dead? Howling Wind's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    Quote Originally Posted by SquallMLeonhart View Post
    Are you high? Of course it's not dead but if there's not enough games coming out for you then just take in the woodshed and shoot it.

    Personally it's the best system out there today and you know I'm right. Playstation and X-box constant "realism" games can't compete with the Wii alone let alone Nintendo. They're the first ones to kick it up a notch with physical game play that literally puts you in the game and not just hold a controller. If I could play the classic Final Fantasys on a Wii I'd take my PS and X-Box into the woodshed.

  17. #17
    The Bad Boy of TFF Is the Wii dead? Block's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    Wish I was. Are you the ultimate troll or a giant douche? Time will tell.
    I've got money on giant douche... I'm just saying.

  18. #18

    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    I love the Wii...mostly the Wii Sports lol I play it everyday XD

  19. #19
    Finding this place a little dull... Is the Wii dead? xTidus's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    OMG! How could you not like the Wii?! It has Zelda and MarioKart and more!

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  20. #20

    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    I was never a fan of Wii, I actually do see it more of of system for children more so than PS systems or Xbox. I guess I never really found a good reason to buy it.

    I think it just attracts more of the younger players.

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  21. #21
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    I see it as the perfect side console.
    Basically you have a 360 and/or a PS3 (most better games are on both these days) for the majority of your gaming needs, but your Wii sits there for the occasional awesome exclusive and for VC so you don't constantly need all your older consoles cluttering up your gaming space. The range of games for older consoles still isn't all there so you may need to pull out your SNES/Genesis once in a while, but it's getting there, Just add an SNES style classic controller (I imported that awesome famicom clone one from Japan) and you're set.

    Basically I'm saying it's not worth getting rid of the Wii when it does spit out some great exclusives every so often, but it's easier if you have another console as well.
    This is pretty much what I like about it. Plus it's like the new Dreamcast as the most Homebrew-friendly console. Having your ENTIRE Game library on an iPhone size Hard Drive and ready to load via a slick interface is so awesome. It's that feature alone that almost makes me agree with what Squall is saying. It really should be a standard feature on all consoles.

    Oh and did I forget to mention Texture hacks for Brawl?

  22. #22
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    ^ Is that Marth re-textured to look like Kefka??? That is awesome. I never knew that you could do that with Brawl. Shiek as Spiderman is pretty awesome too. I did a google image search and saw Captain Falcon retextured to look like Ronald McDonald.


    Posted by Leksandar
    ...that Epic Mickey game looks really neat. Another interesting thing that's going on is that Hironobu Sakaguchi's new company, Mistwalker, isn't doing well economically. So they're currently making their last game. It's called The Last Story, and it's Wii exclusive. It'll be fun to see if his trick will work again after what happened the last time he did it.
    I forgot about those two games. I'm interested in those as well. Looks like I have 3 games to look forward to on the Wii.

    Ah, well. Patience is a virtue. (hopefully)
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  23. #23
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    Oh, the timing!
    Just got an email from Nintendo today, the black Wii is coming to Australia March 11.
    I figure I'll grab one as everything else I own is black so it'll fit in a bit better.
    Now it actually matches the PS3/360 elite so it's even more of a perfect side console.
    victoria aut mors

  24. #24
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    After spending around 800 or so on my Wii and everything I had with it, one day I realized I hadn't touched it in over a year....

    I sold it this past Christmas to buy my girlfriend a promise ring, I don't miss it.

    To me, yes, the Wii is dead. I play it at my girlfriend's from time to time, but it's mostly a just-passing-the-time thing. She likes it, I don't mind it.

    Quote Originally Posted by xTidus View Post
    OMG! How could you not like the Wii?! It has Zelda and MarioKart and more!
    You know, I originally bought it for Twilight Princess..... I didn't get very far, the constant real-life slashing got boring and annoying. I played the Mario Kart.... holy god it was terrible with the Wiimote, ABSOLUTELY terrible.
    Last edited by Sean; 02-24-2010 at 05:22 AM.

  25. #25
    Registered User Is the Wii dead? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    We brought a wii that came with 3 games and brought one of our own, and we hardly ever used it, it just sat there collecting dust so we sold it.
    I really thought I would like to play it alot but I didn't, don't know why tho, I don't miss it at all and still think it was a total waste of money to buy it.

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  26. #26
    Air elemental Is the Wii dead?
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    there are a few good titles and one that looks Reeaaaallllyyy promising is the new monster hunter tri, its got such great graphics (not pro but dam good for the wii) has hours of gameplay and awesome as online feature, seriously would recomend buying it, that is if your into games where you need skill and fast thinking (seriously you could have the best armour and weapons and still get killed in less then a minute or 2)

  27. #27
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    The Wii is not dead. People complain that there aren't any good games for the Wii, but when a good game comes out, nobody will take the time into playing it. Madworld is a dope game.
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  28. #28
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean View Post
    I played the Mario Kart.... holy god it was terrible with the Wiimote, ABSOLUTELY terrible.
    The enjoyment level would have been on par with that of Edward Scissorhands trying to jack off. Thankfully you can download Mario Kart 64 on VC.
    victoria aut mors

  29. #29
    This ain't no place for no hero Is the Wii dead? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    Or you could hack it and then not have to buy games. ...*cough*....

    But I wouldn't do that, oh no sirree!

  30. #30
    Freezing Ring! Is the Wii dead? Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    Re: Is the Wii dead?

    I love my WII! It's a great system! Sometime's, you have to really stand up to play! Not just sitting on your gaming chair, staring at the tiv with a controller in your hand, but Moving! And I love nintendo so much ^^!
    So no, I don't think it's dead!!!
    Plus you can watch youtube right on your WII! And there's other thing's... You can download Mario bros I-III. You can download lot's of stuff just like the 360 =D... But trust me, there's some need's of improvement! Um... GRAPHICS =D even tho when i'm playing RE ARCHEIVES, It has good graphics! But it could be improved a bit. So there are some up's and downs about the WII... But it's still a great step for Nintendo!!!

    <.< >.> *Grabs a wii controller and hug's it* I LOVE YOU WII!!!!

    peace out!!!!

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

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