I've not really enjoyed a Resident Evil game since Resident Evil 3: Nemesis on PSOne. To be fair, I haven't played many, but the first games always seem to meet my expectations than newer ones for some reason. They just seem scarier in my opinion. I own Resident Evil Code: Veronica X, which I thought was really boring, Resident Evil 4, which was actually pretty okay and gave me a good share of jumps, and Resident Evil 5... I can't really get into it.

I don't know where it plans on going next. I think puzzles should have the element of mysteriousness about them - like you'll find something named "Demon Key", and spend the whole game trying to find out what it unlocks.

These days, if I really want a good scaring in my video games, I'll play FEAR, FEAR 2 and Dead Space. o.o