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Thread: What game makes life worth living?

  1. #1

    What game makes life worth living?

    We all know how hard it can be sonetimes
    Heard a Guy tell me kh saved his life

    What bout.u? What takes u to another world?

    For me it was swg, but it shut down.

    Trying to get into something, but no luck...

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  2. #2
    TFF's Resident Messenger What game makes life worth living? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: What game makes life worth living?

    I honestly think that no video game makes life worth living. Granted, a person can make a living playing a video game. But that still doesn't affect one's life worth. Some gamers play to distract themselves from what goes on in real life. But that is just a distraction. Video games are engineered to offer that kind of distraction, just like sports or other hobbies. It is meant to be fun and get your life's worries to float away, if only for a short time.

    You don't often hear someone say, "If I don't play Final Fantasy # every day I will just DIE!" And if someone does say that, then they may have crossed into the obsession or addiction territory. But, I would rather know someone that uses video games to get away from life's troubles than someone who uses drugs to do the same thing.

    I don't know what your friend was going through in his life to say what he did, but I doubt a copy of Kingdom Hearts resuscitated him, or gave him the Heimlich maneuver. It may have kept him from doing something dangerous or illegal though. He may say it saved his life, but most likely it distracted him from doing whatever it was that he was planning on doing. And then that thought was replaced by thoughts of the game.

    But no game can actually make one's life worth living or save a person's life...yet. Maybe one day.
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  3. #3
    Bananarama What game makes life worth living? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: What game makes life worth living?

    Are you saying you're looking for a game to save your life? Turn to something else man, something real and not some world of make believe.

    But, yeah, I don't think any game can make life worth living. I've never been so depressed where I had a game make me want to live again. To think about it, if a videogame made me want to live, I'd probably want to kill myself.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  4. #4
    Scourge of Esthar What game makes life worth living? CrazedMonkey's Avatar
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    Re: What game makes life worth living?

    While I can certainly think of more things worth living for than games, I will say that Tales of the Abyss always managed to cheer me up from a crappy day.
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  5. #5
    I mean like u know how life is boring and dull

    But ssome games are fun and make you want to get out of bed to play

    Like kotor in high-school, nice weekends spent woke up early on couch turned on Xbox and saved the galaxy!

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  6. #6
    Chief Inspiring Officer What game makes life worth living? Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: What game makes life worth living?

    I suppose anything that distracts me from my computer could be saving my life, so... I once got up early so I could continue leveling up and collecting monster items so I could upgrade my equipment in Valkyrie Profile 2. (still haven't defeated the bonus stage. )
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  7. #7
    Boxer of the Galaxy What game makes life worth living? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: What game makes life worth living?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Are you saying you're looking for a game to save your life? Turn to something else man, something real and not some world of make believe.
    While I agree that would be a better option, the purpose of fiction is to allow us to escape from a mundane reality.

    Video games, Alcohol, Books, movies etc, its all an escape.

  8. #8
    Ellipsis What game makes life worth living? Meigumi's Avatar
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    Re: What game makes life worth living?

    Games aren't REALLY worth living for, but if I had to say one that impacted my life the most, it would be Pokemon Leaf Green. That game kind of managed to keep me go on for a while in my darkest days.

    As for one that kills my boredom, I sometimes play games that can be played with Bamboo Dock, if those counts.
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  9. #9
    Queen What game makes life worth living? Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: What game makes life worth living?

    Final Fantasy VII does all those things for me. Its the feelings/thoughts/emotions you take away from the game that makes it so memorable. FFVII is essentially about the cycle of life. To find happiness in a game that your able to relate to in real life and that'll cheer you up is fine. There are reports out there about how videogames have helped people. Im a homebody and people annoy the fk out of me. BUT..ya know..if you rather one turn to drugs, smoking, alcohol, gambling, promiscuity etc for such a'd probably be considered "cool" or having a "life" in today's society. As far as Im concerned if your not happy or at least seeking it, you dont have one. Dont let somebody else's definition of happiness define your own.

  10. #10
    Relaxin' with Final Fantasy What game makes life worth living? KainsBro's Avatar
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    Re: What game makes life worth living?

    The GoldenSun series always helps me relax... Also, Dragon Quest VIII is one of those games that helps me get away from the world for a while...

  11. #11
    All is One.One is All. What game makes life worth living? Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: What game makes life worth living?

    Video Games don't really 'make my life worth living'. I mean,yes,they are great for a distraction from life,but not exactly life-savers. When I am feeling depressed,I might play FF8 or FF9,but I usually just pick up a good book,play some good music,and/or just watch a good tv show.

    ...But everyone is different. If you're looking for an escape,I would suggest experimenting by playing different video games and finding one(s) you like? Or perhaps reading novels you've never read before(if you like to read).
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  12. #12
    Bananarama What game makes life worth living? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: What game makes life worth living?

    Quote Originally Posted by Firefly View Post
    Video Games don't really 'make my life worth living'. I mean,yes,they are great for a distraction from life,but not exactly life-savers. When I am feeling depressed,I might play FF8 or FF9,but I usually just pick up a good book,play some good music,and/or just watch a good tv show.
    Exactly. I'm not sure if there's a game out there that'll make you want to get out there and just live your life. Tiger Woods 12 maybe, cause I would love to play some of those courses, but that's about it
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  13. #13
    Boxer of the Galaxy What game makes life worth living? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: What game makes life worth living?

    How about the game of life. You start off at level 0 and work your way up. You go to school, do a bunch of assignments and see if you're deemed worthy for certain occupations. Once you have developed a set of skills, you will go out and search for a job with any free spots available. Once you have secured a position, you will work 9-5, five days a week. During this time you will earn something called 'currency'. Now remember this, this is the important part. You need to be able to manage your currency to pay for food, bills (mortgage, electricity, water etc) until you should die anywhere between level 65 - 100 depending on how well you've looked after yourself.

    The side quests are the real reason you would play this game. To really make the most of this game, it would be worthwhile to grab a partner and play together.

    Be warned:
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  14. #14
    Queen What game makes life worth living? Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: What game makes life worth living?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    How about the game of life. You start off at level 0 and work your way up. You go to school, do a bunch of assignments and see if you're deemed worthy for certain occupations. Once you have developed a set of skills, you will go out and search for a job with any free spots available. Once you have secured a position, you will work 9-5, five days a week. During this time you will earn something called 'currency'. Now remember this, this is the important part. You need to be able to manage your currency to pay for food, bills (mortgage, electricity, water etc) until you should die anywhere between level 65 - 100 depending on how well you've looked after yourself.

    The side quests are the real reason you would play this game. To really make the most of this game, it would be worthwhile to grab a partner and play together.

    Be warned:
    Theres no save points.
    Not everyone can afford that 'life' in this world. Life has and will always become overwhelming for some.. they need something else that doesnt remind them of their real life, to turn to. That something could be the smallest, most pathetic and insignificant thing to you but will mean the absolute world to them in their time of need. Do Re Mi Ti La's friend is living proof of this. To accept that that ^formula equates to a 'life' for All implies superiority and pitifully looks down on those who cannot afford those luxuries You were apprivy to -an education, a job, getting paid for that job, a partner..let alone basic shelter, electricity, food & water - Some people already have all those and still choose to end their life. Whatever means necessary to stay alive. If a videogame adds that quality to your life, stay with it and eventually you'll find the strength and hope to seek out more from other things.

    Heres an excerpt from a nice article I read a while ago:

    “This game has been like a light finally shining into what has been such a depressing time,” read one Japanese fan’s comment, which Hayashida shared at GDC. “I feel like this game has given me the power to go on living. It’s something like a miracle.”

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