I'm definately a casual gamer. It takes me 6 months or even longer sometimes to play a FF because I'll play 3 hours one day, but then only an hour the next, and then take several days off due to other things I have going on. There are plenty of genres I've never even cared for like fighting or racing games, but I'll pick up a sports title for sure. I'm not one to invest time in drafting and playing a whole NFL season though, I'd just rather play a friend from time to time, so definately casual. Regarding FF, I love to experience the games, and compare them to one another, but have no desire to 100% one. I do as many things within the game that are fun, but completion for completions sake is never a consideration.
I guess I would say that I love being a casual gamer. I think games in general are made to be played casually. I'm not even sure if it's a good thing to consider them as more? What does it really say about it you that you're super duper good at Game X? I mean who really cares, and furthermore, it leaves a negative impression with most others.