Too bad it's only been confirmed for SCEE, as far as I've heard. Hopefully if it does well, it'll make its way to SCEA as well.
Source: SQUARE ENIX NEWS - November 2009Originally Posted by Square Enix News November 2009
Vagrant Story is going to be available for download from the Playstation Network!
I bought this game a few years ago, and while I enjoyed what I played, it is definently the most difficult game I have ever played. I assume there is some trick to it which I don't understand, but I'm going to give it another crack when it's available.
Has anybody else played this game? Does anybody want to? What are your thoughts?
Last edited by Alpha; 11-10-2009 at 03:19 PM.
Too bad it's only been confirmed for SCEE, as far as I've heard. Hopefully if it does well, it'll make its way to SCEA as well.
Until now!
Sorry, should have noted that; it was released in Japan in August, but outside if Japan, it's only confirmed for PAL, but a NA release shouldn't be far behind - why would it?
Just found a release date: tomorrow (12th November)!
Here's a brief description for those who haven't tried it:
Source: Vagrant Story Coming To PAL PSN - Vagrant Story - KotakuThe game, which actually takes place in the Final Fantasy Ivalice setting used in the tactics titles and Final Fantasy XII, follows the story of Riskbreaker Ashley Riot as he investigates the link between a cult leader and Duke Bardorba of Valendia. It's a solo dungeon crawler that relies on weapons crafting and modification rather than the random shopkeepers scattered across most RPG worlds.
I hope this game gets ported to the US shores. On one hand, this game had more of a cult following then most of Square's other games at the time, but maybe SE wants to give the game another shot through the PSN. It would be certainly worth it, nowadays I think more people would appreciate the elements of gameplay that VS offered, like the risk system, the overall difficulty, etc.
Though I don't have a PS3 to play it on, anyone here who hasn't had a chance to play through it, I strongly recommend.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Because this is SCE we're talking about. Logic is not something they're intimate with.Originally Posted by Alpha
Until now!
I haven't played this game. I missed out on it when it was released for the PS1. I never really paid attention to this game until I stumbled across a post here at TFF that mentioned this game (I think it was one of Meier's). Anyway, after I read up a little about it, and looked at some vids on Youtube, I can honestly say that this is a game that I really would like to play (maybe I can add it to my list of greatest games I never played... heh.).Posted by Alpha
Has anybody else played this game? Does anybody want to? What are your thoughts?
If I could, I really would rather find a copy of the PS1 release than download it from the PSN. I have problems with both my PS3 and my Wii when it comes to hooking up to the internet. I'll hopefully get that problem fixed soon. I do have a PSP as well, but I have the same problem about hooking up to the internet. I'm not too bright when it comes to stuff like that...
Anyway, the game looks really great, but one thing does bother me:
I'm sort of a stickler for chatting it up with NPCs, but I've played games where there was no other characters to talk to before and loved it (Example: Shadow of the Colossus).Vagrant Story is unique as a console action/adventure role-playing game because it features no shops and no player interaction with other characters;
So in short: I haven't; Yes; I want to find the original copy.
Click at your own risk.:
Nice!! Vagrant Story is such a great game, even by today's standards.When first getting involved in this game I was not only pleasantly surprised by the cinematic delivery but I came to love the gameplay elements as well.
My Heath Ledger fan sister:Unknown Entity
Halo 3 is just one of the games I've been wanting o my wish list even thought they have a knew one out.
This would be awesome. I got this game for Christmas when i was a kid and didnt put it down til my PS1 broke. Never got to beat it (we moved to a new home and it got lost way back when). Would love a second chance at it.
I got it for xmas and I am really enjoying it! It is such a great game, and after a while you forget that it was a PS1 game. The battle styles get a little bit of getting used to, since I hadn't played it before(Or if I did, I can't remember).
Death is not the end of your life. It is only the beginning.
I have Vagrant Story. Only played like 10 minutes of it.
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