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Thread: Unbeatable games

  1. #1
    Professional Klutz. Unbeatable games Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Unbeatable games

    Are there any games that, no mattter how hard you try, you just can't complete?

    I've had a few of these on various systems. The main one that springs to mind was one I played when I was a lot younger. I'm talking around 9/10. It was on my brothers Mega Drive and was called Sparkster. I believe this is Rocket Kinght to other countries? Anyway, I tried time after time to complete this game and never even came close. I've always sucked at side scrolling games.

    Another was TomCat Alley. I believe this was also for the Mega Drive but in Disc format. One of the first I think. Everytime I got my plane into the air the co-pilot said "I don't think you're ready to be up here yet". I never understood where I was going wrong. I blame the old game mechanics.

    The most recent game I've had trouble with is Halo 3 on Legendary (offline). I know it's do-able. All I have to do is grin and bear the onslaught. Eventually I will be able to beat it. It's just the intense bordom I feel when I have to play out a battle 100 times a night. I'm stuck at the Ark... Man that bit is boring. Not even confetti or any other skull can make it less so.

    Anyway, before I blow out a list of games, does anybody else have games they just can't beat?

    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 08-02-2010 at 12:12 PM.
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  2. #2
    Certified tech, come at me! Unbeatable games SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Unbeatable games

    Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 nearly hit this list but I went against all odds and finally completed this game. I'm pretty sure its going to be unbeatable on any difficulty higher than normal.

    As for other games... I haven't beat FFIII and that one is pretty challenging and I need to start a new file since I lost my other save for it, I haven't beat a single entry in the Dragon Quest series, I've tried to get through DQ 1 but theres wayy too much level grinding involved, I never beat any of the Contra games and thats about as much as I can think of for unbeatable games at the moment.
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  3. #3
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Unbeatable games

    h3 campaign wasn't too hard tbh; compared to the first two halo campaigns it was all bunnies and sunshine! the online multiplayer helps out a lot, but even without it, it's not terrible to solo unless youre going for the points achievements which if you are, then why the fack are you not playing online?

    playing the high level mlg playlist (like levels 46-50) is a ****ing nightmare every single game unless you go in with a team of four. You either get kids that are terrible, kids that don't have mics, (depending on the timezone) foreign kids that don't speak english and that are in yellow bar all game, or if you're really unlucky you'll play against nerds that DDoS your internet for the day. No wonder my blood pressure is out of whack.

    Pit Fighter for the snes was almost just as aggravating. And I sucked at the lightning bolt challenge from FFX, seriously Square why would you put us through all the worst mini games to unlock the ultimate weapons?! I know you tried to pull an FF7, but the thing is, the mini-games back then were actually FUN. /sigh
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    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  4. #4
    .............. Unbeatable games smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Unbeatable games

    At the moment I am getting increasingly frustrated with Valkyria Chronicles which is proving itself near impossible at the end. Though I am not surprised given the difficulty curve throughout the whole game.

    The one game I have no notion of beating ever is Halo: ODST on legendary. The part on the highway near the end has nearly brought me to tears on numerous occasions. Ditto the final boss on Ninja Gaiden 2.
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  5. #5
    Registered User Unbeatable games
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    Re: Unbeatable games

    Devil May Cry 3 is a game that I'll never be able to beat...mostly because I sold it. Anyway, it was my first DMC game, and probably my last too... It wasn't a bad game at all, it was just too hard for me to play, much less try and beat the thing.

    Another one that comes to mind: FF VII: Dirge of Cerberus on Hard is most definitely too hard, and the extra missions are nearly impossible! They really aren't worth doing either unless you're a completionist, because the unlockable art and music tracks that you get can be found online anyway.

    I remember playing some Jurassic Park game when I was younger for the Sega Genesis. My brothers and I worked on that game for HOURS, and we still couldn't get passed this one part where Grant is in the Visitor Center and there are two Velociraptors waiting below to eat him. Maybe it's beatable, but it wasn't for us. The option to play as a Velociraptor wasn't easy either. I think we got further doing that one, but we still couldn't beat the game.
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  6. #6
    Certified tech, come at me! Unbeatable games SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Unbeatable games

    I tried playing the rom of this a few times, the game is cryptic in what you need to do. I made it like a few feet from starting position and thats as far as i've ever gotten in this game.
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  7. #7
    Death Before Dishonor Unbeatable games Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Unbeatable games

    I'm not sure which it is, but it was a Castlevania game for the DS. I am still around the beginning of the game. I gotta fight this giant skeleton thing, and it kicks my ass everytime. My girlfriend beat the game in 24 hours and has not quit making fun of me. This is because I normally own her ass at every video game.

    Ahh Gears of War 2 on Insane. I have crushed this game on every difficulty but this one. I am on the final chapter. The brumak shit is hard when you got 100 f*cking grubs, and 10-15 reavers gunning after you're ass. I will beat it though I am determined.

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  8. #8
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Unbeatable games Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Unbeatable games

    Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles would be the only game on a newer system I had problems with, the funny thing is, it's a remake of an old Castelvania, besides that I can't say I had problems beating games on newer systems, or maybe I just haven't stumbled upon hard ones yet. But the games from NES/SNES era were giving me a serious headache, games such as Contra III: the Alien Wars, Gargoyle's Quest, Battletoads, and many more.

    There were also a few games on my old 486 I never managed to beat, the only games I can remember right now is Titus Fox and Dangerous Dave.

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  9. #9
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Unbeatable games ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Unbeatable games

    Mickey Mania on Mega Drive. You don't get enough live/continues to get past the final boss. It's insane! I've had the game for about 15 years and I still can't do it!

    Also, Sonic 2. Will never be able to beat the final Robotnik. My brother has done it countless times, but I don't think I will ever do it.

  10. #10
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Unbeatable games

    There is an old NES game called "Legacy of the Wizard" that I've never been able to beat, mostly because I don't know where to go, nor could I ever quite figure out how to use some of the items correctly.

    There are a lot of games I couldn't beat when I was younger, but I don't have access to anymore, like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the NES, or Battletoads (probably still wouldn't be able to beat that) Double Dragon (actually own this, haven't gotten past the fourth stage.)

    Never beaten a single Sonic game, though I've beaten a few of the storylines in Adventures, and if I put forth the effort, could probably beat Sonic Rush and 3D Blast (the classics for the Genesis, however, I pretty much suck at. Too hesitant for a game that constantly demands that you move forward.)

    Can't think of any present era games I've had a lot of trouble with, though I don't play a lot of present era games. The mechanics for using your bionic arm in the new Bionic Commando pisses me off though, and I feel it makes the game pretty much unplayable. Anyhoo...

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  11. #11
    Registered User Unbeatable games Aadria's Avatar
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    Re: Unbeatable games

    The only game that I can think of that I tried so hard to beat and just couldn't was Road Runner's Death Valley Rally. Granted, I was probably about 7, but still, that game was ridiculous!

  12. #12
    The Lone Dagger Unbeatable games Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Unbeatable games

    The one game that I still haven't beaten for like 6 or 7 years running now is Chrono Chross! I got to the point where you can go to the three islands that are the past, present, and future but this robot boss demolishes me every single time. I can't get through it no matter what I try :/

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  13. #13
    The only games I could never beat are the games that I didn't like at all. Like Prince of Persia 3. That was the first game in the series I've played and I literally died 30 seconds into the game. I believe I only got halfway through before I lost interest.

    There was also Rayman 1 and Sonic Advance 2. Both games that I actually found interesting.

    I could never get past the first part of Moskito's Nest, and I never got past the Sky level in Sonic Advance 2.


    Quote Originally Posted by smurphy View Post
    At the moment I am getting increasingly frustrated with Valkyria Chronicles which is proving itself near impossible at the end. Though I am not surprised given the difficulty curve throughout the whole game.

    The one game I have no notion of beating ever is Halo: ODST on legendary. The part on the highway near the end has nearly brought me to tears on numerous occasions. Ditto the final boss on Ninja Gaiden 2.
    I've beaten Valkyria Chronicles. (great game) What part are you stuck on? Maybe I can help.
    Last edited by Taco-Calamitous; 08-03-2010 at 05:06 PM.

  14. #14
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Unbeatable games

    Games I'll never beat? I dunno... I have so many games I've yet to complete. So there's probably quite a few. ^^;

    I do remember getting increasingly stuck in this game called Galerians. I have a feeling it was a cross between my age when I was playing it and the controls. I'd give it a go now, but the first disc got a little scratched. Interesting game though.

    Skullmonkeys is another. It WAS a fairly simple game, but it really got on my nerves after a while. Also, I feel quite sick when I play it for some reason. Also, I find it a little boring. xD;

    Umm... then there's Wild 9. It's a very simple game to get used to, but I always get stuck in that place where you have to chuck enemies onto the spikes, so you can run over them without taking damage (the gap is too big to jump). Also, there's a spinning spike thing to jump over about halfway down, with MORE spike floor after it. AND there's an enemy machine right behind you making them, so you end up with rockets fired at you too. Perhaps I just need more practice?

    That's it for now...

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  15. #15
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Unbeatable games che's Avatar
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    Re: Unbeatable games

    World of Warcraft. Nobody ever really beats the game. The closest you can come to beating it is cancelling your account.

    There was one guy who had all the achievements save for 1-3, which is a lot. I can't imagine ever spending that much time on any game over the course of any amount of years, though.
    Last edited by che; 08-03-2010 at 07:06 PM.

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  16. #16
    Unbeatable games Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Unbeatable games

    Any King's Quest game really.

    It takes either an astute mind and ample patience and time or a willingness to defeat the purpose of the game by cheating to get through those games.

    Until now!

  17. #17
    Certified tech, come at me! Unbeatable games SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Unbeatable games

    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    Any King's Quest game really.

    It takes either an astute mind and ample patience and time or a willingness to defeat the purpose of the game by cheating to get through those games.
    I totally agree, I did beat the first game (using a walkthrough), but i could never beat the second one for some reason. You really had to use your head to figure out what to do in the game.
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