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They don't bother me. I rather like the chime made when I get a trophy or achievement. Sure, when I'm trying to immerse myself, it's a reminder that I'm playing a game, but I can't say I've ever been so immersed by a game to be lost that deeply. All and all, I like being visually and audibly rewarded for in game accomplishments and enjoy having said information available for myself to look at.
There are some caveats though.
1) Achievement/trophy whores: People who put achievements and trophies on a pedestal higher than the game itself. I've known people who've refused to buy games because there were few or no achievements (mostly PS3 titles) as well as people who rent games like Avatar: The Last Airbender because it is possible to get all 1000 achievement points in a matter of minutes. To me, that's absurd. Trophies should be used to enhance a game, not supersede it.
2) When I find myself caring about trophies at the expense of the game: sometimes, I find that I play the game a certain way so as to get trophies or achievements. An example of this would be the "get X kills with weapon Y" trophies in Uncharted and Uncharted 2. They're easy enough trophies to get, so I naturally try to get them, but in doing so, I spend most of the game playing with weapons I dislike. The trophies that require the player to use stealth or melee are even worse as it completely changes the gameplay style that I would like to use, making it less fun. With a game like Uncharted, it's not a big problem as I like the game enough to play through multiple times, the first time the way I feel like and the next time(s) to gather trophies - in this case it actually lengthens the gameplay for me - but for games I want to play through only once, I often find this urge restricting.
Yes, I have been using "achievement" and "trophy" interchangeably.