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Thread: Tried out League of Legends

  1. #1
    Scourge of Esthar Tried out League of Legends CrazedMonkey's Avatar
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    Tried out League of Legends

    I decided to try this game out after hearing a lot about it and it was....meh. I don't know, maybe I'm just the wrong kinda person for RTS games, but I don't see the point of having a champion to control if my actual control over them is kinda limited. Go here, attack that, use this skill. It's a shame, too, cause I read up a bit on all the different champions and they all have pretty intricate and interesting back-stories, it's really just the whole RTS aspect of it I don't care for. I guess I shouldn't really complain about a game not being what I expected it to be, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed after reading about all the different characters and getting pumped to play with them. I do, in fact, blame myself for not looking into the gameplay style further, but oh well. Anyone else ever have that happen to them? Getting all psyched for a game only to find that it's not what you were wanting? If so, share your own experience.
    You'll have your reward for finding me, and don't think of running off without collecting. My shot is faster, or my names not Balthier.

  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    League is not an RTS. It's a MOBA. Evolved from RTS.

    League, just like dota2 or Heroes of Newerth are games that well, there is no such thing as a natural. I have never see, met or heard of anybody who just picked up a MOBA fresh never played one before and was just really good. They are games to have to sit down, and play, and play, and play, and study, and play, and study, and play, and study.

    They are fun when you understand what is going on and what you can and should do. Give it more time and you may actually enjoy it.

    Bioshock did that for me.

    I saw a preview and was pumped, everything they said about it gave me this came out, I played it and just was so disappointed I beat the game twice to try and make up for the disappointment.
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