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Thread: top 5 hardest rpg final bosses for you

  1. #1
    Certified tech, come at me! top 5 hardest rpg final bosses for you SuperSabin's Avatar
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    top 5 hardest rpg final bosses for you

    Thought I'd start this up since no one else did a boss ranking yet. Here are the worst ones for me. If you want to add why each boss was hard for you feel free to do so.

    #1: Galbalan ~ Ys III: This guy didn't play around at all, he had only one little weak spot that also hurts you too if you get too close. I found this hard because you had to be really patient with the patterns and hitting the weak spot was no easy task.

    #2: Darm/Dahm ~ Ys II: This guy was another toughie, you had to hit him while dodging an endless barricade of meteors which can finish you off pretty quickly.

    #3: Sera ~ MML2: She had attack patterns which were either impossible or nearly impossible to avoid, I had to make sure I had the best buster equipments and special weapon on me. Took me a good deal of tries to defeat her.

    #4: Giygas ~ EarthBound/M2: I think hes hard enough to fit in this list. He has attacks that are unpredictable and I needed to have my levels pretty high and plenty of revive and healing items on me.

    #5: Dark Gaia ~ Illusion of Gaia: I remember having a hard time with Dark Gaia. The first section for avoiding meteors wasn't bad but the 2nd part of the battle you really had to be watchful on what moves he dishes out.
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  2. #2
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み top 5 hardest rpg final bosses for you ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: top 5 hardest rpg final bosses for you

    In no particular order...

    Xemnas (Kingdom Hearts II) - To me he was hard. If you slip up, he is going to destroy you, and pretty quickly too.

    Cloud Of Darkness (FFIII) - It's the fact that you have to plough through a lot to get to her, and then she is hard. If you had trouble on the preceding bosses, she is not going to let you live.

    Giygas (Earthbound) - Without prior knowledge of how to beat him, you are going to be stuck for hours. Levels, especially Paula and Ness at least, should be high.

    Megumi Kitaniji (The World Ends With You) - Depends what difficulty really. He is hard anyway, but on maximum difficulty, no chance!

    Your rival (Pokémon Blue/Red/Yellow) - It may seem silly, but go in under prepared, and you're in for one hell of a fight. Not to mention you have to beat the Elite Four beforehand. To me, he is one of the hardest.

  3. #3
    Registered User top 5 hardest rpg final bosses for you
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    Re: top 5 hardest rpg final bosses for you

    No particular order, except the order in which I recall them.

    Lavos, the true form (Chrono Trigger) - Took me a bit to figure out that
    the center wasn't the main part you were supposed to be trying to kill.
    Well played, Chrono Trigger. Well played indeed.

    Orphan (Final Fantasy XIII)- Oh my GAWD, did this fight take me a good many times to finally get done with. Not the second form though. That was easy-peasy.

    Vanitas (Ven's Story - Kingdom Hearts BBS)- Not so much the first part, but the second part when
    you have to use those action commands to fill up the meter so you can finally take Vanitas out.
    That took me a good many tries as well for some reason.

    I'm going to have to agree with both Cloud of Darkness and Giygas, for pretty much the same reasons as stated above.
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  4. #4
    I feel epic... top 5 hardest rpg final bosses for you Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.

    Re: top 5 hardest rpg final bosses for you


    We good? All right. Don't have five, though, just three... but these really stand out, for me, anyway.

    3. Terra-Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, Terra's Story)
    Pretty tough for Terra, especially with his useless Slide. It comes down to a block and counter strategy really, as anything else will surely get you dead. D-E-D, dead. Need I mention the meteor bit? o__O

    2. Orphan Phase 1 (Final Fantasy XIII)
    This guy would be number 1, if the fight was genuine challenge instead of random cheapness. Status ailments, random instant death, millions of HP, and more... I believe I went on and on about this douche in a thread about him. I'd rather not go back on those horrid memories. Also, I'm afraid to replay Final Fantasy XIII strictly because of him. Although, I suppose as compensation, his second form is easy as pie.

    1. Gabriel Unlimited (Star Ocean: Second Evolution)
    No, not the normal Gabriel you fight... the super-powered version you fight if you see the two required PAs to activate it. This fight is actually harder than the Iseria Queen, I think. Gabriel is fast, no wait, I mean FAST, and he can kill you instantly if he feels like it. He doesn't call on Philia anymore, but he doesn't need her. You'll be lucky to successfully trap him in a combo. But more than likely, he'll escape and give you more hell. I've repeated this fight several times, until I just said screw it, got to Level 255, and had an easier time, but not much easier. You're going to need good healing to make it.

    Honorable Mentions

    The entire final battle of FFX: Not on the list, because once you make it past Jecht, you can't ever die, so...

    Neo Exdeath: Also not on the list, because throwing Gil seems to be the best strategy against him, and you'll usually kill him before he can do anything nasty.

    I also agree with Zantetsuken's Gary/Blue, and Dodie's Lavos Core. Those were pretty annoying fights, too. But I like to over-level, so...
    Last edited by Ralz; 11-28-2010 at 12:04 AM.

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