So, fellow TFFers. Do you remember the first game you played or bought that had a "M" for the rating, or some other kind of symbol that meant it was for mature gamers?
The first M-rated game I played was a Grand Theft Auto game on the PC, though I can't recall exactly which one it would be.It was a fairly long time ago. My brother borrowed it from a friend, and he left it running on the computer one evening and I crept in the computer room and played a bit of it. I remember that I thought it was fun going around and stealing cars, but I didn't want to run the people over. I don't think I did any of the mission stuff that popped up on screen either. I spent most of the time just driving around.
Devil May Cry 3 was the first I ever bought though. I never beat it either. Waaay too hard for me. Haha...