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Thread: Survival Horror Games

  1. #1
    Registered User Survival Horror Games
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    Survival Horror Games

    I just recently became interested in this genre of video games. It's kind of strange that I actually took a liking to it, because I am quite cowardly.

    I think these types of games are pretty neat in the fact that you have to mostly rely on your puzzle-solving skills and evasive actions, rather than just over-the-top violence.

    My friend let me borrow RE4 for the weekend, and I really liked this game. I might try to find a copy of it. However, I haven't played any other titles in the series, so I might have to brush up on my RE history a bit.

    I'm also interested in the Fatal Frame series. I haven't gotten my hands on them yet, but the concept seems very intriguing to me. Exorcising ghosts by taking a picture of them seems like it could make for some interesting gameplay.

    Any particular series you care for, or likes/dislikes for these games?
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  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Survival Horror Games Xanatos's Avatar
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    I would recommend you any game from Silent Hill series because unlike Resident Evil they're really scary and have much interesting story to follow. The best part of this game is fantastic music which gives this game creepy and gruesome atmosphere. Every Silent Hill is simply awesome and personally I don't think there is any better survival horror game. As for Resident Evil series goes, I always liked Resident Evil games but I didn't find them to be scary at all.

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  3. #3
    Survival Horror Games Jin's Avatar
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    Resident Evil 4? Survivor horror? Don't make me laugh. The only way that game can be classified as survival horror is if you compare it to Resident Evil 5. You're far too powerful in that game for it to be survival horror. The purpose of survival horror is to make the player feel weak and helpless and, of course, scared, but that honestly isn't as important as the former. Resident Evil 4 (and 5) are more like action horror games.

    Unfortunately, there aren't too many truly survivor horror games around anymore. I've never played much of Silent Hill, but from what I've observed, they've kept fairly true to the genre, so I'm quite excited about the upcoming Shattered Memories on the Wii. Cursed Mountain also looks like it may have something to offer, if it's done right. It's kind of interesting that this genre is mainly living on through the Wii of all things.

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  4. #4
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Other then Silent Hill: Homecoming, the 5 previous to it were great survival horrors. I am a big fan of the Silent Hill series, 4 was awesome, 3 was alright, 2 was the best, 1 is amazing and Origins is neat. In all of them you feel helpless and sometimes find yourself running away from some fights.

    Also the Clock Tower series I heard was alright.

  5. #5
    Registered User Survival Horror Games HUNK's Avatar
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    Honestly Resident Evil four is really not scary enough to be concidered survival HORROR...However the rest of the Resident Evil games are good.

    I once played Silent Hill two and let me tell you it is ridiculously scary! I was so creeped out that I turned off the game, twice! (The first time I was not even attacked or anything, its just so scary!)

  6. #6
    Yes RE series aren't as scary as SH or Fatal Frame [I really love this games]...
    but we are talking about genres... someone said that RE games are scary...
    when I was a kid [i'm now 20 XD] I got nervous when Nemesis [RE3] was after me...

    so... maybe the person who said that RE was scary and it has to be inside Survival Horror was thinkin when he got inside the Mansion [RE1] and some dogs appeared breaking the windows...


  7. #7
    Aethan Dor Survival Horror Games Jeordam's Avatar
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    Now survival horror games....that's my bag baby

    So the Resident Evil games are fun....I also wouldn't classically put them in this catagory, but they are close enough to just kinda work. I just bought/finished not too long ago "Resident Evil 4" on the wii. The fact that it was on the wii made it much more enjoyable, because it was so interactive.

    If you really want something that will make you weep with fright after your done...its all about Silent Hill. Specifically, Silent Hill 2 stands out. That game will mess you up. We're your momma, read your Bible cause you need something to take the fear away kinda scary.

    If you want a survival horror game that is up to today's current standards, go for Dead Space on the PS3. I haven't played it yet, but I've heard from some very reliable sources that the game is *awsome*. As soon as I'm done with God of War 2...I'm so there.

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  8. #8
    Survival Horror Games Jin's Avatar
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    Dead Space is awesome, but I wouldn't classify it as survival horror. Any game that allows you to buy ammo isn't in sync with the aims of the genre.

    You have to focus less on the horror part of the name and more on the survival part. Your supplies should always be dwindling and there should be a plethora of enemies that are significantly stronger than you. Going back to the original Alone in the Dark, there were some enemies that you simply could not defeat. The survival aspect comes into play in figuring out how to bypass such powerful opponents. Distract them, run around them, find a way to avoid them all together; survival decisions of a similar kind are necessities for survival horror games. Hell, some games in the genre make you play as children or other physically weak characters, disallowing combat all together. That feeling of helplessness is what defines the genre more so than the horror aspect.

    Until now!

  9. #9
    If you're getting into survival horror games, go for Silent Hill and Resident Evil, I personally find the earlier Resident Evil games more survival horror than RE4 and RE5, which to me, are very action-orientated.

    Some more games to play are Clock Tower and Fatal Frame.

    For me, the scariest game i've ever played is the Resident Evil 1 Remake on the GameCube, which I think is also available on the Wii now, too. Enjoy!

    I think I'm beginning to understand. An answer from the Planet, the Promised Land...I think I can meet her...there.

  10. #10
    Survival Horror Games Jin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeyranSolo View Post
    For me, the scariest game i've ever played is the Resident Evil 1 Remake on the GameCube, which I think is also available on the Wii now, too. Enjoy!

    The Gamecube remake is simply amazing. Absolutely my favourite Resident Evil game.

    Until now!

  11. #11
    Well, I do prefer the original PS version, but I adore the remake. It's such a fantastic remake.

    The atmosphere in that game is insane, and I still get shivers walking down the corridors with just candles on the wall as light, I think the original relied mainly on camera angles and the music, the remake uses all these things, along with a very eary atmosphere, to create a great horror survival game.

    Apparently it's quite expensive to buy these days, infact a lot of GameCube games are for some reason.

    I think I'm beginning to understand. An answer from the Planet, the Promised Land...I think I can meet her...there.

  12. #12
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Oh yeaaa that Resident Evil game. I played that up in Reno one time in some small little neighbor hood during a thunder storm. I was getting kinda scared. My cousin cried.

  13. #13
    i have ears :) Survival Horror Games Full Life's Avatar
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    Dead Space it freaked my out and i am never playing it again

  14. #14
    Registered User Survival Horror Games Rnin's Avatar
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    Try some Silent Hill. I found the first one to be a bit difficult. [I never got to the last boss.]
    I've never played Fatal Frame but I heard it was a great game. Resident Evil 1 - 3 are excellent games as well. I beat Resident Evil 4 for Playstation, and going to try for Wii.

  15. #15
    RE 4 and 5 arent horror as much they are more action that anything....RE 1 was super...i actualy had an origional copy of it on ps but now i have it for nintendo for silent hill...i havnt actually played any of the games but 1 of my friends has all of them and i have watched him play them all and they look freakishly scary...another game that i suppose could be considered a horror servival game.....left 4 dead....its not to bad but i think it could have been done a bit better as to make it more....twisted...i liked the fact that it had relitivly fair game play but i didnt like the limit to the weapons you could use

  16. #16
    Dead rising is good fun, but thats all it is, i got bored of it after awhile though

    needed more story and better shops

    Other than that all pre resi 4 and 5 are great, i hate the new approach to the game and lack of actual zombies..

  17. #17
    Professional Klutz. Survival Horror Games Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    As far as survival horror goes there are TONNES of great games. They are fast becoming common. There are titles on all three consoles, some of these are very good. The older games will always be the best, though. Try some of these:

    Silent Hill
    Eternal Darkness
    Parasite Eve
    Dino Crisis
    The Suffering
    Dead Space

    There are so many more. My personal taste commands me to lean towards the zombie based games. I just find them more exciting and there are plenty of them around. Left 4 Dead is one of the best games I have. I can't get bored of it no matter how much I play it. Then theres Dead Rising, which lacks plot and any real direction. However, it's fun in the way Grand Theft Auto is; you can beat things senseless for hours and hours.

    Yeah, the genre is great. You should grab some more titles.

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  18. #18
    Little Pandemonic Carnival Survival Horror Games Insufficient Mage's Avatar
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    Fatal Frame is easily the scariest game I have ever played. Well, tried playing. I had a hard time moving around, not because of the controls but because I was that panicked.

    Not only are the camera angles in this game ingeniously positioned, but you're literally not really safe anywhere... You can even get attacked at Save Points. The only safe sanctuary you have is the Menu.
    Not to mention, as I'm sure you already know, you're armed with a camera and only a camera. You are limited to what can barely be called walking (when she's supposed to be running) around narrow hallways while ghosts can glide through walls with ease, making every step you take count. And most of the time, the ghosts aren't easy to see. Your heart will nearly stop when you feel the controller vibrate at an increasing pulse, mimicking Miku's heartbeat as a ghost closes in on you, but you might not even see it. Where is it? Oh, it just came through the wall that's inches behind you. You'll barely have time to turn around.

    Seriously, this game is terrifying.

    And like others have suggested, definitely give the Silent Hill series a go. I consider Fatal Frame the scariest of the Horror genre (only in my experience), but Silent Hill isn't far behind it. This is a disturbing series. But if you've any taste for horror games, this series is a must.

  19. #19
    Registered User Survival Horror Games Yesha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Insufficient Mage View Post
    Fatal Frame is easily the scariest game I have ever played. Well, tried playing. I had a hard time moving around, not because of the controls but because I was that panicked.

    Not only are the camera angles in this game ingeniously positioned, but you're literally not really safe anywhere... You can even get attacked at Save Points. The only safe sanctuary you have is the Menu.
    Not to mention, as I'm sure you already know, you're armed with a camera and only a camera. You are limited to what can barely be called walking (when she's supposed to be running) around narrow hallways while ghosts can glide through walls with ease, making every step you take count. And most of the time, the ghosts aren't easy to see. Your heart will nearly stop when you feel the controller vibrate at an increasing pulse, mimicking Miku's heartbeat as a ghost closes in on you, but you might not even see it. Where is it? Oh, it just came through the wall that's inches behind you. You'll barely have time to turn around.

    Seriously, this game is terrifying.
    Yes.. FataL Frame is indeed a SurvivaL Horror Game.. aLso, I might as weLL add that.. this game has a three series/sequeLs..

    *FataL Frame; Based on a True story
    *FataL Frame 2; Crimson ButterfLy
    *FataL Frame 3; The Tormented
    *FataL Frame 4; ?? (I haven't pLayed it yet)

    :-) which are, have a different story and character each, but somehow the story and character are actuaLLy connected to the other series too.. which is very interesting.. the settings wiLL not change as you advance to the next series BUT! You wiLL discover some hidden rooms or passageways..

    The characters are very interesting having a great background story in them.. aLso as "Insufficient Mage" said, this game wiLL satisfy your horrific needs.. :-) having a struggLe with different scary ghosts..

    The surroundings in there, are very scary and dark.. but don't worry, you'LL have your flashLight.. :-) aLso..

    The graphics are great too and wiLL be improve in the other Latest series, aLso I heard that this game has a fourth sequeL (The one with "??"), but can onLy be pLayed in Wii.. which is sadLy.. for me.
    Last edited by Yesha; 09-19-2009 at 11:33 PM.

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