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Thread: Street Fighter X Tekken

  1. #1

    Street Fighter X Tekken

    Let me start out by saying that the next coming up 2 years is going to be full of kick ass treats for fans of the fighting game genre.

    That being said, I am super psyched about SF X T. I haven't read a whole lot about the game but what I read sounds pretty sick. I remember reading that Capcom is doing SF's fighting engine and Namco is doing Tekken's. The overall look of the game looks really nice as well. I normally do not give a crap about the graphics in a game, but Street Fighter 4 had some really kick ass visuals and it appears that this game is going to adopt some of SF4's style.

    Anyways, what are your anticipations or hopes surrounding the game?

    Here is a link to the first trailer.
    YouTube - Street Fighter X Tekken Comic Con 2010 Debut Trailer [HD]
    Last edited by Blackbird VIII; 07-31-2010 at 12:04 PM.

  2. #2
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Street Fighter X Tekken ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Street Fighter X Tekken

    I am more than excited. Both franchises are awesome (granted I like Tekken tons more than SF) and it was only a matter of time until they appeared in the same game.

    The trailer looks great, I'm super excited!

    I'm hoping it's a updated engine, rather than just SF style, but I will get it anyway. Just a shame it won't be released for a long time.

  3. #3
    I want to play a game. Street Fighter X Tekken Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Street Fighter X Tekken

    Quote Originally Posted by ZantetsukeN View Post
    I am more than excited. Both franchises are awesome (granted I like Tekken tons more than SF) and it was only a matter of time until they appeared in the same game.

    The trailer looks great, I'm super excited!

    I'm hoping it's a updated engine, rather than just SF style, but I will get it anyway. Just a shame it won't be released for a long time.
    Good news for you is as Hiro said, there is a Tekken x Street Fighter game being made by Namco which is going to use the Tekken engine. I'm more interested in the Tekken x Street Fighter version since I too am more the Tekken fan (Namco fan in general with Soul Calibur series). I do wonder how they'll incorporate the Tekken fighters into the Street Fighter engine since Tekken fighters don't have "specials" and most of them don't have any "chi" attacks. How these two games will be interesting and a huge event, I do need to pick up some fighters - too bad SNK hasn't delivered much this gen. As I think on it perhaps Virtua Fighter would have been a better fit for Tekken, except Virtua Fighter isn't as big as Street Fighter in the West.

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  4. #4
    Lady Succubus Street Fighter X Tekken Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Street Fighter X Tekken

    YouTube - Street Fighter X Tekken 'Ryu, Chun Li vs Kazuya, Nina' Gameplay

    This would be early gameplay footage of SF vs Tekken. If you're curious how Tekken would look, click it and find out. I for one am really impressed by it. I can't wait for Tekken's version either, though..

    Man. I need more money. @_@

  5. #5
    Street Fighter X Tekken Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Street Fighter X Tekken

    This seems kind of like a cash grab to me. Don't get me wrong, Street Figher versus Tekken sounds great, but it's the fact that there will be two games that makes me roll my eyes (and perhaps an inevitable Super Street Figher X Tekken?). I'd much prefer a co-op project between the two studios in an effort to seamlessly combine the two very different fighters rather than a Jim Crow approach resulting in two different perspectives of the same concept.

    But I'm not really big into fighting games anyways, so maybe my opinion is moot.

    Until now!

  6. #6
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Street Fighter X Tekken Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Street Fighter X Tekken

    I always wanted this to happen and now it does, two of my favorite game series are merging into one, not to mention that Capcom already has huge experience at this so it's bound to be great. I personally would love to see a huge characters roster, at least big like the one from Tekken 6, both series have great list of characters and I would love to see as many of them pit against each other.

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  7. #7
    The Old Skool Warrior Street Fighter X Tekken LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Re: Street Fighter X Tekken

    What I really don't understand is why they don't just do SFxT and TxSF in one game, and give you the option to select which engine you want to use before you start your fight... it would make everything easier and keep us from shelling out on the same crossover title twice. I'd be more than willing to pay $80 for the single title than $60 twice...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  8. #8
    Lady Succubus Street Fighter X Tekken Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Street Fighter X Tekken

    While logically that would make a lot of sense, I'm not sure it's even that easy to accomplish such a task. ...Actually for PS3 what they could do is just double-package the game and have two discs; one with each engine or some such.

    I just have this feeling that it's "easier said than done" to put two different engines into a single disc game.

  9. #9
    The Old Skool Warrior Street Fighter X Tekken LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Re: Street Fighter X Tekken

    Well, on PS3, they could easily do both on one blu-ray disc, and release a two-disc compilation for 360.

    Still, I know that doing it like that is counter-intuitive... wouldn't it be the first time anyone put two engines into one game? I'm not sure, but it probably would...
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    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
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    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

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