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Thread: Son, I am Disappoint

  1. #1
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Son, I am Disappoint Xanatos's Avatar
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    Son, I am Disappoint

    What are some good games that managed to disappoint you?

    Since my list is fairly huge I'll mention few that disappointed me the most.

    The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess - Not the game itself, rather company responsible for it. I've already seen, and played this countless of times before. Why change a winning formula, true, but same locations, same characters with little to no personality, same shallow, and predictable story, at one point you just get tired of it. Zelda has potential to be something more, shame though Nintendo doesn't see it that way.

    Resident Evil 4, and 5 - Plain shooters with Resi title, both games lack elements their predecessors were famous for. Creepy, and intense atmosphere, cheap scares, interesting puzzles, sense for survival in general.

    Dragon Age II - Compared to Origins, Dragon Age II is step backwards in every possible way. Characters, story, gameplay, setting, customization, even music is inferior to what's seen in it's predecessor. They dumbded down Dragon Age to appeal to wider audience, and boost their sales in which they succeeded, but by doing so they released a mediocre game at best.

    Final Fantasy VII - I was promised the best RPG experience of my life, and all I got was solid at best game full of bugs, and glitches, with flawed battle system, and mediocre characters, and story. I guess the very hype was it's downfall.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  2. #2
    Passing fair judgement Son, I am Disappoint Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Son, I am Disappoint

    You didn't like FFVII , what's wrong with you.

    I'm just joking about that, but seriously, what's up with that.
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  3. #3
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Son, I am Disappoint Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Son, I am Disappoint

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Magistrate View Post
    You didn't like FFVII , what's wrong with you.

    I'm just joking about that, but seriously, what's up with that.
    I wrote multiple times why I'm not really fond of Final Fantasy VII, another post or two and someone might think I hate this game, but to sum it up, Final Fantasy VII is prime example of an overrated game. It's rushed, full of bugs and glitches, with bad translation and impressive battle system on first glance, but as you dig deeper you find out how flawed and easily exploited it is.

    Final Fantasy VII features an angsty, confused teen as a main protagonist, horrible leader who wasn't himself, both mentally, and what he claimed to be for major part of the game. His counterpart, a rather passive, and boring villain may as well take a clown outfit due to huge list of similarities he shares with Kefka, difference being, Kefka actually accomplished his goal while Sephiroth did nothing major through several medias. Even his biggest achievement came eight years after original game as mere wish to feature him once more thus pleasing huge amount of fans who think he's a great villain because he apparently looks cool, and has a big ass sword. As for other characters, Barret, a walking stereotype, Yuffie, and Caith Sith are among worst characters in Final Fantasy franchise, others are actually good.

    Regarding the story, it's full of plot holes, it leaves you with more questions than answers, other medias set in Final Fantasy VII universe made things only worse. It's not even funny how many fans can't get their facts straight, though you must admire determination to answer, and explain quite a few parts of Final Fantasy VII. Some of those fans should release their explanation, better assumptions, and speculations as a book just to patch things up.

    As for being revolutionary, perhaps in Final Fantasy sense as it was the fist 3D game in franchise, Final Fantasy II with it's leveling system, and Final Fantasy IV with ATB contributed far more on that part, as those elements are used even today. One thing that keeps cracking me up are people who claim Final Fantasy VII had gorgeous graphics for it's time, there were way better looking games even before Final Fantasy VII was released.

    Final Fantasy VII achieved massive popularity due to huge commercial campaign in USA, and Europe, a campaign neither one of it's predecessors had, plus massive amount of players new to RPG genre. Gamers in Japan, country in which games such as Final Fantasy VI, and Chrono Trigger were popular as it is were wondering have we ever played a solid RPG game before. As for the fans themselves, a vicious bunch, to this very day you can't mention an RPG, Final Fantasy for that matter not to be compared to Final Fantasy VII. And if you "insult" apparently the greatest RPG ever by pointing one out of dozen flaws this game has you either don't know shit about games or you're just a plain hater. Though I must admit, there are quite few normal fans of Final Fantasy VII here on TFF, people who know their shit.

    Wow, this turned out to be longer than I expected, but yea, these are the reason why I'm not really fond of this game.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  4. #4
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    Re: Son, I am Disappoint

    Final Fantasy VII was overrated, no two ways about it, but it's still a great game. Most of your arguments hold up, except for these:

    Game took 3 years to make, more than any FF before it. In no way was it rushed.

    The translation is bad because the team who did the original Japanese took it upon themselves to translate it. At this time, Square was in a dispute with their go-to guy for translations, Ted Woolsey. After several botched translations, they felt they could do it better. They couldn't, and for subsequent games hired Tom Slattery to take over translation duties, hence the higher quality of subsequent translations.

    As for good games that disappointed me, I'd say really the only one in recent memory is Fuel. Overall, it's a great game with a lot of interesting ideas. I'm usually down for whatever Codemasters throws at me (GRiD, DiRT, etc.), but this game is so marred with repetition that it's near impossible to drone your way through it.

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  5. #5
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Son, I am Disappoint

    Bioshock 2 disappointed me, because I sucked at it. It seemed a lot harder than the first one, which is kinda weird, since in the sequel, you are playing as a Big Daddy. (I suppose I didn't suck at it really, but I got through the first one without ever really feeling a threat that I might die. In this one, I got to a point where I was running low on ammo, money, and med pacs, and the splicers were kicking my ass, so I wasn't even sure if I'd get past that part, much less not die the entire game again.)

    Final Fantasy Dissidia also disappointed me because I sucked at it. My friends all loved it, but I didn't. They also loved FF7:CC, which I couldn't get into at all. FFXIII disappointed me too, although whether it's a good game or not is debatable.

    I can't really think of anything else. I'm sure there's been others, however. Mostly falling under the "It was too hard/I suck at this" category. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  6. #6
    Passing fair judgement Son, I am Disappoint Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Son, I am Disappoint

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    I wrote multiple times why I'm not really fond of Final Fantasy VII, another post or two and someone might think I hate this game, but to sum it up, Final Fantasy VII is prime example of an overrated game. It's rushed, full of bugs and glitches, with bad translation and impressive battle system on first glance, but as you dig deeper you find out how flawed and easily exploited it is.

    Final Fantasy VII features an angsty, confused teen as a main protagonist, horrible leader who wasn't himself, both mentally, and what he claimed to be for major part of the game. His counterpart, a rather passive, and boring villain may as well take a clown outfit due to huge list of similarities he shares with Kefka, difference being, Kefka actually accomplished his goal while Sephiroth did nothing major through several medias. Even his biggest achievement came eight years after original game as mere wish to feature him once more thus pleasing huge amount of fans who think he's a great villain because he apparently looks cool, and has a big ass sword. As for other characters, Barret, a walking stereotype, Yuffie, and Caith Sith are among worst characters in Final Fantasy franchise, others are actually good.

    Regarding the story, it's full of plot holes, it leaves you with more questions than answers, other medias set in Final Fantasy VII universe made things only worse. It's not even funny how many fans can't get their facts straight, though you must admire determination to answer, and explain quite a few parts of Final Fantasy VII. Some of those fans should release their explanation, better assumptions, and speculations as a book just to patch things up.

    As for being revolutionary, perhaps in Final Fantasy sense as it was the fist 3D game in franchise, Final Fantasy II with it's leveling system, and Final Fantasy IV with ATB contributed far more on that part, as those elements are used even today. One thing that keeps cracking me up are people who claim Final Fantasy VII had gorgeous graphics for it's time, there were way better looking games even before Final Fantasy VII was released.

    Final Fantasy VII achieved massive popularity due to huge commercial campaign in USA, and Europe, a campaign neither one of it's predecessors had, plus massive amount of players new to RPG genre. Gamers in Japan, country in which games such as Final Fantasy VI, and Chrono Trigger were popular as it is were wondering have we ever played a solid RPG game before. As for the fans themselves, a vicious bunch, to this very day you can't mention an RPG, Final Fantasy for that matter not to be compared to Final Fantasy VII. And if you "insult" apparently the greatest RPG ever by pointing one out of dozen flaws this game has you either don't know shit about games or you're just a plain hater. Though I must admit, there are quite few normal fans of Final Fantasy VII here on TFF, people who know their shit.

    Wow, this turned out to be longer than I expected, but yea, these are the reason why I'm not really fond of this game.

    Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. I just overlooked them though because I thought the game was good in a cheesy way.
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  7. #7
    Registered User Son, I am Disappoint Cyric's Avatar
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    Re: Son, I am Disappoint

    Killzone 3 was a pretty big disappointment. I was really, really excited for the game when it was announced, but when I got home and played it I was surprised to find that it was really easy, and the story was lacking. The second remains my favourite.

  8. #8
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Son, I am Disappoint ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Son, I am Disappoint

    Uncharted: Drake's Fortune was a huge disappointment for me. I had so many people telling me 'oh buy this game it's one of the best PS3 games you can get'. So I bought it, played, and I got sick of it not far into it. I thought I would like it because the controls were more or less the same as the rebooted Tomb Raider games (Legend etc). I didn't mind that aspect of it, but the combat system was dreadful. Also Drake's health threshold and recover time were pathetic. Overall, I did not like it one bit. After so much hype, I've never been more disappointed.

    I'll probably catch hell for this, but Elder Scrolls greatly disappointed me, especially Oblivion. I really wanted to like this game, but I found it very, very hard to get into.


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