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Thread: Second Life

  1. #1
    is not a douche Second Life Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Second Life

    I just saw a documentary about this game. It detailed about how obsessive people can get on it and how they spend REAL money to buy NON-REAL "I'm going to buy this lovely virtual necklace........."

    No offense to those who maybe have played it or have purchased those type of items on SL or other similar websites, but I was just so floored by the devotion of some of its members. And here I thought was bad. Then again, I am somewhat of a hypocrite (to a minor degree) because I play SC.

  2. #2
    Chief Inspiring Officer Second Life Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Second Life

    I've heard about those types of games. I'm seriously wondering who those people are... How can you spend money...on nothing! (P.S. I really love money, okay?)
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  3. #3
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Second Life

    I played this game one time. I got killed about 15 minutes in by some child molester. I chose to run, too. ****in' harsh. EDIT: Oh wait, maybe it isn't what I'm thinking it is. What I played was text-based.

    Yeah, people spending money for items in a video game are sully. They should spend that money on real things, like food and beer.

  4. #4

    Re: Second Life

    While I do agree using money as a way to buy virtual things is quite silly.
    We are doing the same things by purchasing games themselves and their various content.
    Though ours is a little more justified as we get gameplay, stories, graphics, etc.

    This sort of reminds me of the people who buy ridiculously priced apps just because they can. Kevin (of Ending up buying a 200 dollar clock app. Nothing fancy about it, it was just simply a clock. Albeit he was drunk, but the app has had multiple downloads, whether by accident or not.

  5. #5
    Just kind of there. Second Life Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: Second Life

    I've messed around with it a bit, Well ok according to Xfire i've logged about 100 hours, But at the end of the day it's nothing but a glorified chat room. Though I do occasionally log in just to try to build stuff.
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  6. #6
    Registered User Second Life
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    Re: Second Life

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph View Post
    I played this game one time. I got killed about 15 minutes in by some child molester. I chose to run, too. ****in' harsh. EDIT: Oh wait, maybe it isn't what I'm thinking it is. What I played was text-based.
    The game you're thinking of is Alter Ego. I was there when that happened to "you" too. xDDD That's what you get for talking to a shady stranger.

    I joined Second Life to check it out back in 2009. There was enough free stuff around to keep me occupied for a few weeks, so I never felt the urge to spend actual money on stuff. Got bored of it though, and never went back.
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  7. #7
    Certified tech, come at me! Second Life SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Second Life

    Theres another thing like this that exist on a game console *cough*playstation home*cough*. Sure its social but you had to download everything each time you wanted to go to an area you haven't been to before. and if you wanted new clothes for your avy you had to pay for them.
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