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Thread: Scariest non-Scary video games?

  1. #1
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Scariest non-Scary video games? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Scariest non-Scary video games?

    What are the scariest games that aren't meant to be scary?

    To me, definitely Majoras Mask- The legend of Zelda.

    I mean, this game makes me feel slightly depressed, but not the negative depressed, happily depressed (I can't explain), and it makes me feel hopeless.

    There is A daughter who's father is a mummy... O.o
    A scary ass moon face which will fall on you, which adds a sense of hopelessness anyways.
    A ghost who cannot except his demise.
    A scary ass maksman who lost his son.
    A wedding couple who gets married on the dawn of destruction...

    Just so much darkness in this game, scary, really scary for me...

    NOtable mention is the Ocarina of time.
    I will stress over and over again that I NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER want to go into the Well in Kakariko. Or the Shadow temple, or the Spirit Temple, or the Gravyard, or even the Fire temple because of the music, I'm scared of water so the water temple is out, The forest temple is shitting scary because of the eerie music and darkness, the scary ass like likes, I hate the wallmasters, stupid friggen poes, those horrid Re-deads... Jeesh, why are these games so scary!

    More scary in my opinion than Dead space.
    Actually different type of fear but still.

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  2. #2
    .............. Scariest non-Scary video games? smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Scariest non-Scary video games?

    The old Medal of Honor games are probably the scariest non horror games I have played. Especially the ones on the PS1. The use of music to crank up the tension was.....well I dont know a superlative that would do it justice. Then there were undercover missions in which you hope not to get caught, claustrophobic missions in submarines and a tonne of other variations. My nerves were frayed whenever I played these games.

    The scariest moment in any game horror or otherwise was in Medal of Honor: Underground where you are ascending a narrow spiral staircase when from the blue a nazi knight in armour charges you with you pretty much defenceless. The closest I have come to nearly pissing myself. And any moment in MoH: Underground or MoH: Frontline when you can hear the tracks of a tank approaching are more scary than anything I have experienced in most horror games.
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  3. #3
    Registered User Scariest non-Scary video games? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: Scariest non-Scary video games?

    I'm going to say Shadow of the Colossus,

    Talking to a demon in the sky? Running around a completely desolate land? Just the isolation of that gives an eerie creepy feel, especially when you walk up to some ruins and realize there was once something great there. It's like a giant grave yard. And then some of the totems, especially the water eel for me, was just nightmarish. Good stuff.

  4. #4
    Registered User Scariest non-Scary video games?
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    Re: Scariest non-Scary video games?

    Batman: Arkham Asylum comes to my mind, so I'll pick that. You're wandering around in an institution for the criminally insane, and some of the environments can be downright creepy. Not to mention the encounters with the Scarecrow:
    when you get to the autopsy room, all kinds of crazy shit happens. Scary voices, slamming doors, bloody body bags and hallucinations of Bruce Wayne's dead parents... Freaky stuff. The last time you encounter him, the game seems to glitch out, and makes you think somethings either wrong with the console or the game... Both frightening experiences for ANY gamer.
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  5. #5
    TFF's Resident Messenger Scariest non-Scary video games? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Scariest non-Scary video games?

    I don't play too many scary games. I have always thought Hitman: Contracts and MGS3 were scary, though. I don't really understand why I was frightened of them, they just do.
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  6. #6
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Scariest non-Scary video games? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Scariest non-Scary video games?

    I'm going to say Earthbound. It's just a really weird game all round. It has some scary as hell music, weird enemies and, worst of all, the final boss is probably the scariest and most disturbing thing I have ever seen in a game.

  7. #7
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Scariest non-Scary video games?

    Quote Originally Posted by ZantetsukeN View Post
    ...the final boss is probably the scariest and most disturbing thing I have ever seen in a game.
    This. I remember actually not being able to sleep the night I beat that game, thinking of the imagery and the music at the very end.

    In Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, facing certain enemies can give me quite a scare. Because they're hard as hell. In particular, these guys. Seriously, I'd be like "GAH!" just seeing them come on the screen. The best part is when they'd pop out of the destructible block you just broke right on top of you. When they come around, it's oftentimes best to just run. Luckily, they're an exclusive enemy to the last temple. But the last temple itself has the right atmosphere and music to be unnerving.

    Oh yeah, and also, the last area of Metroid II: The Return of Samus. Very creepy music that becomes even more creepy when you're fighting the metroids, and a foreboding music as you're closing in on the last metroid, herself.

    (To be honest, it was a lot more creepy in the black and white of the original gameboy.) Anyhoo...
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  8. #8

    Re: Scariest non-Scary video games?

    I'm gonna have to agree with Angel About the N64 Zelda games.

    When I was younger and first played the Forest Temple it scared me, I think it was the music. Oddly enough the Well nor the Shadow temple scared me.
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  9. #9
    Just kind of there. Scariest non-Scary video games? Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: Scariest non-Scary video games?



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  10. #10

    Re: Scariest non-Scary video games?

    I don't get scared easily when it comes to games. The last scary game I played was Dead Space and the only times it was scary was when something shot out of the ceiling above me or below me or off to the sides. Pretty much the parts where if it was your first time, its gonna scare you no matter what.

  11. #11
    A Plain Old Derp Scariest non-Scary video games? Padraic's Avatar
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    Re: Scariest non-Scary video games?

    Pokemon. Not the new ones, I'm talking Red, Blue, and Yellow if you're generous. Pokemon died. Remember Gary's Raticate, and how he battled you in Lavender Tower? Where was his Raticate then? Also, the music in that town, and what it did to all those kids who played Red and Green. I could never listen to the theme again without thinking about it. Dark games... Also, the cutting and selling of Slowpoke tails, damn creepy (Yes I know that's G/S/C)

  12. #12
    Consistently Average Scariest non-Scary video games? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Scariest non-Scary video games?

    Quote Originally Posted by Padraic View Post
    Pokemon. Not the new ones, I'm talking Red, Blue, and Yellow if you're generous. Pokemon died. Remember Gary's Raticate, and how he battled you in Lavender Tower? Where was his Raticate then? Also, the music in that town, and what it did to all those kids who played Red and Green. I could never listen to the theme again without thinking about it. Dark games... Also, the cutting and selling of Slowpoke tails, damn creepy (Yes I know that's G/S/C)
    haha wow i forgot about that. also, might i add, team rocket kills a cubone's mother after it tries to escape from them and you fight its ghost after it tells you to 'get out, get out' of the haunted tower.
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  13. #13
    A Plain Old Derp Scariest non-Scary video games? Padraic's Avatar
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    Re: Scariest non-Scary video games?

    Quote Originally Posted by SaixBerserk7 View Post
    haha wow i forgot about that. also, might i add, team rocket kills a cubone's mother after it tries to escape from them and you fight its ghost after it tells you to 'get out, get out' of the haunted tower.
    Yeah, the Marowak Ghost was pretty creepy, actually all the ghosts were... They scared your pokemon so much you couldn't do anything but flee! I don't remember about in the original, but in the remakes the Marowak would bat your pokeballs away if you tried to catch it.

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