Quote Originally Posted by omgawd View Post
Yeah I acknowledge those but I believe consistency is much harder to acheive, NOONE is immune to the occasional slip up from time to time but in any business enterprise you must experiment and take risks(I guess that can apply to the um..'different' direction FF has gone but.. STILLXD).. Unfortunately it *nuclear* bombed...These things happen to the best of those in the corporate world..Such a business venture is what (Ithink) led to the Enix merger..For me I make a conscious choice not to hold that **WORSTEVERRR** 'slip-up' over his head, lets leave the directing to Tetsuya Nomura ahh Hes so awesome(*WARNING*FFVII FANMODE*)He "only" wrote the original story for VII, he was the character designer AND in charge of the original scenario concept..Ohoh um I try not to rebuff someones argument cause I cant distinguish between what is personal preference and what is cold hard facts or both..because I loved Lost Odyssey u see..OH also I think he's tryin to be careful when he makes the statement though- “....but at the same time, I don’t know how to put this, but there’s an element that’s slightly excessive about it all…” Hes trying NOT to point the fingerXD Im pretty sure he still beats himself up over Spirits Within and what happened as a result..Dont worry I still love you!!...*ahem** Plus hes got Nobuo Uemtasu on his team so he winsXD

Gosh..I havent played any of those games you mentioned so I cant comment..Sry I dont really care what evryone else is "eating up" I can only comment about what I want as one customer whos always on the lookout for an epic game but I need to care (nragenvent) when its affecting the quality of the games I buy especially my favourite ones.. What else am I gonna do paint my frkn nails gtfo XD
These stream of conscious-esque posts of yours are a unique breath of fresh air in a very challenging sort of way. I hope I don't misconstrue what you're saying. LO was definitely the only JRPG I enjoyed this gen, and it really did take me by surprise with how well it was done (didn't play Tales of Vesperia, though). Far be it from me to point a cold, judgmental finger at a guy who has clearly proven his writing chops in the past, I'm just playing the part of captain obvious in stating how much of a shock it is for a guy, who's most popular titles reveled in graphical supremacy, to be claiming he doesn't want to be held down by a need to be graphically superior at all times. If it leads to better titles, god bless him and may he continue.

If you're looking for new games to try, definitely czech out the ones I named. They are all retro in spirit with distinct throwback visuals, gameplay that is simple to learn but difficult to master, and best of all are dirt cheap. They are part of this new revolution where with the Xbox Live Arcade and Steam and stuff, indie developers are able to make these quaint, labor of love projects, and distribute them to a wide audience. They are relevant because the graphics are the exact opposite of cutting edge, but the games are selling great and are getting fantastic scores.