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Thread: Remembering Blade Mistress...

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  1. #1
    Permanently banned Remembering Blade Mistress...
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    Remembering Blade Mistress...

    Anyone here remember Blade Mistress? Blade Mistress is a pay-to-play MMORPG that was released a few years ago. It was extremely well done and is considered to have the same graphics quality as World of Warcraft. I found out about it from a MMO website, by the time I found out about it, it went from pay-to-play to free-to-play (like 2 days before I got the game it had gone to free). I thought it was awesome and played it for a while, but eventually I kind of stopped playing it (because StarCraft: Brood War is the best game ever). About a year later I went back on the game, launched the client and everything, and it failed to connect. I then went on the official website and the developers left a message on the website saying " and the game server are temporarily down, we will have them both back up and running soon, we apologize for any inconvenience.". So I was like, okay, and kept checking back a few times a week for about a month (or two), but it still had the same message. It's been like 2 or 3 years and it is still down, yet the developers claim they will have it back up and running "soon". This is a bit outrageous, no? I am considering contacting the company, below I have posted the company's contact information, so other fans can contact the developers too:

    Mailing Address
    300 Crockett Street #203
    Austin TX
    United States 78704


    [email protected]


  2. #2
    Lady Succubus Remembering Blade Mistress... Victoria's Avatar
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    I just checked the URL, and the site doesn't even exist anymore. The domain is "free", really.

    I think it just died, so there's really no point in contacting the company for a game that doesn't exist anymore.

    Edit: Also googled the name, and found a review for it:

    ...Graphics seem to be more toward Everquest, rather than WoW. Not just normal EQ either.

    Quote Originally Posted by
    The graphics look fairly similar to Everquest if you are viewing your monitor immediately after being sprayed in the face with mace.
    Going off of this review, since that's the only thing I can go off of at this point (can't really tell me to play the game for myself), it looks to me that "Blade Mistress" is a pile of crap. Sounds like the game was made by amateurs or something to that effect.

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Once I realized that there was no penalty whatsoever for dying I began to die as a form of transportation back to the town, saving myself the time of actually walking back.
    Sounds like Ragnarok Online, haha. Although with iRO, at least you lose a bit of EXP, but not really much to really impact you until later in the levels.

    Also, with more research into the company's name, I found this website:
    The email there is a lot different than the one you provided. ...Then again, you only provided the one for the website. Which probably isn't valid anymore, seeing as the website doesn't exist.

    And from even further research, I guess the owner of the game gave it off to this "Punisher" person, who obviously didn't really care about it.
    Last edited by Victoria; 10-16-2009 at 09:00 AM.

  3. #3
    Permanently banned Remembering Blade Mistress...
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    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Sheena View Post
    I just checked the URL, and the site doesn't even exist anymore. The domain is "free", really.

    I think it just died, so there's really no point in contacting the company for a game that doesn't exist anymore.

    Edit: Also googled the name, and found a review for it: Blade Mistress

    ...Graphics seem to be more toward Everquest, rather than WoW. Not just normal EQ either.

    Going off of this review, since that's the only thing I can go off of at this point (can't really tell me to play the game for myself), it looks to me that "Blade Mistress" is a pile of crap. Sounds like the game was made by amateurs or something to that effect.

    Sounds like Ragnarok Online, haha. Although with iRO, at least you lose a bit of EXP, but not really much to really impact you until later in the levels.

    Also, with more research into the company's name, I found this website: Aggressive Game Designs - Free Game Downloads - Puzzles, Action, and lots of Cute Creatures - Fun for the Entire Family
    The email there is a lot different than the one you provided. ...Then again, you only provided the one for the website. Which probably isn't valid anymore, seeing as the website doesn't exist.

    And from even further research, I guess the owner of the game gave it off to this "Punisher" person, who obviously didn't really care about it.
    Thanks for the link, that actually made me laugh.

  4. #4
    ~Its impossible to fight~ Remembering Blade Mistress... Orbiting Gravity's Avatar
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    Ouch, that's a shame really. I never actually played it but to have it down with no warning is a bit...evil.

    Well, you have your memories at least.

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