Man, I've heard a lot of really good stuff, and watched cyrus34 play a bit here and there. Haven't taken a stab at it myself, though.
Do any of you TFFers play this game? its a free to play rougelike game with 8-bit looking characters and you go around to different servers fighting monsters, picking up spoils, and it is really, really addicting and fun. I am creating a thread here to play with the idea of starting a guild, anyone interesting in gathering together a TFF guild for this game? In order to have a guild, we need enough committed players to have this work out. Once there is enough people, we can get a social group going hopefully.
If you're interested reply to this topic and feel free to contribute some ideas for the guild.
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Man, I've heard a lot of really good stuff, and watched cyrus34 play a bit here and there. Haven't taken a stab at it myself, though.
Community Manager; Forum Administrator
reppin' SOLDIER since 2004 • CPC8 class of 2009Random;:
I'm sure you would enjoy it, Loco, It doesn't take too long to get hooked if this is your kind of game. As you progress through RotMG you unlock other job classes to work with. There are a bunch of random quests for each realm in the game and if you find a party of people already battling, you can gain XP just by being around them when they defeat monsters. I figured it would be a great opportunity to get a guild together on this forum since this is the kind of game that just begs for a guild.
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