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Thread: Realistic Games?

  1. #1
    Badass Military Agent Realistic Games? Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Realistic Games?

    Don't remember anyone talking about this, but here it goes.

    What I mean by realistic, is over the course of gaming history there have been a few games here and there(from what I can remember) where the character would have to fulfill real bodily functions such as going to the bathroom, eating, sleeping, the occasional sex-deprived maniac, characters that smoke, drink alcohol, stuff like that, who wouldn't want to save the world after waking up and drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels

    How would you feel if more games incorporated this function? Would it annoy you to all hell's end? Would you actually like it?

    What do you think?

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  2. #2

    Re: Realistic Games?

    I think it would be boring :/ Saving the world is more interesting!
    I apologize if you was like this '''' . If i made any gramar, spelling or any other stupid mistakes, i`m sorry

  3. #3
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Realistic Games? che's Avatar
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    Re: Realistic Games?

    I don't play games to have to piss and shit and eat twice as much through the catalyst of a controller. I won't hate on anyone who enjoys playing The Sims or whatever the **** else does shit like that, but where is the sense of adventure? There's no adventure in letting the game play out on the way to your sim's bathroom so you can go to the bathroom while you go to the bathroom.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  4. #4
    Registered User Realistic Games?
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    Re: Realistic Games?

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    I won't hate on anyone who enjoys playing The Sims or whatever the **** else does shit like that, but where is the sense of adventure?
    Maybe there's no adventure, per se, but there is a certain level of appeal in other aspects. If you play those games and treat it like how you would act irl, the Sims games do get boring. However, the fun lies in the crazy stuff you can make your Sims do, and the level of customization for things like outfits and lots is nice. It's a pretty good tool for exercising the imagination, imo.

    But to each their own.

    As for other games incorporating such things, I don't think it'd work out so well. Many games already incorporate quite a bit of "micro-management" as it is (keeping an eye on your ammo, health, and other stats), and adding any more could become fairly tedious.
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  5. #5
    chocolateer Realistic Games? 01habbo's Avatar
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    Re: Realistic Games?

    The point of a simulation game is to do what you want with them, that's the key thing about it that you can control every aspect of their lives. The fun comes from not just mimicing every day life, but from you taking a god position in the game and as Dodie said make them do crazy things.

    You can control how they die for example, drowning, in a fire, starvation. What happens if I lock them in a room with a fire and take the door away? What happens if there is a family across the road that I don't like the look of, I could easily take away the ladder to the pool if they go for a swim.

    Another aspect to the game is the creation aspect of it, creating gardens and houses. Yes there is no adventure to the game because that is not the point of the game.

    So my opinion on simulation is that it shouldn't be mixed with other games, it wouldn't mix well and they work as a stand alone game by themselves.

  6. #6
    TFF's Resident Messenger Realistic Games? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Realistic Games?

    I agree that Simulation Games are best played to live out anything you wouldn't normally do in real life. And that the necessity to perform bodily functions and whatnot can be a bit boring. I also didn't like in The Sims how you HAD to get married and have children. Still, it is nice to once in a while let loose and live a life that isn't your own.

    One game that allows you do some of the things stated in the Original Post, and isn't technically a Simulation Game is Bully.

    Your character, Jimmy Hopkins, is able to use bathrooms, drink (water and soda), eat, sleep, and do other things. However the only required one is sleeping. You have to be in bed by two am. Otherwise, you passes out and hobos take your shoes. One time, the hobos took my pants, and I had go from New Coventry all the way back to the school in underpants. I was searching for the 75 rubber bands, and hadn't gotten any of the nearby Save Points, and I was flat broke.
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  7. #7
    Badass Military Agent Realistic Games? Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Realistic Games?

    Hmm you guys state some very good points, I never thought about it that way. I mean there I am about to fight the final boss to a game, but damn my character needs to take a shit, grab some food, then take a nap before he can fight, that'd probably piss me off too.

    I honestly forgot all about the SIMS while I was making this thread too lol, should of known about that game.

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

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  8. #8
    Boxer of the Galaxy Realistic Games? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Realistic Games?

    The only thing that would have kept me from playing FFX-2 was if I had to change Yuna, rikku and paine's tampons during their menstral cycles which happened to be all at different times (assuming they dont synchronise). There are reasons developers dont implement such realism, obvious reasons. Sticking to the point of the game would be one. I wouldnt object to having them all shower though.

    Just because a game is realistic, it doesn't mean its fun. Eg. GTAIV vs Saints Row or Gran Turismo vs Ridge Racer type 4
    Last edited by Rowan; 10-26-2011 at 05:11 PM.

  9. #9
    chocolateer Realistic Games? 01habbo's Avatar
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    Re: Realistic Games?

    When I said adventure wouldn't work with simulation, I had completely forgot about Heavy Rain which does combine the two and is a very awesome game. You can do all the usual things of a eat, sleep, pee, but it is combined within the storyline, so while you are doing these small tasks of trying to calm your character down you are also aware of the suspense and urgency within the game to also complete the main task. But you can't do that without keeping your character calm. So the two go hand in hand.

  10. #10
    Crash Boom Bang Realistic Games? Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Realistic Games?

    unless its like, the sims or summat, then i think it would just be pointless and annoying. I dont mind the option of doing these things - but to make them compulsory would just ruin gaming for me

    They are games, they are not meant to be real life

    It annoys me needing the bog every 5 minutes as it is, never mind having to do it on a game. Infact, Id just let my character piss itself.

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