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Thread: randomic thoughts on old games

  1. #1
    WALDOS akimbo

    randomic thoughts on old games

    I tried playing an old game called star wars rouge leader. it was to hard. I also tried playing morrowind the prequel to skyrim. the graphics suckedand I didnt know what to do. and skies of arcadia a saturn rpg.

    ok so I try playing old games but what I dont get is how can you enjoy this. games have gotten better with graphics game control and music and voices and also less confusing as in it actually tells you how to go to your next place. the only ones i like is final fantasy and thats just cuz it still tells you where to go with help from my brother. but the musics good but the quality still sucks.

    how do you like it, descus.

  2. #2
    Bananarama randomic thoughts on old games Pete's Avatar
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    As much as I like playing new things and trying new games out, I love to go and revisit some of my older titles. Some of them are just fun to me and I love the stories. A lot of these games really taught me how to really read, as in improving my reading comprehension. This is especially true with the older Final Fantasy games. There would be so much information to digest and to read into, that you'd have to pay attention.

    Also, I don't like it when a game holds your hand and tells you where to go next. To me, that's kind of insulting my intelligence, and not putting enough faith in my reading skills and ability to discover clues based on context. I don't want to have to search for weeks for an item or conversation, but I like to do some fact finding and exploring. I hate how things are so blatantly laid out now.

    As for complaining about older graphics, what do you want? Of course graphics will improve with new technology, but that's no reason to dislike a game; unless of course the graphics are in a style that gives you headaches. Controls are entirely up to the guys making the games as well, especially in terms of button layout. You can wind up adjusting the button schemes to your liking anyways.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  3. #3
    Death Before Dishonor randomic thoughts on old games Josh_R's Avatar
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    I feel by insulting Morrowind you should be stabbed with a rusty fork. Anybody care to do it for me.

    I love new games, but how can you not enjoy playing the classics. I still have my ps1. I get on xbl, and get in a party with my friends, change my input and play Final Fantasy Tactics, Legend of Dragoon, Chrono Cross.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth randomic thoughts on old games Xanatos's Avatar
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    I grew up playing 8/16 bit games, and yes, older games are indeed more challenging, some way too much for their own good (Castlevania, Battletoads, Gargoyle's Quest...), although as Pete said that's not necessarily a bad thing. Graphics, as important as they are, don't mean much to me, quite often I go back and revisit some of my all time favorite old school games as they were part of my childhood, and some of them are still pretty darn good even today.

    Older games do have their fair share of issues (I'm not easily swayed by nostalgia, not everything was gold back then as some are eager to claim), though that's mostly due to numerous limitations they had back then, I guess you had to be there from the very start to appreciate them as much as we do, at the same time you also have to understand those games were, quite a few still are, great for their time, thus have certain amount of respect towards them.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  5. #5
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    While I do not feel that you should be stabbed with a rusty fork, I think you're missing out on a great game with Morrowind. While the graphics haven't aged well, it was from the early X-Box/PS2/GC generation.

    I love going back and playing old games every once in a while. My favorite game is on the original NES. Nostalgia might be a big factor, but Crystalis still has great gameplay, and good graphics and music for the time. The story also was a step above a lot of stories in games from that era. Should go back and play it again. Also went back last winter and played Daggerfall, the game before Morrowind in the Elder Scrolls series, which came out in 96, and looks and sounds it. However, I still derived a lot of enjoyment out of it for a while. This was nearly right after playing Skyrim. Graphics don't really factor in too heavily for me. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

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