While I do not feel that you should be stabbed with a rusty fork, I think you're missing out on a great game with Morrowind. While the graphics haven't aged well, it was from the early X-Box/PS2/GC generation.
I love going back and playing old games every once in a while. My favorite game is on the original NES. Nostalgia might be a big factor, but Crystalis still has great gameplay, and good graphics and music for the time. The story also was a step above a lot of stories in games from that era. Should go back and play it again. Also went back last winter and played Daggerfall, the game before Morrowind in the Elder Scrolls series, which came out in 96, and looks and sounds it. However, I still derived a lot of enjoyment out of it for a while. This was nearly right after playing Skyrim. Graphics don't really factor in too heavily for me. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom