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Thread: Radiata Stories

  1. #1

    Radiata Stories

    I hold Radiata Stories as a top favorite game and important accessory to my past.

    The story and gameplay just caught me and sucked me in, who would have thought it'd hold me forever? Ha!

    No matter where I go in that game, it's all great.

    Recruiting all 177 characters was worth it. Wide variety and two seperate paths and endings to the story.

    Any others played and enjoyed this game?

    It also has a great official website:
    Last edited by Valkyrie; 03-21-2011 at 08:48 PM.
    Those who make mistakes tend to blame themselves and close their hearts. It's impossible to fix the mistake; you can't return to the past.

    Forgive but never forget.

  2. #2

    Re: Radiata Stories

    Man I remember when it first came out and Caesar and I got talking it up.

    Clearly a great gem for the PS2. I also loved the two paths and the recruiting.

    Edit: I was sidetracked. Allow me to continue.

    I also got a kick out of the animation, it was pretty light hearted which made the game more fun. And the armor actually changed for Jack which was a pleasant surpris. (Surprise for you English folk)

    I remembering wearing certain armor just because of the look and not the effects which in post game wasn't a big deal. I remember being a two handed sword/spear guy, never liked the axe at all. I don't think I ever got all the characters either. I was only missing like two or three. (But I try to make it a habit not to be a completionist in games)
    Last edited by Imposter; 03-21-2011 at 08:47 PM.

  3. #3

    Re: Radiata Stories

    I don't know why I said 108 characters in my first post. Fixed.

    Glad to see someone else in the forum enjoyed the game.
    Those who make mistakes tend to blame themselves and close their hearts. It's impossible to fix the mistake; you can't return to the past.

    Forgive but never forget.

  4. #4
    Registered User Radiata Stories Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Radiata Stories

    I wouldn't mind playing that one but i only have PAL version of PS2 :/
    Looks interesting, looking for games like that.

  5. #5
    ___________ Radiata Stories Kyreaan's Avatar
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    Re: Radiata Stories

    I felt I was playing though a Y-7 cartoon when going through this game. The best part was figuring out how to get different people in your party. I had to at least have one monster in the group, and that was usually a Goblin. I remember the chef was's been a while.

    Chrono Cores:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyreaan View Post
    I would skip the part about it being a 100lb box set and consider the relative mass to converted energy for the staircase. The style I would first choose is to go for the Aeronaut legos and calculate relative time and distance to the axis points within the electromagnetic field that could cross over warping into a wormhole given enough density converted into energy by using the funnelled power of the sun. Enough power may be derived not from the sun, but from the mass of an artificial, contained black hole connected to a semi-quantum theorized single vacuum tube for energy wave processing. You cause youself to fold inward and then collapse in on itself, while rematerializing into another universe or within the same universe with the rest of your ship. Your reference points will be the nearby astrology of wherever you ended up, as well as the age of the nearby stars relative to your current star maps. Go ahead and give me a call or send me an email if I am considered for the position. Thanks. It was nice meeting you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyreaan View Post
    I am slapping this thread up for an update. There was a petition set up at Petition Spot for .hack//Link (PSP). It says it is needing 50,000 signers, but it looks like they are asking for only 100 right now. This is asking for either an English patch or an English release towards both NA and Europe regions. It is the last game of the entire series.

    .hack//Link English Localization- Petition Spot

    The first two series, for those of you who don't read or know, were 7 volumes total and all for PS2. There was also an 8th; it was called .hack//Fragment Offline. A lot of people didn't know that I bet. Has anyone read any .hack manga? If you don't plan on getting Link and instead prefer to read, I recommend at least trying out .hack//Link Manga- Read .hack//Link Manga Online for Free at Manga Fox. Let me know what you think.

  6. #6
    Badass Military Agent Radiata Stories Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Radiata Stories

    Man this game takes me back lol, I remember playing it and loving the 2 separate paths scenario (I choose the bad side first lol), also I think I got a few characters, getting all of them was way too much of a chore, kinda reminds me of Chrono Cross, another game with too many characters.

    I recently tried playing the ending again about 7 months ago after beating it years ago and I had no idea what I was doing but eh awesome game to say the least, I think my brother has it now..

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  7. #7
    ___________ Radiata Stories Kyreaan's Avatar
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    Re: Radiata Stories

    Now, I remember. Mentioning the two paths, I did both. I remember the best armor I found might have been the best set in the game. It was after you take the dark or monster path and run through a cave dungeon with Ridley. I also liked it because of the look over the function. Does anyone remember the name of the goblin in Shangri La who was the chef? I used him and Ridley thoughout the monster path. Was Gabe his name? The fourth member I kept switching out.

    On the human path, I kept Marietta from the Star Tower in the party. I don't remember who I kept in the party for the other two slots. There were so many characters I ended up trying each one in combat. I also remember collecting all of the elemental weapons. The one for Wind and the one for Earth I liked the best.

    Chrono Cores:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyreaan View Post
    I would skip the part about it being a 100lb box set and consider the relative mass to converted energy for the staircase. The style I would first choose is to go for the Aeronaut legos and calculate relative time and distance to the axis points within the electromagnetic field that could cross over warping into a wormhole given enough density converted into energy by using the funnelled power of the sun. Enough power may be derived not from the sun, but from the mass of an artificial, contained black hole connected to a semi-quantum theorized single vacuum tube for energy wave processing. You cause youself to fold inward and then collapse in on itself, while rematerializing into another universe or within the same universe with the rest of your ship. Your reference points will be the nearby astrology of wherever you ended up, as well as the age of the nearby stars relative to your current star maps. Go ahead and give me a call or send me an email if I am considered for the position. Thanks. It was nice meeting you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyreaan View Post
    I am slapping this thread up for an update. There was a petition set up at Petition Spot for .hack//Link (PSP). It says it is needing 50,000 signers, but it looks like they are asking for only 100 right now. This is asking for either an English patch or an English release towards both NA and Europe regions. It is the last game of the entire series.

    .hack//Link English Localization- Petition Spot

    The first two series, for those of you who don't read or know, were 7 volumes total and all for PS2. There was also an 8th; it was called .hack//Fragment Offline. A lot of people didn't know that I bet. Has anyone read any .hack manga? If you don't plan on getting Link and instead prefer to read, I recommend at least trying out .hack//Link Manga- Read .hack//Link Manga Online for Free at Manga Fox. Let me know what you think.

  8. #8
    The Mad God Radiata Stories Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Radiata Stories

    Extremely addictive game. I've probably logged close to 800 hours on this bastard throughout multiple plays through over the years. I like how they were able to make a relatively serious RPG, and still weave humor into it. Jack was always doing something humorous. And the intro to the Gabriel Celeste fight is still one of the funniest things I can honestly say I've ever seen in a game. Story was somewhat cliche, but still easy to immerse yourself in, and easy to love. Though the human path was usually better as far as making an epic party went, never felt quite right to me taking it. But then the superiority complex brought out by having a godly party of Jack, Elwyn, Kain, and Nyx makes me not care anymore!
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  9. #9

    Re: Radiata Stories

    Yeah, it's pretty addictive. I still think about playing it nowadays, but I've played it so much there's nothing else I could possibly do differently.

    It's just going to have to stick with me as a classic and, needless to say, it gets two thumbs up.

    A big thing I enjoyed doing sometimes is following particular characters around town all day to figure out their schedules. I had to have been pretty obsessed, ha.
    Those who make mistakes tend to blame themselves and close their hearts. It's impossible to fix the mistake; you can't return to the past.

    Forgive but never forget.

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