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Thread: Practically Confirmed: Marvel vs Capcom 3 to be revealed on Monday

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  1. #1
    I'll make you famous Practically Confirmed: Marvel vs Capcom 3 to be revealed on Monday Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    Re: Strong Rumor: Marvel vs Capcom 3 to be revealed in May

    doesnt activision own the rights to most marvel characters in Video Games right now? somehow i dont see them just handing them over being the big tyrant that it is.

    i would love a MVC3, i really would, most people here know howmuch i love this game. but i just dont see this happening. Capcom doesnt even have the marvel liscense.
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  2. #2
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Re: Strong Rumor: Marvel vs Capcom 3 to be revealed in May

    Quote Originally Posted by Rydia Lover View Post
    doesnt activision own the rights to most marvel characters in Video Games right now? somehow i dont see them just handing them over being the big tyrant that it is.

    i would love a MVC3, i really would, most people here know howmuch i love this game. but i just dont see this happening. Capcom doesnt even have the marvel liscense.
    From what I've been hearing, there's no one almighty license. Activision does have a license for Action games, THQ has a license for the kiddy games (ie Super Hero Squad), Sega does the Movie Tie ins like Iron Man, and apparently EA had a Fighting Game license (which let them release that Rise of the Imperfects travesty) but has since defaulted back to Marvel and is up in the air.

    With all that's been going on with the Disney acquisition, it's hard telling WHAT exactly goes on. But after Capcom doing the impossible and releasing TVC here and how well their rebirth of fighting games have been doing. There was a comment from Marvel Media VP saying a new game was coming sooner than we thought (looking it up, it was almost 2 years ago BEFORE the PSN/XBLA release of MvC2 was announced, this was also before the Disney acquisition) So Marvel's definitely interested.

    Again, i hate to get all hyped up because there's been so many false starts and rumors. But I've got a really good gut feeling this could really be it this time.

    I just hope to see the series get a fresh start and reboot. It;s sad that I see people thinking that the only legit way to do a sequel would be to take MvC2 and add more characters. It's just not going to happen. 2.5D all the way. I really like the original VS titles MORE than MvC2. I want a return of original locales and a story. And hopefully like TVC, there'll be victory dialog for every possible matchup.

  3. #3
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Re: Strong Rumor: Marvel vs Capcom 3 to be revealed in May

    Post needed a bump. Game's everything but confirmed now. Capcom's holding an event in Hawaii right now where they're revealing three new games which is under embargo until Monday.

    Adding more fuel to the fire Marvel staff have tweeted that THEY'RE in Hawaii for a special reveal event that THEY say won't be made public until Monday.

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