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Thread: Post your awful games here!

  1. #1
    Certified tech, come at me! Post your awful games here! SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Post your awful games here!

    Thought I'd do something interesting and fun and make a thread talking about horrible games. If its been done before, I apologize, anyways:
    - Name one bad game (limit is 1 per post)
    - Describe a bit about it
    - Explain why it was bad and why YOU think it is bad
    - (optional) Post a link about it either to a website talking about the game or a video link (either one is fine)
    - Explain if there was anything you enjoyed about the bad game.

    Note: it doesn't have to be something you yourself have played, it can be something you watched gameplay of, read about, seen reviews, and anything that would give you enough to write about in this thread, also, you don't have to describe the game in the order I listed (whatever floats your boat).

    My game for you all is Big Rigs for the PC!
    Big Rigs gameplay

    Summary - Big Rigs was supposed to be a truck game that was released around 2003 where your objective was to race against the police to deliver illegal cargo.

    Why it was bad - Careful programming was all but thought about when this game was developed, there is absolutely no collision detection (you drive through objects), the AI is horrific (no opponent vehicles move past the starting line), and the game is basically sandbox (no limit to where you can drive to). The reason I personally think its bad is because of the developer's decision to package an unfinished game as a final product.

    One thing I personally thought was hilariously awesome is - Super Negative Speed! apparently you can literally drive the truck backwards at speeds in the -mph section and there's no limit to how low the limit is.
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  2. #2
    Chief Inspiring Officer Post your awful games here! Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Post your awful games here!

    I've been repetitively told to "just shut up about this already", but here goes. I really couldn't stand FFX-2. I started the game because I'm pretty much the only girl-gamer in my house. Thus my brothers thrust the game upon me. Don't get me wrong, the thing isn't all bad, I loved the game-play. But I was constantly and most specifically disgusted at the behavior of the male characters, none of which were playable, which also ticked me off.
    I still harbor cringes at the mere mention of those sickening cut-scenes I had to endure, and that isn't easy with a herd of snickering brothers hanging over the back of your chair. I could only mutter, red-faced: "Hey, I didn't write this garbage!"
    They collapse about me in suppressed laughter, mocking me. "Think of the game-play, Yuna, the game-play!" (echoing)
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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  3. #3

    Re: Post your awful games here!

    Lord of the Rings: The Third Age

    An RPG somewhat based on the journey of the Fellowship of the Ring, though you play some other characters who help the Fellowship at separate story points.

    The game has an extremely slow battle system. That alone could maybe be bearable if you didn't have to fight wave after wave of enemies while going through a dungeon. This game has too many battles, and they're not avoidable (random encounter), and often forced (mandatory battles to progress). If I had to take a guess, you probably have to fight over 100 slow battles through a lot of the areas. That might not be accurate, but that's sure what it felt like. The battle system is also suspiciously extremely like FFX's. Except worse.

    The story is slow and rather boring, with not much happening. Actually, just watch the movies; nothing to see here.

    Note: I didn't finish it. I rarely leave games unfinished voluntarily. It's that bad.

  4. #4
    Elementalist Post your awful games here! IcyJJ's Avatar
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    Re: Post your awful games here!

    Back when game shows were fun, there was a little show called Press Your Luck. I was a huge fan of the show, always watching all the old reruns of it. GSN brought it back for a little bit, calling it Whammy!

    Anyways, a company recently has been making money on bringing game shows to the Wii. The Press Your Luck game for the Wii was absolutely horrible. The game mechanics were horrible. The questions were all too easy. There was no value in this game at all.

    Big money, big money, no whammy, no whammy, stop making these crappy games.
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  5. #5
    Hewerya love...? Post your awful games here! seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Post your awful games here!

    Busby 3D ... I don't think it needs an explanation.... its on ps1 and it made my internal organs bleed as a child it was that bad

  6. #6
    Chief Inspiring Officer Post your awful games here! Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Post your awful games here!

    Crash Bandicoot: wrath of cortex for the PS1. the gameplay is ju-ust fun enough to make you sit through the loading. which, by the way, even if the game has knocked out, still enables Crash to continue to endlessly float through purplish retina-destroying background.
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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  7. #7
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Post your awful games here! ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Post your awful games here!

    Worst game I have ever played in my entire life is Mobile Suit Gundam: Target In Sight for PS3. It's a real shame because I love Gundam, but this game is just too bad for words.

    You literally start up, run down a path, get shot at by enemies and die. You have no guns or anything. Seriously about 2 minutes of gameplay. Easily the single worst game I have ever played.

  8. #8
    Boxer of the Galaxy Post your awful games here! Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Post your awful games here!

    Maken Shao: Demon Sword for ps2.

    This game was bland. Absolutley no reason to continue playing. Think of devil may cry, except you dont have abilities or any way of levelling up your character. So boring.

  9. #9
    Queen Post your awful games here! Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Post your awful games here!

    I honestly cant think of ANY ive played! I've pretty damn good taste in videogames so I will repeat myself.. FFXIII. I mean that shit really made me never want to play games ever again..The FF series got me into videogames in the first place n it can easily get me off them..might hav to go back to painting my nails n havinabfXD Hope 'Resident Evil 6' is good n they get round to finishing 'The Last Guardian' *fingerscrossed**

  10. #10
    Registered User Post your awful games here!
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    Re: Post your awful games here!

    I thought The Bouncer was pretty bad.

    You play as 3 guys who work as bouncers for some club, and a girl gets kidnapped, so they go try to bring her back. Other things happen, but that's the gist of the story.

    It's a beat 'em up brawler, but the fighting mechanics can get so frustrating. Pressure-sensitive buttons to do certain moves make combat a chore, especially in the more intense portions of the game. The icing on this shit cake though is the escort mission... GOOD GOD IT'S LIKE SHE WANTS TO DIE OR SOMETHING. So frustrating... The plot twist is so lame too...and made me hate the girl I was supposed to be saving even more.

    If there's anything to be enjoyed... I guess it would be the character named Kou. He's voiced by Steve Blum, so you know he's gonna have some great delivery on his lines. This game also has a nice little cult following, so it does have it's fans, I'm just not one of 'em though.
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  11. #11
    is not a douche Post your awful games here! Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Post your awful games here!

    - Name one bad game (limit is 1 per post)
    - Describe a bit about it
    - Explain why it was bad and why YOU think it is bad
    - (optional) Post a link about it either to a website talking about the game or a video link (either one is fine)
    - Explain if there was anything you enjoyed about the bad game.

    1. Legend of Dragoon
    2. Horrible gameplay and awful story
    3. Bad gameplay mechanics, trying too hard to be like FF RPGs. Bad story. Even had some spelling typos in the subtitles.
    4. I enjoyed making fun of its supreme awfulness, such as the horribly laughable dialogue between the characters and how battles weren't fun at all.

  12. #12
    Registered User Post your awful games here! + Revenant +'s Avatar
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    Re: Post your awful games here!

    One I'll always remember is The Fortress of Dr. Radiaki. There were many Doom-inspired PC shooters that came out in the mid-90s. Some were great (Heretic), but this was probably the worst of them.

    It came out in '95 or '96, but somehow the graphics looked worse than the original Doom. The first level is supposed to be a giant hedge maze, but it's just a bunch of green walls with the same awful texture. The enemies ranged from brain-dead green stormtroopers to mutant gophers; they floated across the screen like ancient FlashPlayer sprites and had these really annoying VOs that were supposed to be funny.

    Sadly, I can't think of anything I liked about that game.

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