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Thread: pokemon pearl/diamond. sucks or rocks?

  1. #1

    pokemon pearl/diamond. sucks or rocks?

    Yeah, it's a guilty pleasure. I'm graduating next year and I still get a kick out of pokemon. My fav games are Yellow, Gold and Ruby. I remember my satanic cousins almost pissing their pants to play the latest games. But in my opinion, Pearl and Diamond sucks balls! Here's the formula (not counting the remakes) for how it went and should have gone

    RBY: tough/cute
    GSC: slightly cute
    RSE: cool
    (should)DPPt: tough
    ???: moderately cute
    ???: Damn cool!

    and so on. Seeing as how a gold and silver remake is on the way (OSSIM!!!) I'd like to see if there are anyone who share my shame. so please comment.
    Last edited by Antidrall; 06-08-2009 at 07:17 PM.

  2. #2
    all i can say is that they are alot easier then the old ones, but that doesent mean its not fun, i just like the fact that you have the most choices in this game, so if you havent played it i would say go for it

    for your clasifications i cant think of what to classify DPP as

  3. #3
    Warrior Ninja pokemon pearl/diamond. sucks or rocks? Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    Well, I'm a bigger fan of the older ones too...In a way because I grew up with them and they have the older pokemon like Pikachu and Charmander <---My favourites ^^'.... And in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl they're all new pokemon and seem more high tech in a sense... But it has roughly the same story line as the old one except you fight team Galatic more often and they play a big role as opposed to team Rocket where you only thought them once in the headquaters and that was basically it....
    But Pokemon Diamond and Pearl were far easier to beat then the older versions... It's like the new trend in video games better graphics but easy to beat... I liked the whole touch screen thing though for the newer ones it felt awesome if you tapped it with your finger it'd still work and in the older ones you have to press the buttons down hard to make it work sometimes ^^'... But I'm not against the new ones I've played them myself and they're not that bad and can be fun to play for a couple of days but I'm still in favour to the older ones since they're hard to beat and are classics =]

  4. #4
    Lady Succubus pokemon pearl/diamond. sucks or rocks? Victoria's Avatar
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    I never thought the older one were harder to beat. To me they all really have the same difficulty all around.

    I never thought a pokemon game was hard. =\
    The whole point of Pokemon is to have fun and fight with your friends.
    That's why they have Natures, IV points, EV points, etc.. But those are mostly for hardcore battlers.

    DPPT doesn't suck at all.

  5. #5
    I honestly never found them hard to beat at all. not a one.

  6. #6
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I find them hard in the sense that you have to grind a lot-especially at the end of the game before you fight the Elite Four-and I hate grinding. Despise it.

    I like the new ones okay. They've allowed me to go back and catch more pokemanz without having to retread the places I've already been in the older games, and are prettier to look at, too. The old games were more fun, however, they were the original. Very little has changed since the first game, although the story with Team Galactic is a bit more heavy/crazy than the story with Team Rocket. I was actually a little surprised by the whole "I'm going to basically destroy the world" thing the leader of Team Galactic brought forth. That was pretty crazy. Also, I liked the Pokemon Champion in the newest game; goth chick. Kinda cute. Y'know. For a cartoon character... ... ...anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  7. #7
    ~☆~Muahahaha!!!~☆~ pokemon pearl/diamond. sucks or rocks? SilkAngel's Avatar
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    Seeing as my first ever game to play was Pokemon Red, I have a place in my heart for all the older ones. I am not that big of a fan of Diamond; it is slow, repetitive, and boring after 5 minutes -_-; I am excited about the new Gold and Silver remakes though! *Cheers* Even though it is bootleg, I also love Pokemon Jade and Diamond for GBC. Look them up if you haven't heard of them before lol
    My TFF Family! <3

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