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Thread: Persona 5, Persona Q, Persona: 4 Dancing All Night Announced

  1. #1
    Mystyrion Persona 5, Persona Q, Persona: 4 Dancing All Night Announced C:/Dille.Run's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    JRPG News Post Persona 5, Persona Q, Persona: 4 Dancing All Night Announced

    Persona Q Shadow of the Labyrinth – 3DS is a crossover between Persona 3 and 4, for the Nintendo 3DS. All the characters from each game will be in it. Both teams are enjoying a school festival at their own schools, but at different points in time. Suddenly towers starts appearing – and in some magical way the team from Persona 3 gets transported to Yasogami high-school. Both teams seems to be stuck in some kind of labyrinth, and will have to cooperate to survive. You will be able to choose which main characters story should be in focus, but it seems that you will be able to have all characters in your party no matter which character you choose. There will also be two unique characters in the game. Persona Q Shadow of the Labyrinth will be released on June 5 2014 in Japan.

    Persona 4 Dancing All Night, will be a rhythm game for the PlayStation Vita. The plot is kind of unclear for this one, but there seems to be “dancing to fight shadows” involved. It basically looks like a Hatsune Miku Project Diva game starring the Persona 4 cast – with some differences of course. The buttons on the Vita seems to correspond to different body parts of the characters. Exciting right? Dingo (same dev as for the Poject Diva series) are the one developing the game and it will be released in Autumn 2014 in Japan.

    Persona 4: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold – PS3
    Also in the same broadcast Atlus announced the launch window for Persona 4: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold – the sequel to Persona 4: Arena. The game will be released in Japan next summer, and in arcades this winter. It is also confirmed to continue the story of Persona 4: Arena, with new characters, and with Adachi making a huge return! Exciting.

    Persona 5 – PS3 No details were unveiled about the gameplay, but they showed empty chairs, and mentioned slaves. Persona 5 is will be release sometime in the Winter of 2014 in Japan.

    I couldn't fit 4 videos in so the Persona 5 vid is linked.
    No Western Releases so far.

    EDIT: Sorry for the sloppy original post, it was done on my phone. I fixed it up
    Last edited by C:/Dille.Run; 11-24-2013 at 12:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Boxer of the Galaxy Persona 5, Persona Q, Persona: 4 Dancing All Night Announced Rowan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    One thing about atlus, they never fail to dissapoint.
    Very pleased with this news.

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