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Thread: (Opposite of)Fear of the unknown

  1. #1
    .............. (Opposite of)Fear of the unknown smurphy's Avatar
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    (Opposite of)Fear of the unknown

    What game(s), which may or may not be imminent on the horizon, that you completely know nothing about are you anticipating most and why?

    And which developer, of whatever series, do you trust most to keep their games at a high standard knowing only that a sequel has been announced?

    Personally..............even though the only thing I know about it is that it will arrive sooner or later I am anticipating SMTersona 5 more than most of the games that are due out this autumn. A game very similar to either Persona 3\4 except with upgraded graphics, the potential for even greater depth on a bluray(please god let it be a PS3 exclusive) and more cheesy guitar rock. Oh and a vast array of social interactions and minigames. Thee is no way this game can be anything less than perfect.

    And I suppose I trust either Polyphony Digital\Level 5\Bioware\Irrational Games the most as developers. Between them there has get to be a mediocre or worse game released.
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  2. #2
    Registered User (Opposite of)Fear of the unknown
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    Re: (Opposite of)Fear of the unknown

    Possibly Kingdom Hearts 3 and yeah I'll second Persona 5.

    Kingdom Hearts really just needs another game in the main installment, instead of just all these dang sidestories, midquels and prequels. Granted, I liked most of them well enough, but I want to go on with the main story too.

    I don't have much experience with the SMT: Persona series, as I have only played Persona 3 Portable and watched some snippets of story/gameplay on youtube of Persona 4. Planning on watching the anime of P4 whenever it gets some English translations. Anyway, despite that, I still want some Persona 5 (eventually)!

    I will probably catch hell over this, but I think something needs to be done in the FF VII continuity for it to wrap up. I dunno if it'll be a game or another movie, but that secret scene at the end of DoC tells me that something has to be in the works. Or maybe they'll just leave it as a cliffhanger... *shrugs*

    EDIT: Whoops! I didn't answer the second part of the thread topic... Well, I have been pretty happy with the games from Level 5, so I'll say that.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 06-26-2011 at 09:04 PM.
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  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: (Opposite of)Fear of the unknown

    Every game.

    I don't really read up and look into most games at all. Mainly due to gameplay trailers that are scripted and what not that make the trailer less appealing to me.

    Like the Bioware MMO, The Old Republic. I recently watched this preview to a planet and a mission it had. It was just a scripted piece of shit. The 4 party members walked in the same crappy formation, the game did everything as if the devs wanted to happen that way. IMO Gameplay trailer should be some random dude playing the game. Still can't wait to play it.
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  4. #4

    Re: (Opposite of)Fear of the unknown

    Persona 5, Mass Effect 3, ES: Skyrim.

    As for developers I think keep a fairly high standard from game to game, I'll say Atlus, Bioware and Bethesda. Nintendo does a great job with most of its main franchises, too.

  5. #5
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み (Opposite of)Fear of the unknown ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: (Opposite of)Fear of the unknown

    Out of the games announced, Mass Effect 3 has my attention. I just finished Mass Effect 2 (which was amazing), so naturally, I want more now. The trailer looks great, but nothing is shown about the actual gameplay. But, if it's anything like ME2, it's going to be awesome.

    Out of games that haven't been announced, I think GTA V is one I am looking foward to. According to various rumours, it's only a matter of time before it's announced, but I'm not holding my breath. That being said, I cannot wait for it to come out. I loved GTA IV and it's suppliments, and now I just have to wait for GTA V.

  6. #6
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: (Opposite of)Fear of the unknown

    Upcoming Assassin's Creed games. The 3 out so far for major consoles have been amazing, and I have no reason to think the series won't continue (and end) on the same note.

    Mass Effect 3 is another I'm excited for.

    As far as developers go, I don't obsess over devs anymore, especially Squeenix. With the amount of craptastic games they've made over the years I am now firmly standing with the belief that they've become a terrible game company and I have no intent to ever buy another of their products, Final Fantasy or otherwise.

    Rockstar is maybe the only developer who doesn't disappoint anymore, but I couldn't really get into Red Dead Redemption. Hopefully GTAV will finally include a better combat system, Rockstar's recycled combat system is very aged, and I'm getting a bit tired of it. LA Noire was an improvement over GTAIV, but not by much.

    I could care a less about the new Elder Scrolls. Oblivion sucked (imo) and Fallout 3 wasn't too terribly great either. The games are HUGE, which is a plus, but the combat in both drives me crazy, especially Oblivion. I also really hate having limited inventory space, it always drives me nuts. Bethesda isn't a company I'm too terribly thrilled about.
    Last edited by Sean; 06-30-2011 at 09:39 PM.

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