View Poll Results: What are glitches, really?

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  • Glitches are divine providence telling us not to play right now.

    1 10.00%
  • Glitches are the product of lazy game developers.

    0 0%
  • Glitches are just glitches.

    5 50.00%
  • I try not to think about it that much.

    4 40.00%
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Thread: Notorious Gaming Glitches

  1. #1
    Chief Inspiring Officer Notorious Gaming Glitches Cyanist's Avatar
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    Notorious Gaming Glitches

    So, my brothers have been playing an awful lot of 'Call Of Duty 3: Modern Warfare'. The PS3 game has been pretty much flawless, it was only when they began earnestly trying to get past the fiftieth wave in Survival Mode that things got screwy. Read on:

    Incident 1:

    Brother 1 (Wallace) and brother 3 (Lawrence) have become quite proficient at their teamwork (if it can be called that). So these two had recently devised a way to survive wave after wave of onslaught by killing one of their teammates, swiping his riot shield and cramming themselves into a narrow hole behind said defense. Wallace shoots around it while Lawrence ducks down and shoots guys from between Wallace's legs. This was working until Lawrence, returning from a quick ammo refill, decided to jump over Wallace's riot shield in order to get behind it. He landed ON TOP of Wallace's character. Suddenly neither of them could move. Wallace's character was stuck in a half sitting position with is hand flailing out while Lawrence was stuck looking down on the world from above. The red dots of the enemy closed in. Lawrence attempted throwing a pack of C4. It landed unceremoniously at Wallace's feet below. It killed him. Lawrence brought Wallace back to life, but they were still stuck. Enemies continued shooting at their riot shield, but they were eventually killed by the chopper overhead.

    The end.

    So, you got any funny/painful glitches that accidentally occurred in video games?
    Your honest answers here, please
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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  2. #2
    Registered User Notorious Gaming Glitches
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    Depends on the game honestly. My favorites have been from the Zelda series, aside from the two game breaking ones in the past two console games. Doing stuff like the fourth day glitch in Majora's Mask, the entirety of keeping the wooden sword for good in Twilight Princess, etc., have been very interesting as well as an unintended challenge. It's almost like looking behind the scenes, figuring out how exactly the world is programmed.

    And then you have games like Sonic '06 which throw glitches at you all the time. If it's not a terrible story, painful voice acting, or bad game design that makes you stop playing, it'll be falling through the floor or Sonic losing all speed on a loopdeeloop and falling to his death that will have you snapping the disc. Games like Fallout have similar game breaking bugs but at least everything else redeems them.

  3. #3
    "Tiger Hair" Notorious Gaming Glitches HeroZero's Avatar
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    This just makes me think of the item duplication glitch in Diablo one for PSone. Drop nine items (the max in one spot) and if you picked up an item from your belt and exited the inventory screen the item miraculously dropped yet was still in your belt. Honestly this was one glitch that actually made playing the game more fun. With some more money you didn't have to be 100% defensive in the late levels being able to buy more potions as needed. Not that it stopped you from dying if you did anything stupid at all. But it was still my favorite glitch. On top of that my family figured it out well before it showed up in any gaming magazine out there, so it was like our little secret of awesome.
    "Evil spelled backwards is Live, and we all want to do that now don't we?"

  4. #4
    Consistently Average Notorious Gaming Glitches Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    I've come across a few while playing Oblivion, but they haven't been too major. Stuff like getting trapped between rocks or falling rubble which stops you from moving or trying to escape (I like to level up my Acrobatics by jumping everywhere >.>). It's even worse when enemies are nearby because you can't fast travel to another location.

    I guess the worse one would have to be when I wasn't inducted into the Blades. The captain was supposed to let me join after I completed a quest, but the part where he asks didn't come up. Apparently it's a glitch happens quite often.
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  5. #5
    Queen Notorious Gaming Glitches Crescent's Avatar
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    Havent come across any glitches in any games Ive played lately but out of memory, Oblivion had plenty!! tsk tsk. That item duplication glitch I think u needed a number of scrolls plus the item you wanted to duplicate. I never cared about the (bow n) arrows Im not fond of long range weapons just give me a nice sword k. So I duplicated those pretty white Varla stones in that Mystic Emporium kept rolling everywhere so I could recharge my sexy enchanted daedric sword. I think one of my enchantments was weakness to fire or fire..wateva..cant remember anyway I loved the daedric armour but I left the helmet off so everybody could see my beautifully designed (breton) face XD

  6. #6
    Consistently Average Notorious Gaming Glitches Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Just came across another one in Oblivion... It's the quest where you have to free some ogres being kept as slaves in a mine. You're meant to you talk to the owner of the mine, and then his wife in order to get the location of the mine put on your map. I managed to make the guy angry, as per the quest, but now his wife won't tell me about the next part and just tells me to get out the house, as if I'm trespassing. Oy vey
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  7. #7
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I enjoyed putting bodies through walls in Oblivion and watching them seizure as they tried to come to rest on the floor but never could. I did this to an entire guard house one time. There were like 15 bodies spazzing out, making loud noises. It was funny, but it disturbed my roommate. I suppose it looked a bit like the bodies were possessed or something.

    You could also pass through walls pretty easily in Daggerfall. That's how I cleared a lot of dungeons, heh.

    One time when I was playing Mass Effect 2, this happened:
    Notorious Gaming Glitches-307212_10150879242600624_191562565_n-jpg
    Two Andersons! What is the world coming to? Only one of them would talk to me, however. Also there was a level in that game where you could pretty easily get stuck in a wall. It happened to me and my friend. It's the world where you first run into the Collectors. I think I struggled to get through that level at first because of that glitch. Oh, the swearing that occurred...

  8. #8
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Notorious Gaming Glitches Xanatos's Avatar
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    Bethesda games tend to be way too buggy, still extremely fun nevertheless. The most memorable glitch I came across was while playing Final Fantasy III, NES version. Not sure what I did to trigger such phenomena but as soon as I left Castle Hein my Knight started to gain level after each random battle. Nedless to say I had maxed knight rather early in the game.

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  9. #9
    Registered User Notorious Gaming Glitches
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    Anyone ever do sequence breaking. It's pretty popular in the Metroid series but also possible in Zelda games, ans well as many others. There's one in Sonic's story in Sonic Adventure that lets you do Twinkle Park instead of Casinopolis, but after finishing the level Sonic is often glitched into a void and can not continue on. Think I've only got it to work once or twice.

    Not exactly glitches or legit sequence breaking, but in Fallout: New Vegas I managed to skip past Nipton by going over the Brotherhood bunker, and then after getting Boone and ED-E I narrowly escaped Deathclaw alley and got to the strip without having to do a large chunk of quests.

  10. #10
    Mystyrion Notorious Gaming Glitches C:/Dille.Run's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeroZero View Post
    This just makes me think of the item duplication glitch in Diablo one for PSone. Drop nine items (the max in one spot) and if you picked up an item from your belt and exited the inventory screen the item miraculously dropped yet was still in your belt. Honestly this was one glitch that actually made playing the game more fun. With some more money you didn't have to be 100% defensive in the late levels being able to buy more potions as needed. Not that it stopped you from dying if you did anything stupid at all. But it was still my favorite glitch. On top of that my family figured it out well before it showed up in any gaming magazine out there, so it was like our little secret of awesome.
    Use to dupe all the time in D1. On PC its a bit different, but the same process. Drop item, pick up and while picking it up grab a potion from the belt and the potion becomes said item once you drop it.

    The biggest glitches that stick out to me are the BXR, BXB, RRX, RRXYYRRX, BXRB, etc. Button combos from Halo 2. X cancels whatever you are trying to do, enabling a faster sequence of things. There is normally a second delay between B (punch) and R (shoot). Throwing X (action/reload) cancels the second delay and you can shoot instantly.

  11. #11
    "Tiger Hair" Notorious Gaming Glitches HeroZero's Avatar
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    How about the FF Tactics glitch with learning free abilities by paging down while having certain abilities selected. Classic.
    "Evil spelled backwards is Live, and we all want to do that now don't we?"

  12. #12
    The Old Skool Warrior Notorious Gaming Glitches LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeroZero View Post
    How about the FF Tactics glitch with learning free abilities by paging down while having certain abilities selected. Classic.
    Sadly, they fixed that in the PSP iteration. D:
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  13. #13
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lococolt04 View Post
    sadly, they fixed that in the psp iteration. D:
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  14. #14
    Certified tech, come at me! Notorious Gaming Glitches SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Glitches are fun to trigger unless they are glitches that prevent you from progressing the game as you're playing through. A funny glitch I remember triggering the most was one in Final Fantasy VII PC version. I was at the Gold Saucer rapidly playing the arm wrestling mini-game. I somehow managed to talk to both the lady and trigger the holographic arcade game at the same time and i was somehow able to move around while Cloud's arm was in arm wrestling position, I still don't know how I managed to activate it.

    I also did a neat sequence break in mario 2 with luigi. It was in world 4-1 in a cave section of the level, you can use luigi to boost jump up to the top part of the wall onto the ceiling just before the area you have to use a bomb to blow up the weak wall. I was able to bypass that and get to the ladders on the other side of the cave by a simple stroll down to the left part of the screen.
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  15. #15
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    There is an entire glitch run for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It's a very hard challenge.

    GameFAQs: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) Uber Challenge Guide by Manocheese

    It's hard, even with the guide.

    I'm stuck at the Shadow Temple entrance.
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  16. #16
    Queen Notorious Gaming Glitches Crescent's Avatar
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    There's so many glitches/bugs in the Elder Scrolls games their hilarious tho this one i had extra fun with. If you ever stumble upon the Peryite Shrine, my directions are vague I just remember it being near Bravil I was jumping around everywhere exploring, its along some silver river (google it) anyway once you find it theres bout 5 worshippers who are all unconscious yet they're all standing upright n seem to be in a meditative state. Something I always do in Elder Scrolls games (&GTA) when I meet new people, I started punching them. Half n hour later I had mastered my hand-to-hand combat XD They cannot die. They're in limbo or something. My advice is to make sure they're trapped in a secure space against a boulder otherwise they'll keep moving and you'll punch em off the cliff I did that when I was done >). You could also attack em with one of ur blades but as soon as I did that, I fast travelled to Bravil and my bounty was skyhigh

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    There is an entire glitch run for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It's a very hard challenge.

    GameFAQs: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) Uber Challenge Guide by Manocheese

    It's hard, even with the guide.

    I'm stuck at the Shadow Temple entrance.
    Cool. Any youtube vids of this? Oh, in the faq.
    Last edited by Odin1199; 02-27-2014 at 06:39 PM.

  18. #18
    Red Dead Redemption. Whenever i was riding through the desert id always see something moving out of place. I would get a closer look and it usually be some guy on a horse running in a rock. Shoulda filmed em all. Wind Waker too is an amazing cocktail of improbable glitches. Storage and zombie hover and super-swim. Good times.

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