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Thread: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    New Super Mario Bros. Wii

    Anybody else have this game? I got it for my birthday, and I have been playing the shit out of it. It's a really fun game; the elements that made past 2D Mario games great are here, along with enough new innovations to make the game seem fresh. Or at least to me, although I haven't played the title for the DS, so I don't know how similar the two are. Playing it one player though, it takes me back to Super Mario Bros. 3/World days... if the graphics were prettier, the music was of better quality, and the game play was more diverse. Where have the Koopa Kids been all this time? It also induces my classic commentary; I swear a lot playing this game (although yesterday I worked it down to grunts, groans, and maniacal laughter for the most part.) This is a tough game!

    Playing the game multiplayer is a different story. I took the game over to a friend's house, and a bunch of people took turns using two controllers, and still, everyone seemed to be really enjoying the game. People were laughing at the players, who were also laughing. Loud noises were made by players, and accusations of foul play by the other player. And this was just with two wii motes. Btw; the one player mode is hard enough. Multiplayer will probably have you eating the wii mote. And your fist. Be careful.

    Seriously, kids, this game kicks ass. Go out and buy it. NOW. Even if you don't have a Wii yet. You can just stare at the case, or something. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  2. #2
    The Bad Boy of TFF New Super Mario Bros. Wii Block's Avatar
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    i hear it's bad to play with your gf

    i think they referred to it as marriage poison

  3. #3
    Registered User New Super Mario Bros. Wii
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    I have the one for the DS, so I wasn't too sure about picking this one up because I thought it was just a port or a remake of the DS game. It's not. It's a sequel to the DS game!

    When I go shopping again, I'll give this title a look-see. I love Mario games, and this one looks really promising, especially since you said it's reminiscent of Mario 3/World (two of the best Mario games, imo). Also, I need something to play on my Wii. It's just gathering dust right now.
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  4. #4
    Master of the Shadow Key New Super Mario Bros. Wii KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    I just got it this Chirstmas and let me say this: 4 player mode is absolute CHAOS!!

    With me, my brother, and my two cousins playing it, it was a constant competition.

    "Screw working together, that peguin suit is MINE!!!!" This was the general mentality between all of us. We grabbed each other and threw each other down pits, into Pirahna Plants, Goombas, Spikes, etc. We ran quickly through levels hoping to leave the rest to die. We refused to let each other out of bubbles, we even fought each so they would't grab the flag.

    It was terrible........BUT FUN AS HELL!!!!

    I really recommend this game. GET IT!!!!
    Last edited by KeybladerXIII; 12-27-2009 at 02:13 PM.
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  5. #5
    I've only been able to play 2 players so far, due to a lack of wii remotes. I have to agree, it's extremely fun. I can only imagine it's a lot more fun with more than 2 players.

    Playing single player Mario will never be the same again. I just find it a bit less enjoyable to play the game alone now.

    The worst thing is probably the slight pause when someone dies, though. I hate that, and it's messed me up a few times. Also, having to wait for the other player unless if you want to get them killed. The screen only stretches so far.

  6. #6
    I have enjoyed Super Mario Bros. series since my childhood & the new version also looks great. I think this game has much expectations from their users.

  7. #7
    Yeah this game is the freshness.

    Haven't played a good non-online multiplayer in a while, and this is definitely The One.

    The pause upon death kind of sucks, but you get used to it after playing for a couple hours.

  8. #8
    Death Before Dishonor New Super Mario Bros. Wii Josh_R's Avatar
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    I went out and bought it yesterday. I haven't gotten a chance to sit down and play it yet cause I have been busy watching massive amounts of anime, but from what I have heard it is amazing so I am sure to love it.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  9. #9
    Tsuna Feesh New Super Mario Bros. Wii Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    I got the game recently, too. Playing it alone isn't that much more fun than the original: it just has more items and all that. But when multiple people play, that's where the fun really starts to kick. I remember constantly how I always have to be the one to jump across all the lava so the others could go into a bubble and float over. xD That bubble technique is so cheap. All of us, whenever we're falling in a pit, go into a bubble to prevent the loss of a life.

    Anyway, the game was really worth getting. It's unbelievably fun, especially in multiplayer.

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  10. #10
    I have it and I think the multiplayer mode is very fun. I haven't played it by myself yet, but I'm going to try to soon. By the way, if you play multiplayer try not to play with someone who's really competetive. Whenever I play with my brothers, my nine-year-old one and I are always laughing whenever we make a mistake or do something silly. However, my fourteen-year-old brother (I'm sixteen, BTW)is always bitching and complaining whenever he dies, one of us accidentally takes his power-up, etc. It makes the game a lot less fun.

  11. #11
    Registered User New Super Mario Bros. Wii Megatron0000's Avatar
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    Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

    Yay sidescroller classic games!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. #12
    Registered User New Super Mario Bros. Wii Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

    Do you have to use wiimotes to be multiplayer or can you use GC/classic controllers like Brawl?

  13. #13
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

    The controls involve shaking the wii-mote for certain actions, so the game requires you to use the wii-mote. I really should buy an extra wii-mote or two...

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