After four games in the series, Atlus is taking a different direction for the series. The new title Etrian Odyssey: Millennium Maiden will have more focus on the characters and back stories rather than driven by player action or choices. It is their hope that it will open the accessibility of the series, which has been traditionally very hardcore.
The game will be a remake of the first game in the series. There will be several characters that player will be able to meet and work together with. And though things are more focused and preset, the player will be able to change character's classes and learn skills. There will be a limit to the amount of skill points.
One of the signs of the changes is in the new cover they have focusing on a single character rather than several, like with past titles.
Source: New Etrian Odyssey: Millennium Maiden Has Different Box Art, Too | Siliconera ; New Etrian Odyssey: Millennium Maiden Has A Stronger Story Focus [Update] | Siliconera