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Thread: My fellow Bioshock fans:

  1. #1
    Professional Klutz. My fellow Bioshock fans: Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    My fellow Bioshock fans:

    I present to you the prospect of Bioshock, the movie. I have just read an article on the subject. It's to coincide with the release of Bioshock 3 next year. For the sake of time, and my sanity, I'll just copy and paste what I found on the subject.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wikipedia

    A BioShock Film has been confirmed, and is to be released in 2011, coinciding with the release of BioShock 3. The film was set to be directed by Gore Verbinski, director of the Pirates of the Caribbean series, but because of budget issues, and the prospect of filming some footage overseas, Verbinski has dropped out as director. The news was made public on 24 August, 2009. He will, however, remain the film's producer. Instead, Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, who is best known for his horror sequel 28 Weeks Later, is in talks to helm the production.
    Quote Originally Posted by Online Blog Bioshock: Sink or Swim?
    We first heard rumors of a BioShock movie in early 2008 as reports began to emerge that our geeky, cinematic pipe-dreams actually stood some chance of coming true. At the time, reports suggested the following: "The studio hopes to bring the fallen aquatic utopia of Rapture to celluloid life through extensive use of green screen technology, an approach not dissimilar to Legendary Pictures' interpretation of 300. If the computer generated approach is deemed feasible and fitting, the focus can then shift to capturing BioShock's secondary (and uninhabited) characters."

    Rapture's dim, disastrous future seemed rather bright for filmgoers as word began to spread throughout the fan community that visionary director Guillermo del Toro had jumped onboard the bathosphere to take control of the adaptation. Sadly, as soon as the rumors were started, del Toro himself shot them down, stating to the press, "I'm a big fan of BioShock, but I'm not involved in creating any movie out of it." Always the tease, however, del Toro added coyly, "Not yet." The denial hit some fans hard, especially considering that del Toro's body of work and colorful visual style suggested he might just be the perfect artiste to bring Rapture's distinct look to life.

    Just who would eventually get the job was announced only a short time later when Variety reported that Pirates of the Caribbean helmer Gore Verbinski had officially scored the gig, directing a script written by Gladitor scribe John Logan.

    "I think the whole utopia-gone-wrong story that's cleverly unveiled to players is just brimming with cinematic potential," Verbinski told Variety. "Of all the games I've played, this is one that I felt has a really strong narrative." Verbinski said that Rapture's art deco look and the visually impressive characters were what made him want to see the game translated into a film.

    And then, much like Rapture itself, things began to fall apart. Almost a year passed before we received any official word on the status of the project, and when Verbinski signed-up to direct yet another adaptation of the board game Clue, many wondered what that meant for the future of BioShock. Meanwhile, Verbinski's former collaborator Jerry Bruckheimer was anxiously trying to reunite the team for a fourth Pirates film. Would Verbinski walk away from BioShock to return?

    Word came down on April 8, 2009 that Verbinski had walked away… not from BioShock, however, but from Pirates. The helmer told trade mag Variety: "I had a fantastic time bringing Pirates to life, and I am eternally grateful to Jerry [Bruckheimer], Johnny [Depp] and the rest of the creative and production team. I'm looking forward to all of us crossing paths again in the future." And one of the reasons listed for his departure was his continued work on the development of the BioShock adaptation.

    And then, only three weeks after having passed on the Pirates gig – certainly no little payday for the director – Universal officially put the breaks on BioShock. Variety reported that the movie version of the videogame was getting too costly – the budget was said to have risen into the $160 million range. The shoot was originally to take place in Los Angeles, but Universal and Verbinski were trying to "figure out a way to make the film at a more reasonable budget." Some production staff had been let go, and there was talk about moving the shoot to London in order to cut down on costs.

    "We were asked by Universal to move the film outside the U.S. to take advantage of a tax credit," Verbinski said. "We are evaluating whether this is something we want to do. In the meantime, the film is in a holding pattern."

    Rapture had begun to collapse. The city was taking on water from all sides.

    A few months later, Verbinski – very much the Andrew Ryan of the cinematic sunken city – finally departed the project, stating, "The bottom line is it has to shoot out of the States for budget reasons and my schedule may be prohibitive. There's a great script and a really interesting cast. It really comes down to the financial model now… Big movies are just not being shot in the States. I'm weighing whether I can physically go to the U.K. or Australia or one of those other places with a tax rebate for a year-and-a-half."

    It was a non-committal exit, but an exit nonetheless. The departure would leave the Splicers to roam the halls of Rapture without a leader for several months until 28 Weeks Later director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo took the gig. Or at least was in talks to take the gig, according to Variety. The remainder of 2009 progressed under the assumption that Fresnadillo was at the helm, but no official word has ever been given on the matter and no further updates have surfaced from the ocean floor
    Do you think a Bioshock film is a good idea? There are only a handful of games that have successfully made it to the movie medium. Most fail. Just like any other medium brought into the industry you have to take certain things into account. The main thing of which is how people view their own character in books, comics and games.

    I myself think that Bioshock could work... In theory. What I dread most is that they will try to take the first game and make it into a film. It should be a story apart from it, I think. Otherwise we'll just end up with more Resident Evil-esque roadkill. Sure, Resi was good in it's own right but It was shocking in comparison to its god-like videogame counterpart. Though, I suppose, the original story is good enough to transfer. I just hope they don't ruin it.

    It's interesting to see that the writer is the man behind films like The Last Samurai, Gladiator and Sweeney Todd. These are great films in their own rights. All of them well recieved and earning their money in teh market.

    The reported cast isnt bad, either with lead actors being those of Wentworth Miller (Prison Break), and Braden Lynch who actually voiced some of the characters in Bioshock 2. Sure, this all sounds interesting but my worries stay the same. It'll have to be damn good to convince me that it's a good move. I truly hope it is.

    C'mon Juan Carlos Fresnadillo... Make us proud.

    I just found a site that outlines the plot. It does seem that they are going to use the original story. I think that sounds both good, and worrying. The plus is that we'll see the orginal cast i.e- Andrew Ryan and Atlas. The negative... They could severely tarnish the good name of Bioshock.

    I'm really excited but apprehensive at the same time.

    What do you think of the idea? Who do you think should play each character? What do you hope to see? Finally, do you think this will take away from Bioshocks existing story and success?

    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 07-01-2010 at 12:47 PM. Reason: Extra info
    Cogito, ergo sum.
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  2. #2
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: My fellow Bioshock fans:

    I agree that it would probably be better if it didn't try to reimagine the first game's story, as the game was already cinematic enough in of itself. Maybe a movie could follow events in the same universe as the games. Someone on another forum suggested a story about the fall of Rapture, and a character trying to get him and his family out. That's probably a little too creative to expect out of Hollywood, however.

    Oh well. If they make a stupid movie, at least we'll still have the games. I still need to play Bioshock 2. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  3. #3
    .............. My fellow Bioshock fans: smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: My fellow Bioshock fans:

    To present the world of Bioshock in what I expect to be an only hour and a half feature is madness. The most obvious aspect to get across would be the atmosphere but it would be impssible to get that claustrophobic feel from anything other than a first person perspective. Even then Im nor expecting a great emulation of Rapture. And what of all the little nuances like hearing" welcome to the circus of values" which says so much about the world of Rapture when approaching a vendor or the perspectives from the recordings.

    My hopes are not high. I am expecting a feature which feels half finished.
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  4. #4
    Professional Klutz. My fellow Bioshock fans: Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: My fellow Bioshock fans:

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph
    I agree that it would probably be better if it didn't try to reimagine the first game's story, as the game was already cinematic enough in of itself. Maybe a movie could follow events in the same universe as the games. Someone on another forum suggested a story about the fall of Rapture, and a character trying to get him and his family out. That's probably a little too creative to expect out of Hollywood, however.

    Oh well. If they make a stupid movie, at least we'll still have the games. I still need to play Bioshock 2. Anyhoo...
    Yeah, On they offer the games Synopsis for the film. I truly hope this isn't a sign that the film will be based on it. While I am really excited to see more of Bioshock I just dont want anything in the franchise to suck.

    You're right, though. We have the games. You should play 2. Not as good as 1 but as far as sequesls go it earns the title.

    Quote Originally Posted by smurphy
    To present the world of Bioshock in what I expect to be an only hour and a half feature is madness. The most obvious aspect to get across would be the atmosphere but it would be impssible to get that claustrophobic feel from anything other than a first person perspective. Even then Im nor expecting a great emulation of Rapture. And what of all the little nuances like hearing" welcome to the circus of values" which says so much about the world of Rapture when approaching a vendor or the perspectives from the recordings.
    Oh, totally. I don't think the dread when you hear the earie sounds of a coming big daddy can be conveyed right, either. I guess they have a LOT to deliver.

    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 07-01-2010 at 12:59 PM.
    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  5. #5

    Re: My fellow Bioshock fans:

    Bioshock are an excellent couple of games but they wouldn't do well as films.
    The over all plot would either be condensed badly or thrown out altogether. I can easily see directors turning it into an underwater average horror film. ie A group of people have to escape rapture.

    Leave this one alone film industry, go make a film of one of the many FPS's always out, I'm sure you can't mess those up too terribly.

  6. #6
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth My fellow Bioshock fans: Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: My fellow Bioshock fans:

    Every time I hear that someone's planing to transfer a game on the big screens I shudder, especially if it's one of my favorites, and who can blame me, I think all those horrible movies are good reason to be skeptical and low on expectations.

    I played Bioshock for the first time just recently, I'm not huge on FPS games but I was simply amazed by what I saw in Bioshock, unlike many other FPS it relies on great story, characters and intense atmosphere. I'm afraid they wont be able to present all that in hour and half movie, at least not nearly good as in the game. This will probably be another low budget movie with mediocre cast at best, it may not suck entirely if producer decides to look in the game first and keep as much connections with the game as possible, which not many do. Still, it's too early to say anything concrete, we'll know what to expect after more information's are released, first screenshots and some teasers, possibly trailer, who knows, we might have another Silent Hill masterpiece.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  7. #7

    Re: My fellow Bioshock fans:

    If they're making this game into a movie, wouldn't it be best to follow Andrew Ryan's life as he paved the way to Rapture? I mean honestly, the best part of the game is the diary recordings that I keep finding all over the place. They reveal the real history of Rapture and give the story all the depth it has. That's the big thing anyway, right? The downfall of Rapture?

    Wouldn't it be cool if there was a movie that had all the details about how everything was started? It would seem so perfect, and then BAM, ADAM makes everything go to hell. End of the movie could be when Jack's plane starts flying over the ocean and fans would know what was going on. As long as the movie covers the rise and fall of the city, it's got enough going on for theaters, right?

    If they do end up just following the game exactly, I might die. You can't just do that with a game and story like this. It's too grand for little snippets like that.

  8. #8
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: My fellow Bioshock fans:

    I am worried myself.
    They very rarely seem to make a good movie based on a game - even one as good as Bioshock, and I'm already left with the impression that the only thing I might like about a movie would be if it's so terrible it's funny. A few movie games have tread those waters...
    victoria aut mors

  9. #9

    Re: My fellow Bioshock fans:

    Yeah, but Bioshock already has all the story elements it would take to make a flick. They just need to make it believable for that time period and we're good. The game itself never really did that. The visual settings do, but there isn't much explanation for how Ryan got a whole city up in the middle of an ocean all by himself. Heck, they wouldn't even need to get to the downfall of Rapture since it feels like the creation will take up enough time and money to think up. They just have to get creative.

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