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Thread: Mother 3

  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Mother 3

    There have been threads about his game before, I believe, but they are long gone, and I was not playing this game when those threads were made. Now I am. And I think it's fuckin' awesome. Dodie demanded I play it with her, or she'd lock me in a freezer for a week and see if I survived, and I was like, "Well, I better play this game then, because I'd prefer not to be a popsicle.*" I am glad she threatened my life, because I might've put off playing this game for another five years otherwise.

    I am only to chapter 5. I ran all the way back to town from the club, and went back into the haunted castle and got that weapon for that one character. He does the strong attacks now. But anyway, that was just to give an idea of where I am. My favorite character by far so far is Flint. I was even inspired to do a fan pic of him, here. I drew it soon after I played the part
    Where he finds out his wife died and goes berserk. So sad! The music was stuck in my head too.
    I liked him more when I thought he was a silent protagonist, though. That was an interesting choice to have characters be silent when you play as them, but give them dialogue when you aren't. I like all the playable characters a lot so far, though. Also, the NPC's; I like how they aren't just random townspeople for the most part, at least in the first town, but have somewhat distinct personalities and such.

    But yeah, only five chapters in, and I think this might already be my favorite in the series. I've played both the others, and Earthbound/Mother 2 is one of my favs ever. I loved it for its whimsical and strange nature, but this one has a bit of that whimsical and strange nature too, but also gives the characters more personality, and makes me care about them more. But maybe if I go back and play it again, I'll like Earthbound better again. Maybe, maybe not. And the original (Mother 1/Earthbound 0) was alright, although it really didn't have as much humor, and didn't have as much variety of setting and models and such (it's an NES game though, so go figure.) Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

    EDIT: Forgot to add the disclaimer

    *Dodie did not actually threaten me.

  2. #2
    Registered User Mother 3
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    Re: Mother 3

    Well, we were playing it together, but then I slacked off and you got ahead of me. I'm glad you were able to go back to the castle though. It should make the battles easier, since we both kind of really suck at the rhythm system.

    I started my game over, since I put it off for a loooong time for some reason. I think I got to chapter 7, but there was quite a bit of the game's story left to go too. If you thought the scene where Flint
    found out about his wife's death
    was emotional, wait til you get to the part where Lucas
    Chapter 7ish? Spoiler:
    sees his mom's spirit in a field of her favorite flowers...
    So heartbreakingly good. Actually, this game has a lot of moments like that.

    I don't know who my favorite character is, since they're all good. I think battle-wise though, I like Duster. He has some useful abilities, and he's pretty strong too.

    I really liked both this game (so far) and Earthbound, so I don't know if I could really choose a favorite between the two. Mother 3 does have better characterization of the characters though.
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  3. #3
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Mother 3

    Beat this last night. That was quite an ending. I am very impressed with how this game managed to pull off such emotional and powerful moments. Beating it was kind of bittersweet because now it's over, but so it goes.

    I drew another fanfic of another of the characters: The Masked Man. He should really be much smaller looking than this, so this probably isn't a good representation, but oh well. Guess who he is, though. (If you play the game, it isn't that hard to guess, even from the first time you see him, really.) I thought he was pretty bad ass. Silent assassin type.

    All in all, I'm not sure if I like it better than Earthbound after all. Earthbound might've been more fun, but the characters in this were more fleshed out, and you cared about them more. The plot was also more fleshed out, I think. There is a whimsy and a quality here that almost reminds me of a Studio Ghibli film. It definitely feels like an animated adventure movie from the 80's or early 90's though, heh. There's quite a bit of mature content too, and some strange homosexual overtones that are supposed to be humorous (probably would have to be changed for this to see a release in the US. Although They've already pretty much stated they're not taking a chance on the Mother series again, because they effed up the marketing on Earthbound when it came out and it underperformed.) But yeah; it has its strong points, and so does Earthbound. They're both very good games. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  4. #4
    Registered User Mother 3
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    Re: Mother 3

    I've beaten the game! Time to knock it out of my "games to complete" list! One more step closer to my gooooooaaaaal!!!!!!!!!!

    Great ending. Very emotional final battle with the masked man. Got a little frustrated when he kept wailing on Lucas, and I couldn't keep him healed up. Finally figured out what I had to do though, so it's all good.

    I wish the game was longer. I think my final time on the clock was just a little over 25 hours. Very good pacing on the story though. Nothing seemed to stretch out forever or get overly annoying, other than a couple of boss fights... (FASSAD!!! ) Once you get a good strategy down though, the fights aren't so bad. It helps when you have PSI Shield Omega and the ability to heal all your characters at once too.
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  5. #5
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Mother 3

    Did you have any of the Magypsie's Mementos left? They helped me a bit.
    It also helps a lot if you just enter a lot of commands really quick and let him keep on wailing at you, because it takes time for that HP to scroll down, and it doesn't go negative.

    I was a little disappointed at how short it was too, kinda. I think I clocked in about 24 hours, personally. Maybe less. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  6. #6
    Registered User Mother 3
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    Re: Mother 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph View Post
    Did you have any of the Magypsie's Mementos left? They helped me a bit.

    No... I lost those nearly as soon as I got 'em. Haha... I abused the space bar to make the battles speed up, so by the time I noticed that my HP was dangerously low, it was too late to heal.

    And for a GBA game, I suppose ~25 hours is a pretty good run, especially with all the great animations used for the sprites in the game. I'm sure that took up quite a bit of memory.
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  7. #7
    Just kind of there. Mother 3 Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: Mother 3

    Oh god. The Magypsies.
    That scene scarred me for life.
    Though perhaps I should get back on playing through it.
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    And then just like that i'm gone again.

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