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  1. #1
    Mojo Jojo Most difficult achievement Trunks's Avatar
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    Most difficult achievement

    I saw one of these for FFXIII and thought a general one would be good.

    The one that was hardest for me was the 5 kills, 5 weapons in Modern Warfare 2. That one took me absolutally ages. Stupid thing is that in teh end I got it entirely by accident. Go figure.

    Another one that took me a long time was the all endagames achievement in Dragon Age: Origins. I learned in the end that there was a glitch that needed to be sorted via a patch. That's hours and hours of my life I'll never get back.

    So what achievements did everyone find hard? If you don't go for achievements that much then which, that you've seen, sounds the most difficult.

  2. #2
    Registered User Most difficult achievement
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    Re: Most difficult achievement

    Probably the hardest ones i've managed to do are completing Gears Of War and Gears Of War 2 on insane difficulty, its actually very possible to do, but it took a lot of trial and error and careful planning, on that difficult you stay out of cover for even just a second and you're dead.

  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Most difficult achievement

    FFXI's Max every job lvls.

    Never did it, just I know it's a pain.

    Some Achv for a Star Ocean game is ridiculously hard.

    There is only one game I have actually wanted to get Achievements on and that game is Left 4 Dead. I have 75% of the Achievements done, 95% before their first major patch (survival pack).

    "What are you trying to prove?" Survive the 4 campaigns on Expert (really hard, especially with teammates who shoot you) (got it)

    I don't know the names for these other 2, but these are the 2 main game achv I don't have. One is nobody takes damage from Special Infected (Smokers, Hunters, etc) during the entire campaign.

    and the other one, nobody takes damage when the rescue has begun, also hard to do.

    Now those last 2 are very easy to pull off with a group of a friends and the difficulty changed to Easy, but no fun in that. Expert is the way to play.
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  4. #4
    Mojo Jojo Most difficult achievement Trunks's Avatar
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    Re: Most difficult achievement

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf
    There is only one game I have actually wanted to get Achievements on and that game is Left 4 Dead. I have 75% of the Achievements done, 95% before their first major patch (survival pack).

    "What are you trying to prove?" Survive the 4 campaigns on Expert (really hard, especially with teammates who shoot you) (got it)

    I don't know the names for these other 2, but these are the 2 main game achv I don't have. One is nobody takes damage from Special Infected (Smokers, Hunters, etc) during the entire campaign.
    I found it really hard to get most achievements on L4D 1 & 2. The ones you mentioned there are near impossible to get. I gave up after I saw how many were online based. I think I only have like 40%. I think I'll pick those games up again.

  5. #5
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Most difficult achievement Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Most difficult achievement

    Well, gran turismo 5... THe platinum, which involves golding every race, collecting over 1,000 cars, wining a race within .01 second and other ridiculous crap haha.
    Thank god the game is superior to all other racers.

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  6. #6
    Red Mage Most difficult achievement Henry's Avatar
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    Re: Most difficult achievement

    I think in FFXIII Adamant Will and Tresure Hunter are hardest to get.

  7. #7
    Consistently Average Most difficult achievement Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Most difficult achievement

    Hmm of the games i've played...

    Maxing out all the Celestial Weapons in FFX. Rikku's, Yuna's and Auron's wernt too difficult same goes to Wakka's to some extent. Kimahri's wasnt too hard once i got strong enought to kill the monsters the red butterflies send at you. However the cake is split between Lulu and Tidus' . Getting their respective Sigils wasnt hard, rather repetitive and time consuming. Despite this at the end of all of it i could proudly say i'd fully upgraded all of them . Next up... defeating all the Dark Aeons.
    Last edited by Kurt Zisa; 02-26-2011 at 01:26 AM.
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  8. #8
    Death Before Dishonor Most difficult achievement Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Most difficult achievement

    Quote Originally Posted by Trunks View Post
    The one that was hardest for me was the 5 kills, 5 weapons in Modern Warfare 2. That one took me absolutally ages. Stupid thing is that in teh end I got it entirely by accident. Go figure.
    This one isn't to bad. Use your two main weapons, lethal grenade, and the G-Launcher one primary. Thats 4 easy right there. Then look around, and pick up a weapon, and blast em' to shit.

    The hardest for me was Tekken 6 defeat the Nancy robot. That thing always manhandled me. So I had a buddy do it for me, so I could have the achievement.

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  9. #9
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Most difficult achievement

    My playing Uncharted 1 and 2 on the hardest difficulty. Jeese... there are some battles in those games that are near impossible on the harder settings.

    There were a few Red Dead Redemption ones too. One that isn't hard, but difficult to come by is the Posse Up one, where you have to get a full posse online. So you have to send a request to eight people and hope to hell they accept - and most of the time, they're already in a posse, and/or are kicking it alone. Me and a couple of friends boosted it with some help from the fellas on a forum we go to.

    I guess most online trophies are hard to come by because you have to rely on a situation to go your way. Then you have to be quick about it. Unless you're boosting with friends.

    ...also. I don't have it, but getting that White Knight Chronicles platinum is going to be a nightmare. Collecting 600 unique items doesn't sound that difficult, but getting enough of them to get the equipment and binding trophies will take a very long time. Also, S ranking fifty missions sounds "fun". @_@;

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