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Thread: games you are ashamed to have played.

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    games you are ashamed to have played.

    As the title suggests, games that you feel shameful or dirty to have played. you don't have to have hated it. you just felt unclean, depressed or wrong to have pressed each button. I'll go first.

    Pokemon pearl

    Now don't get me wrong. I friggin love the older pokemon games and even the manga(that being the only manga I read other than megaman X). But The latest additions to the pokemon franchise are absolute garbage. This can be explained by 3 main problems:

    1. The gameplay is to slow.

    I remember playing my beloved pokemon yellow and having most battles over in less than a minute unless your trying to catch them. But each fight in pearl or diamond is a struggle to stay awake. each attack takes like 10 seconds to go. Also in the other games like fire red or sapphire your running goes like lightning speed. but in pearl, running is like jogging or something.

    2. The graphics are not that impressive.

    all the sprites in the game are pretty simple and seem that they should be on the GBA. I was forced to waste 150 bucks for my DS and I was pretty annoyed by the lack of graphical upgrades.

    3. The pokemon are just damn stupid!

    To be honest, I didn't expect much from this generation after seeing some pokemon. I know that the first generation was sort of cute but this time it seemed like it was for babies. I only saw 5 pokemon while playing before I went insane. I could BARELY take the starter pokemon. I could even take the Starly,bird,thing. But what sent me over the edge was this damned thing Dear god in heaven. I almost went into a murderous rampage As soon as I saw just the picture and name. Bidoof. WHAT THE **** KIND OF NAME IS THAT!?!? If this is just one of the common pokemon then imagine how idiotic the rest will be! I mean why? why such an assinine name? I also checked on some pokemon fan site and saw it's evolution. And guess what? THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THAT IT SITS ON IT'S ASS! And I-(tranquilizer into the neck) lwejd vlg b la j laj alj r vlaqpntq bqo5bn qB eqB qeb e bqeQ24943 q....... Okay I'm back. just needed some pills.

    So in conclusion I was emberassed to have played this game. I actually had to sum up a lot of courage to put this up on this forum so I actually got a lot off of my chest. Thank you for reading to my rant, Antidrall out.

    P.S. you don't have to be as detailed as I was.
    Last edited by Antidrall; 02-03-2011 at 05:09 PM.


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