Hey look I can make threads that aren't news topics!
But anyway, it's not really official, but this is something that I've been bemoaning to myself and others that I want to complain to that JRPG localizers are being really cruel to those that are fans of JRPGs. Starting with Lightning Returns in February, there is about 5 or 6 weeks packed with a RPG coming out nearly every week. It's insane! I haven't had a packed schedule like this for like two years and I think this is actually worse because they're all games I really want to play.
So let's break it down. Please note this a NA releases, European releases are within a few days before or after.
Feb 11th - Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Feb 22nd - Final Fantasy XIV: ARR PS4 Beta
Feb 25th - Tales of Symphonia Chronicles (2 games)
Mar 11th - Dark Souls II
Mar 11th - Atelier Escha and Logy
Mar 18th - Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD (2 games)
Mar 25th - The Witch and Hundred Knight
Most people will not be getting all of these games, I'm one of the crazy people that will but I love JRPGs. So it's hard to ignore so many coming all within such a tight window. The only saving grace is that 4 of them are remakes, though I never finished Symphonia and never bought the Wii sequel. So there's only two games I've actually played and completed, but I really am looking forward to playing FFX and FFX-2. I haven't been really including FFXIV in the past, but it is something to note anyway, the actual release is in April, but the PS4 beta is in the middle of a JRPG swarm along with 3 other FF games and other major titles like Dark Souls and one of the more beloved Tales games, Symphonia.
It really makes me wondering while they think releasing all of these games together is a good idea since more evenly spaced apart will allow more interest for people that are turned off by budgetary concerns.
So who's digging deep and picking them up? Anyone crazy like me? Who's exciting for JRPG month?