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Thread: Making la switch

  1. #1

    Making la switch

    So I've owned a 360 for quite some time now, and honestly I'm just not enjoying the selection of games coming for the system as of late. I'm an rpg fan and other than Skyrim and ME3 I haven't really found any great ones that have gripped me. So I'm thinking about trading in and picking up a Ps3, not only does it have a bigger selection being able to buy old psone rpgs sounds pretty friggin' appealing these days.

    So TFF community, give me your wisdom! Is it a good idea to switch? Should I keep the 360 and get the Ps3? Any recommendations for either system?

  2. #2
    Certified tech, come at me! Making la switch SuperSabin's Avatar
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    I know of some good RPGs you may like, I haven't played a whole lot but I have seen some that are worth looking into. Here's a list of good RPGs you can find for it in my opinion:

    - Tales of Graces f: Seen gameplay for this game and it looks great, if you're a fan of the tales of series, this is a good one to give a try.

    - Borderlands: This is a cartoonish-graphiced FPS game with FPS elements and it is really fun to play, you get different weapons to use, and there are a bunch of missions to embark on.

    - White Knight Chronicles: This game is fun. The story in the first one wasn't that great but the gameplay was really addicting. What really adds to gameplay is that it was online enabled and you can go on quests with other people (or by yourself if you prefer). It does feature a New Game+ where you can go through the story again for better weapon and armor you find in chests.

    - White Knight Chronicles 2: I read reviews about the game and they seem to be generally positive. You must have the first game in order to play this one because its a requirement from what I understand, I also heard that the battle mechanics are improved in this game and you can quest with more people. Don't know if the storyline is any better (andro or whoever else played it could fill you in on that).

    -Final Fantasy XIII-2: This has a lot of improvement over its predecessor, I've played the demo and you have more of a choice on how to work on your crystarium and you get monsters to battle with you in your party and you have cinema action sequences which are pretty neat.

    I researched some 360 titles that sound appealing:

    - Tales of Vesperia: Seems to have a high rating, and I heard pretty good things about the title.

    - Blue Dragon: This game was developed by the original FF creator and it has some interesting gameplay elements from what I read.

    I hope my input helped.
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  3. #3
    Scholar Making la switch Kyrel's Avatar
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    Demon's Souls;
    Dark Souls;
    White Knight Chronicles;
    Dragon Age;
    Two Worlds;
    Dragon's Dogma

    Those are just a few. Keep your Xbox though, I have. On it, I own:

    Enchanted Arms;
    Lost Odyssey;
    ES: Oblivion
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  4. #4
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Making la switch ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    To be honest, as an owner of both systems, all the good RPGs are multiplat anyway. The only one I found to be any good exclusively on PS3 was Valkyria Chronicles.

    360, despite many people not thinking so, has some very good exclusive RPGs. Stuff like Lost Odyssey, Last Remnant, N3, The Witcher 2, Fable II. It's a matter of taste.

    The big RPG games like Fallout, Skyrim, Borderlands etc, I find to be more glitchy on PS3. It is however, a matter of taste. X360 does have an absolute dire backlog of older games on it, so PS3 definitely wins there. I don't know really, I like both!

  5. #5
    Death Before Dishonor Making la switch Josh_R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZantetsukeN View Post
    To be honest, as an owner of both systems, all the good RPGs are multiplat anyway.!
    This. All the major ones such as Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy and whatnot are all multiplat. I have pretty much quite playing both my systems anyway. Go to PC, then download and buy Minecraft, and then download League of Legends, and get at me.

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  6. #6
    The Quiet One Making la switch Andromeda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperSabin View Post
    White Knight Chronicles 2: I read reviews about the game and they seem to be generally positive. You must have the first game in order to play this one because its a requirement from what I understand, I also heard that the battle mechanics are improved in this game and you can quest with more people. Don't know if the storyline is any better (andro or whoever else played it could fill you in on that).
    One correction, White Knight Chronicles 2 comes with White Knight Chronicles 1 as part of the game with the system and graphical improvements part of it. So if you just want the games, and not the extra trophies WKC2 is the better purchase. You get two games for the price of one. And I'm pretty sure you can skip WKC1 and just play WKC2, if you want, but the game is not very long. If you want to play for the story you'll want to play it anyway.

    As for the question, I'm biased since I'm against the 360, but not exclusive for the PS3. Though in terms of RPGs, the PS3 is the console to get pretty much. There are only a few 360 exclusives. Below is the list of PS3 exclusive RPGs. Plus as you said, the PS1 and PS2 libraries available on the PSN add to it.

    Tales of Graces f is an amazing RPG that reminded my of great PSone and PS2 era JRPGs, plus like any other Tales game it has great characters and humor, something that I always enjoy in my RPGs.

    Valkyria Chronicles just simply a must own for any PS3 owner, great visual style, solid blend of RPG, third person shooter and turned base strategy all in a AU World War II story.

    Demon's Souls is an treat and a great experience for anyone looking for something unique and challenging out of RPGs. Just be prepared to die a lot and learn from the deaths.

    Disgaea 3 and 4, if you love the original two from the PS2 it is more of the same, great Tactics RPGs.

    Cross Edge is an average JRPG with some interesting combat system and a cross over of Darkstalkers, Spectral Souls, Ar Tonelico, Atelier Marie, Disgaea and Mana Khemia 2. It's fun, but don't expect anything serious or ground breaking.

    Trinity Universe is an evolution on Cross Edge and fewer crossover characters. It improves on the systems that Cross Edge started. It is more silly mindless fun.

    Hyperdimension Neptunia is a silly JRPG that parodies the game industry as a whole. It is sometimes subtle and sometimes not. The combat is similar, but modified from Trinity Universe. There are some very enjoyable aspects to it. It is also one of the few games this generation that I was able to largely 100% without a walkthrough and enjoyable enough to do so.

    Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 more of the same, more parodies, more zaniness, and more borderline creepy stuff. The combat is simplified a little from the last, but allows you to run around in battle, while still be turn based. It's an improvement. This is has some surprising dark endings that really made me love the game. But it is really great for long time gamers as they'll get the most mileage out of it. I mean what other game are you going to fight enemies are that are tetris blocks and screengrabs from visual novels along side the NDS brain training head.

    Atelier Rorona classic Gust back for the PS3. Highly addictive crafting with a simple, but satisfying combat system. Gust was still feeling out the PS3, so graphically it was a little poor. Still lots of style and I love the art. Plus, I enjoy the more personal and simple daily in a life story, rather than the usual save the world from ending story. It is a good change of pace.

    Atelier Totori, most of the same, just with leaps in the visuals and improvements on the alchemy and questing systems. Definitely superior to the previous and even more addictive. A really great personal story that is very moving and touching to explore. You also don't go save the world from ending, you're just a girl looking for her mother. It is amazing.

    Atelier Meruru, the conclusion to the trilogy and still just as addictive and even more beautiful. Though Atelier Ayesha is even more beautiful, Gust just keeps getting better. Meruru is a great game of your work paying off and making your time easier. The more you do, the better materials you get and easier things become. You really feel that the work means something. Same case of being a personal story, no saving the world. But I wouldn't have it any other way for Atelier.

    Ar Tonelico 3 also Gust, but its weird. It is very enjoyable, but don't especial Atelier. Atelier is pure and innocence in comparison to Ar Tonelico 3. It earned a M rating for the heavy dose of sexual innuendos, sexual situations and just plain nearly naked girls. Still the story is pretty dark and the character pasts are equally so, if not even darker. So as much as there is a ton of fan service, there is still a pretty interesting story underneath it all that will surprise you. The combat will surprise you too, but for different reasons, best to search youtube for that though. Still like I say with AT2, if you're not laughing you're not enjoying it, until it starts getting dark and depressing when you start crying or not laughing at the very least.

    Record of Agarest 2 a Tactic RPG with date sim elements and marrying someone and you play as your son into the next generation. It has some interesting ideas, but it can be fan service-y.

    Trinity Soul of Zill O'll has a Dynasty Warrior combat feel at times and a pretty basic RPG. It is pretty middle of the road, need to finish it.

    Last Rebellion it has an interesting combat system, though probably a pain to others. You get used to it and it is not bad. Visually it is pretty poor.

    Those are all of the exclusive PS3 titles, I left out the ones that were multi-platform.

    Future titles within the year are, Legasista (very soon, this month maybe), Mugen Souls (September), Ni no Kuni (January 2013), Atelier Ayesha (early 2013), Tokitowa (2013), Hyperdimension Neptunia V(2013), Tales of Xillia (2013).

    Note, I largely play JRPGs, which are also largely exclusive to the PS3. Hence the reason I own a PS3. If you want to play the JRPGs of this generation, the PS3 is pretty much necessary since the bulk are on it. Only a few are actually multi-platform or exclusive to a different platform. I exclude handhelds from the statement.
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  7. #7
    The Mad God Making la switch Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    They're both solid consoles. Personally I find more to enjoy from the PS3, mostly because of the easy access to old games. Few good exclusives for each. I got my 360 pretty much exclusively to play Lost Odyssey, but there are other good games I've grabbed for it. And Microsoft likes to do things like paying to get DLC on Skyrim a month before other platforms, so that's an advantage of having one I suppose. Personally I'd keep the 360 and get a PS3, I wouldn't drop one for the other.
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  8. #8
    I consider WKC2 one of my best video game purchases in a long time. I wasn't in a hurry to get it because I had heard bad things about the story, but after having played it, I just don't see why so many people don't like it. It was a very enjoyable story.

    The main game took me about 120-160 hours. I'm now at about 320 hours from playing online and I'm still enjoying it.

    And I second (or third or whatever) Valkyria Chronicles. Great game.

    Can't comment on any of the others as I don't have them yet. But I do really want the Atelier games.

  9. #9
    The Quiet One Making la switch Andromeda's Avatar
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    Don't mean to side track too much, but you play WKC2 Fluffy? I've been looking for someone else to play with it since Dragonheart and Entity I don't picked it up and I don't even know if Shadow plays anymore. Down side is you're probably pretty far ahead of me if you've got 320 hours in WKC2. I've got 500 in WKC, but only maybe 50 or so in WKC2.
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  10. #10
    Yep, I'll PM you about it I guess.

    And I'll add Nier to this thread, since you did ask for recommendations for either console. I think it's a great one, but also an odd one. The gameplay isn't that great, but good enough. But I really liked the soundtrack and characters.

  11. #11
    Well that pretty much pushes me to getting the Ps3 and saving the 360. There are a view older gen titles that I want to pick up with the playstation online store because I'm getting real tired of the season of rpgs that is coming out lately.

    Secondly, I realize Andro and I have very similar tastes especially concerning Jrpgs...and there is hardly anything that has come out for the 360 in the last few years. Most of the rpgs listed for the 360 side I've played and beaten and traded in already. The question now is how hard is it going to be to find some of the Ps3 games locally. EB only has so much ya know. Well I can't get the Ps3 this month but once I pick it up I'll let you all know!

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