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Thread: Magna Carta Tears of Blood

  1. #1
    Rabanastran Magna Carta Tears of Blood Belugn's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Magna Carta Tears of Blood

    I got the game from a game outlet about two years ago, and I really just bought it because it was cheap, and had two cute girls on the front cover. (One of them was a man though, I would yet have to discover.)

    Anyway. The battle system posed such a turn off for me, that I haven't finished it, even after two years, and I'm not even far into the game at all. The battle system however isn't the only turn off, but I'm just going to state that for now, being the main reason I stopped playing all together.

    However around the internet I've seen people who've enjoyed this game immensly, and had a LIKING in this battle system that I so detest, so now I'm curious if anyone else have played this game, and your thoughts about it.
    "I don't think I have what it takes to make a good action game. I think I'm better at telling a story."
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  2. #2
    I want to play a game. Magna Carta Tears of Blood Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Magna Carta Tears of Blood

    Quote Originally Posted by Belugn View Post
    and had two cute girls on the front cover. (One of them was a man though, I would yet have to discover.)
    Hahahaha. It tricked you as well; I've told the a story on TFF where a lesbian thought Calintz was female as well (she found Calintz "hotter"). All too funny.

    I would say I'm around half-way through the game. The battle system is very unique but I actually liked it though there are a few changes I would have liked. Items are pretty important in battle: if a certain chi runs out, use an item that restores the chi (when it is restored it goes to the maximum even if there wasn't a lot of that chi normally in that area). It's very important never to run in the open field because it gives the player such a limited view - I always walk to get that pre-emptive strike. I don't like that enemies don't respawn but there are enough enemies to get through the game.

    The biggest low-point for me about this game would probably be the voice-acting; the voice-acting has been criticized immensely but I just found it sub-par (I'm very lenient) - there are some good parts.

    I do like the story a lot; this game is known to have a good story despite whatever flaws it may have. The opening song is pretty bad but besides that song I do like the music as well.

    The game has flaws, whether a person can overlook them or not is the question. The story is generally accepted to be good or better so if anything this game would be played for the story.

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  3. #3
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Magna Carta Tears of Blood

    Yeah, I played this one for the story myself and enjoyed it considerably because of it. Though the gameplay left a bit to be desired, the art style was also quite good.
    If you have a 360 I'd recommend giving Magna Carta 2 a go as they improved the gameplay considerably (it's quite different) while still keeping the unique look and once again having a better story. It's one of few newer JRPGs I plan on keeping in my permanent collection.
    victoria aut mors

  4. #4
    Rabanastran Magna Carta Tears of Blood Belugn's Avatar
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    Re: Magna Carta Tears of Blood

    @Zargabaath: Yeah the voice acting is pretty terrible, but to me as well, voice acting isn't all that important and only a minor let down if the rest of the game is good. The story seems okay. Something I like is that there seems to be a lot of room for character interaction.

    What gets me the most about the battle system is that it's not REALLY turnbased. It's turnbased, but you only get one turn, and you have to pick which character is gonna use it this round - at least that left me really troubled when I needed healing etc. Frustrating.

    @Silver: Improvements for 360, oh really?
    "I don't think I have what it takes to make a good action game. I think I'm better at telling a story."
    Hironobu Sakaguchi

  5. #5
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Magna Carta Tears of Blood

    Quote Originally Posted by Belugn View Post
    @Silver: Improvements for 360, oh really?
    Improvements for Magna Carta 2, which is 360 exclusive. It would be the same if released on any other platform in future as the improvements were to game play rather than anything else.
    victoria aut mors

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