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Thread: Last game you finished

  1. #181
    I want to play a game. Last game you finished Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Just got through w/ The Last Story. Good timing since Tales of Xillia is a few days away. At first combat seemed a bit boring but as more skills were unlocked it fot better. Though having that auto attack was a hinderance some of time. Orimarily when trying to go around an enemy. How the game explained manual was a bit weird. The better sidequests were the optional chapters; the regular sidequests weren't that beneficial except the arena.

    I tend not to like games that split the story into chapters. The developers, I felt, didn't kbow hiw to seperate the story properly. I would find multiple chapters neesing to be one that way more story could have been added. Can always make a journey more grand. However, in thia game even thh aome chapters were short and some extremely so they were able to pack in alot. Perhaps due to them being so short & having 40 plus chaoters it gave the illusion of being bulkier.

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  2. #182
    Queen Last game you finished Crescent's Avatar
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    Project X Zone. Bought a (blue) 3DS XL just for this game. And I could not get enough of it. Sadly, I thought I'd know nearly every character except for the originals but there was only bout 10 of them that I have never seen before playing this title, altho considering the line-up, 200 heroes and villains from several franchises developed by Namco Bandai, Capcom nd Sega (fangirl? FK OFF legit gamer ^^') 50 of which are playable characters, Id say thats still pretty impressive depending on who you are. The game has this old school appeal to it that I loved and missed. The maps themselves are decent enough, but it's the character sprites that get me. It's cool seeing tiny versions of Jill Valentine and Frank West moving around stages, but it's even more awesome seeing those sprites get blown up to a much larger size when you're successfully performing special attacks(which I noticed that some are taken from UMvC3).

    To keep me from fangirling all over, I'll (try) keep it brief. I cannot recommend it enough. Crossover of iconic proportions very well executed. Props to Banpresto & Monolith Soft. My score 9.6/10 but I think you need to have a good understanding of most of the characters and the games they come from to really get the most out of it - as the core mechanics aren't that interesting. Just like most crossover games, the story is lacklustre but the gameplay, characters, dialogue and music make up for it.

    *Note* Localisation only affects text. Dialogue is in japanese. hehe

    F**k it. Gaah Haken & Kaguya!, KOS-MOS, Sakura&Ichiro, Ryu n Ken Id knew Id see em but not so early on, Jin & Xiaoyu lookin cute together, woah what are u doing here, Chris n Jill? You dnt possess unearthly powers hehe, Arthur dang! U too outdated for dis game! XD, Resonance of Fate gang here, Kurt & Riela, ChunLi and <3Morrigan I wonder if ur Da..ohthere he is, X & Zero(and from my favourite megaman game),Valkyrie, Sanger<3, Flynn, lol at Bruno n Neneko/neito, KITe and Blackrose, Lindow Amamiya, Yuri Lowell! *overwhelmed* Just scratched the surface, majority of these are just the playable characters, there are also all the villains- Jedah Doma, Nemesis, Vile etcetc, cameos n location references from some of the characters respective game/s eg Fortuna castle that might jog ur memory. It’s also interesting how the writers acknowledged that characters seem to know other characters in one way or another. For example where Akira acknowledges Ryu as the “wondering warrior.” as does Jin and Morrigan referring Valkyrie and more Dmitri to a certain "guide" of "the human world"..."A cross between human and demon blood - the son of the betrayer" which brings me to my next point......DANTE! I thought I'd NEVER see you again! Please, don't leave me again! *carries me back to Devil May Cry agency*....." your brother around???....

    Think Im done. Worth a go if you know most of these characters.

  3. #183
    Consistently Average Last game you finished Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. I'm watching the (second) ending credits as I type this.

    I've already said quite a bit about this game in the currently playing thread so i'll be a bit more brief here. Without a doubt my favourite psp games, everything from how they laid out the controls (using X, O, Square and Triangle to move the camera), to the story and level of customization and creation of equipment is just fantastic.

    Because I'm playing Snake Eater at the same time it's great to see the changes that Big Boss goes through, from being a national hero, to being considered a terrorist.

    I bought MSG: Portable Ops last week but I really don't want to stop playing this game, it's been the first one in a long time that i've played from start to finish in one go.
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  4. #184
    Consistently Average Last game you finished Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    (Apologies for the double post) Final Fantasy V GBA. Completed the Bonus Dungeon for the first time and beat all the super bosses (Omega, Shinryu, Euno, Omega MK.II and Neo Shinryu), and just now completed the gauntlet of previous Bosses and won the Medal of Smiting or whatever it's called.

    I really like this game, and it feels great to have finally completed all the extra parts, I even flew around and collected all the Dark Arts for the Necromancer Job. All four characters have mastered all the jobs that pass on Passive Abilities and stats to the Freelancer, so that's the game pretty much completed as far as I'm concerned.

    I'm really keen to start over and just blaze through the story now that I'm more up to date on how to best use the Job/Abilities and know where to get all the Blue Magic and who to steal rare items from. But at the same time I want to finish Tactics Advance, so i'll probably do that first, so when I do come back to V I won't be over it already.
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  5. #185
    This ain't no place for no hero Last game you finished Tiffany's Avatar
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    Diablo 3.

    To be fair, I've "finished" it a few times over as each time you unlock the next mode. Finished Inferno a bit ago, now farming Keywardens. Its getting a bit tiring to keep playing the same acts over and over again so I think it might be time to switch to something else.

  6. #186
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany View Post
    Diablo 3.

    To be fair, I've "finished" it a few times over as each time you unlock the next mode. Finished Inferno a bit ago, now farming Keywardens. Its getting a bit tiring to keep playing the same acts over and over again so I think it might be time to switch to something else.
    But you can play Borderlands over and over? hahaha

    Get lvl 100 Paragon! I'd rather farm a Diablo game over and over again than Borderlands.

    Forgot to add the last game I played

    Which was Assassin's Creed 2 (I also beat 1 right before it back to back)
    Currently on Brotherhood. Catching up for 4. (which I'm being lazy on now)
    Last edited by loaf; 11-13-2013 at 10:49 AM.
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  7. #187
    This ain't no place for no hero Last game you finished Tiffany's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    But you can play Borderlands over and over? hahaha

    Get lvl 100 Paragon! I'd rather farm a Diablo game over and over again than Borderlands.

    Forgot to add the last game I played

    Which was Assassin's Creed 2 (I also beat 1 right before it back to back)
    Currently on Brotherhood. Catching up for 4. (which I'm being lazy on now)
    Ahh, but when I played Borderlands "over and over" it was with all the new DLC content. They released new content every 2 months or so We bought the seasons pass for 1 and 2, and new weapons added with each add on as well. I'd love it if they had some DLC for Diablo! I think they are but its not due out until January.... I think. Right now I'm almost level 8 Paragon. But yeah, getting bored with farming the same places over and over again.

    Actually dropped down from Inferno to Nightmare and Hell modes to farm more pages/tomes of jewlecrafting. I'm annoyed with how the drops for blacksmithing stuff is so frequent yet the jewelcrafting is way less. So strange when you can only upgrade the blacksmith until level 10, then those tomes/pages are useless aside from selling right? Unless I'm missing something. :S

  8. #188
    Registered User Last game you finished LauriJ's Avatar
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    I don't remember really. Was it the Final Fantasy XIII-2 that I finished lately? I guess it was.

  9. #189
    Certified tech, come at me! Last game you finished SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Last game I finished is Ys V: Kefin, Lost Kingdom of Sand and I loved it! (this is actually my 2nd time beating Ys V although I beat it on expert with japanese text so i didn't quite understand the story). Anyways, this is quite a beast for a snes game. It has a realistic graphic style (which is odd for a Ys game), the story is really good and captivating, also the game had an amazing soundtrack which really captured the feel for each area in the game.

    I recommend giving this title a go!
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  10. #190
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Last game you finished Xanatos's Avatar
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    Back to the Future - Not the shitty one on NES. Telltale's BTTF is clearly aimed to fans of this great franchise and fans alone, others wont find much enjoyment here. While I'm glad there's no need to combine a penguin with a pizza or anything ridiculously old school like that the puzzles are overly simplistic. Even if you find yourself being stuck you'll soon notice that for the most part BTTF plays out in a highly limited area with with highly limited options. Also, character movement is horrendous to say the least, invisible walls are pretty much everywhere. It's not all bad of course, I do love the story (for the most part) and characters, humor as well, the voice acting is pretty good too, whoever replaced Michael J. Fox did a fine job.

    Batman Arkham Origins - Bugs. Bugs and glitches everywhere. Some data packs would remain marked on the map even though I picked them up, it really angered the OCD in me. It really puts you off, though my biggest issue with Arkham Origins, it never felt as a true sequel/prequel. The story was somewhat inconsistent and at times strange with what was established in other games. The premise was promising although poorly executed. Riddler puzzles are not nearly as challenging and rewarding as in Arkham City and the city felt kinda empty. On the other hand I'm glad they bothered to explained why Bane was a complete and utter moron in other games, although they failed along with almost every media since Knightfall to show his true cunning nature to it's fullest. The combat is as fun and engaging as ever, dectetive mode could use some work though. Props to Troy Baker, splendid Joker, you barely notice it's not Mark Hamill.

    Dead Space 3 - Mass Effect, anyone? Dead Space 2 stood still as far as story goes, giving us nothing but new questions, so I was glad Dead Space 3 made few steps forward. Thing is, it reached a point, a pit if you will, where only deus ex machina can pull it out, and I don't like that one bit. I didn't really care for the love triangle bit. It's a lot more action packed than it's predecesors, the tense atmosphere is still there though. I was fairly scared to be honest, two Regenerators early in the game, that shit was tense. Surprisingly I didn't mind the workbench, some of the weapons you can create are pretty impressive, not to mention the sheer combination of those. Some of the scenery is stunning. Overral I enjoyed it as much as Dead Space 2.

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  11. #191
    Mystyrion Last game you finished C:/Dille.Run's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Dead Space 3 - Mass Effect, anyone? Dead Space 2 stood still as far as story goes, giving us nothing but new questions, so I was glad Dead Space 3 made few steps forward. Thing is, it reached a point, a pit if you will, where only deus ex machina can pull it out, and I don't like that one bit. I didn't really care for the love triangle bit. It's a lot more action packed than it's predecessors, the tense atmosphere is still there though. I was fairly scared to be honest, two Regenerators early in the game, that shit was tense. Surprisingly I didn't mind the workbench, some of the weapons you can create are pretty impressive, not to mention the sheer combination of those. Some of the scenery is stunning. Overall I enjoyed it as much as Dead Space 2.
    I found it more like Gears Of War than ME.
    Sadly all forums of a "scary" atmosphere were gone for me in this game.
    Pacing was terrible, huge waves of necromorphs and then suddenly none.
    Field of depth was far too much (I think thats an accurate way to put it). You can see far to much and everything is just too clear. It just ruins the atmosphere a little more for me.

    Dead Space 1

    Dead Space 3

    There are some other little things I could nitpick at, but I wont. I still enjoyed the game for what it was worth. Wasn't too thrilled with the ending, but to be honest I wasn't sure how they were going to end it in the first place.

  12. #192
    Bananarama Last game you finished Pete's Avatar
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    I finished The Walking Dead (the good one with Lee and Clem) last week. I loved it, though it took me a minute to get used to the interface. I know I made a few "decisions" that I wouldn't have made if I had more than a split second to find the respective icon. I know that's how the game is supposed to work, but by the time I quickly scanned the screen for the choice I wanted, a decision was already made for me... or I was dead.

    Otherwise, the story was absolutely phenomenal and actually kind of touching. I highly recommend it.

    Currently working on The Last of Us, saved after I got to the Fall. Also switching with Skyrim and doing the DLCs and whatever bullshit post main story quests are left

    As for Dead Space, I stopped playing 3 because I felt it getting too repetitive. It was just run here, kill these guys, make an item, etc. The second one was relatively gripping and had me on edge. With 3, the suspense came from the idea of knowing that at any moment you'd be swarmed. You just didn't know if you'd have any means of running out or if you'd be cornered in a hallway.
    Last edited by Pete; 12-04-2013 at 05:18 AM.
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  13. #193
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Last game you finished Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C:/Dille.Run View Post
    I found it more like Gears Of War than ME.
    Can't compare those two as I never played Gears of War. Overall, though mostly storywise it reeks of Mass Effect, it's noticeable after you play Awakened.

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  14. #194
    Mystyrion Last game you finished C:/Dille.Run's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Can't compare those two as I never played Gears of War. Overall, though mostly storywise it reeks of Mass Effect, it's noticeable after you play Awakened.
    That is on my list of things to play. I hear Awakened was actually really good.

    As for my contribution to this thread, I just finished

    Tomb Raider
    First tomb raider I've ever played, the only reason I ended up with this is because of a promotion of a GPU.
    To start things off I enjoyed the gameplay a lot, very similar to Uncharted (or perhaps Uncharted is just like the older tomb raiders, I wouldn't know). Controls were tight, even for using a 360 controller on a PC.
    The weapon/skill upgrade system was nice touch over the Uncharted series (I like comparing them because they are very similar). A little too easy to max everything out though. I put the game down for about a year and just picked it up again to hurry and finish it to clear out some of my backlog. While sitting at 66% I had almost every weapon maxed out, had I spent more time exploring I could have the weapons maxed out until I got a major upgrade for the gun.
    The story was meh, the characters stranded on the island with Lara have no depth, no progression. So much time of the game was spent going to this place to get x item so you could leave the island, just to come back and do it again. The story would sit at a standstill. The overall story and ending wasn't terrible, but it wasn't all that great.
    Difficulty was a bit on the easy side, I did die a few times but just because I was over confident. You could easily start out on hard and have a normal difficulty experience.

    I'd give this game a B- at best.

  15. #195
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    Mass Effect 2 and 3 felt like a Gears of War knockoff with some RPG into the game. I still ****ing loved Mass Effect so IDGAF!
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  16. #196
    Mystyrion Last game you finished C:/Dille.Run's Avatar
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    Bioshock Infinite
    Plowing through my backlog. Never have been a fan of the Bioshock series. I hear they are phenomenal stories, but the genre is just beat to death as far as gameplay goes.
    At least with the earlier series it was kind of a survival type of thing (or at least thats what I got out of playing the first one), infinite was just kind of run and gun.
    I rather liked the twist at the end, but it left me with a few questions that I'll probably wiki later tonight haha.

    I may go back and try to beat the first & second, but I think I'm going to finish a few other games first.

  17. #197
    Bananarama Last game you finished Pete's Avatar
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    Just finished The Last of Us last night, and it was every bit as amazing as I was promised it would be. I absolutely loved the story, the pacing, the characters and the twists and turns. It was hard when it was supposed to be, but never so much where you couldn't figure out what to do after a try or two. I highly recommend it.

    I also replayed Russel's story in The Walking Dead 400 days. I missed a cheap achievement by not jumping into the bushes, so I did that to get my last one (48/48)... because things like that bother me.

    Now I'm switching between The Witcher 2 and Skyrim, and might just start the infamous Legend of Dragoon
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  18. #198
    Consistently Average Last game you finished Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Just finished Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater a couple days ago, and I loved it just as much as my first playthrough.

    I shot for as many extras as I could this time around and managed to get every boss' special camo: Animal camo from Ocelot, Hornet from The Pain, Spider from The Fear, Moss from The End, Fire from The Fury, the one from Volgin and Snake from The Boss. Oh and The End's Mosin Nagant tranquilizer rifle was put to good use too There's still a few camo's I'd like to get in future playthroughs, like the Water one and the Bannana one you get from completing Snake vs. Monkey. There's so much extra stuff to see, get , or play in this game!

    But yeah I really love Snake Eater, everything to the music, the characters and the gameplay elements makes it easily one of my top ps2 games. Not to mention on of my favourite games, period. I'm a big fan of Naked Snake, the trials he's been put through during his life, and the influence he still has 50 or 60 years later makes him stand out a lot more to me than Solid Snake or any other action game hero. It wouldn't be a lie to say I'm a bit of a Nekkid Snake fanboy.

    And because I'm on a MGS binge at the moment, i'd like to finish Sons of Liberty again, now that I understand the MSG universe a lot more. I'll probably just put it on easy mode so I can blitz through the story (and that infuriating part where you have to escort Emma around).
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  19. #199
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Last game you finished Xanatos's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy XIII was for the most part a bag of mixed feelings. In my opinion it's far from the worst FF as some like to call it, after all I managed to beat XIII, can't say the same for X-2. I separated my overall opinion into three categories...


    Though confusing at times the story was for the most part good. The pacing is bit off though, it only kicks off near the end. I for one love the ending, it was somewhat bittersweet, they had balls to off two main characters, I believe that never happened in FF before. Equally developed group of main characters which is rare in FF, usually the rest of the party is either heavily overshadowed by main two characters or there are characters that have no impact on the main story whatsoever, expendable in other words, or both. I thought the combat is addictive and fun, quite often hectic due to constant paragridm switch. Overall it's one of the more challenging games in the series, they did that bit on the cheap side but it was efficient nevertheless. And not just difficulty, the amount of CP and Gil you need, the way you obtain those, is insane to say the least. Datalog and its contents, something WRPGs had since ever, was awesome, this should be mandatory in future FF titles.

    Mixed Feelings (Either disappointing or not bad, but should have been a lot better)

    None of the characters stand out to me, they are okay, I guess, though quite often irritating. Some of the best monster design I ever saw (best version of Behemoth by far), sadly as with every Final Fantasy so far, save for VIII and IX, it suffers from huge amount of color swap monsters, even "superboss" looked exactly like a plain regular opponent. Mostly due to that missions were uninspired, you didn't even need to fulfil certain requirements to face these monsters like in FF XII. Music had several truly great pieces, "Born Anew" is one of the best final boss themes ever to grace FF, and while overall not bad it was nowhere near as memorable as in previous games.


    FF XIII is extremely linear. I keep hearing people counter this with "yea, X was linear, too", but X had towns to roam around and people to talk to to ease your journey while XIII does not. Which brings us to my second point, no towns or people to talk to. No secrets whatsoever. None. Usually after I beat a game and am done with everything I think I can do on my first playthrough I check out an online guide to see if missed anything as in RPGs you often do, sadly XIII does not offer anything beyond what you see. Its only "mini game" is pretty much a shallow version of Chocobo Hot and Cold, sadly not nearly addictive or rewarding as its predecessor. Those few NPC's you see get barely any screen time. Shallow, at times non existent villain.

    Cons outweigh pros, despite that I still enjoyed playing FF XIII, I clocked over 90 hours on my first playthrough which would be my first as far as FF goes, so I guess that counts for something.

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  20. #200
    Certified tech, come at me! Last game you finished SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Last games I have finished are Sonic Generations, and I also have recently completed Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and the extra 5th chapter that you can get as DLC on WiiWare.

    Sonic Generations was a nice flashback to previous sonic stages in the series. I wasn't too much of a fan of the last battle though, it was quite irritating. As for Phoenix Wright, I really enjoyed this game. I am a fan of mystery games and games that require critical out-of-the-box thinking for investigations and solving cases. I have played Justice for All about like 4 years ago back when I had the DS Lite but I didn't like that one as much even though I have beat it. I have moved onto Trials and Tribulations for my next Ace Attorney to beat.
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  21. #201
    Queen Last game you finished Crescent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperSabin View Post
    Last games I have finished are Sonic Generations, and I also have recently completed Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and the extra 5th chapter that you can get as DLC on WiiWare.

    Sonic Generations was a nice flashback to previous sonic stages in the series. I wasn't too much of a fan of the last battle though, it was quite irritating. As for Phoenix Wright, I really enjoyed this game. I am a fan of mystery games and games that require critical out-of-the-box thinking for investigations and solving cases. I have played Justice for All about like 4 years ago back when I had the DS Lite but I didn't like that one as much even though I have beat it. I have moved onto Trials and Tribulations for my next Ace Attorney to beat.
    Im half way thru Dual Destinies. Trials and Tribulations dat ending tho.. One of if not, the best game in the AA series Justice for All was..meh. Thought I was the only one who loved and played the Ace Attorney games on here

  22. #202
    probably ff1, not sure any more it's been a while

  23. #203
    Certified tech, come at me! Last game you finished SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Several days ago, I finished up Trials and Tribulations. That was quite a game alright, all the cases seemed to be pretty long and there were times I just had to use the walkthrough when I absolutely could not figure out some parts of the game. My favorite case in the game is the last one because there was so much tied into that particular case and it got interesting as you progressed. I am pretty drained after playing the Ace Attorney games back to back and it will probably be awhile until I go back to them.

    Can't wait until the Layton x AA crossover, that will be my next target. In the meantime, I might replay the first AA since that one is my favorite. I also might play Dual Destinies in the future as well.

    EDIT: I ended up beating two games in one day today. I beat Super Mario Bros 1 (from All Stars collection), and Super Bonk for the same system as the former game. I'm on fire! Both games are great, especially bank. If you want to try out something new and unique, play the bank games. They're on NES, SNES, TurboGrafx, and Game Boy.
    Last edited by SuperSabin; 02-21-2014 at 10:19 PM.
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  24. #204
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    Shadow of the Colossus. Wasn't very surprising as I'd spoiled it for myself before and only did it for the sake of completion, but it was rewarding to have done it even if it wasn't too challenging. Had gotten stuck on the turtle colossus year ago til my brother broke my PS2, and only now do I have the PS3 version. Turtle was still extremely annoying and Wander stumbles and falls more in this version but it is not overly difficult.

  25. #205
    The Old Skool Warrior Last game you finished LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Hmm. If the 2.1 story content for FFXIV counts, that! Otherwise, I have to reach back a little further.

    · Super Mario 3D World.
    · Everything in the Kirby Anniversary edition again.
    · Etrian Odyssey IV

    And, if it counts, we just wrapped a Skyrim-themed D&D game that we were running for almost two full years.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
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    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  26. #206
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04 View Post
    And, if it counts, we just wrapped a Skyrim-themed D&D game that we were running for almost two full years.
    It's not possible to finish Skyrim, even if it's a D&D game. There's always that one or two quests you miss...

    Last game I finished was Assassin's Creed III, and I was warned about this one. I'm one of those people who absolutely loved Assassin's Creed II - it was much better than the first in terms of having something to accomplish other than seeking out and assassinating people who'd gotten too big for their boots while being wound up in the conspiracy over the pieces of Eden. Ezio was a wonderful, likeable character - but only at first, I think. I got bored of him halfway through Brotherhood, and it was torture in Revelations, but I pushed through because I knew I was near the end of his story.

    Then III started, and I liked how you play as Connor's father for the first three odd chapters into the game, but it could have been much shorter. Everyone wanted to play as Connor, and get the game started. But I was disappointed with Connor. I felt he was too wooden, and he didn't have any depth like Ezio did. He was more like Altaiir, but at least Altaiir was believable with his demotion in the guild, and probably being a little ticked off as the result. Even when you're building the Homefront, he doesn't seem all that pleased for anyone living there - he'll have a smile, but it felt fake, and he had very stiff body language.

    The only thing I think I really enjoyed was building the Homefront and doing the Naval missions. But the later was limited - there aren't very many, and some were pretty short once you'd upgraded parts of the ship. I felt like there should have been much more of a variety of missions, a few random ones around Boston and New York, and maybe even a little bit of an open world with it.

    But if you're patient enough to sit through all of that, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is worth it. I'm playing it now on the PS4, and it looks absolutely stunning. I wanted open world in the third game, but damn, I got it in this one. Being a pirate and taking ships and exploring is addicting. My only peeve with this one is that hunting regions are tiny in comparison with III - like, the tiny islands everywhere is where you're expected to hunt for materials to level up your gear (which feels very Far Cry 3 like - which I liked from that game, so thanks Ubi).

    But yeah. Assassin's Creed III was okay, but the real treasure is one game ahead.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  27. #207
    Queen Last game you finished Crescent's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Finished it couple nights ago.. possibly the craziest finale in the series. Having three different super-lawyers to play with this time around gives you access to all three of their quirky 'powers'. The new system exclusive to new girl Athena Cykes called the 'Mood Matrix' was refreshing at first then it just annoyed me n while I really did enjoy the animations for it and would like to see more of that type of stylistic innovation, it was totally unrealistic. But Apollo and Phoenix are playable characters too so the 'Psyche Lock' system and Apollo's 'Perceive' bracelet(my personal favourite) will also be at your disposal. Dual Destinies(AA5) is amazing tho not my favorite Ace Attorney game, it’s up there.

    Currently playing the DLC - "Turnabout Reclaimed" -a preface to the cases of Dual Destinies.

    PS: Apollo is maturing into quite a badass
    PPS: English dub is painful.

  28. #208
    Bananarama Last game you finished Pete's Avatar
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    Apr 2001
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    I honestly can't remember the last game I finished. It very well could have either been Uncharted 1 or MGS4. I've been bouncing through titles like a madman lately, switching through FFI (FFO PS3 download), Dead Island (cause it was free on xbl), and Uncharted 2 (because I bought that 2 pack). Skyrim dlcs and Legend of Dragoon are also lost in that shuffle.

    On top of that I still have Star Ocean The Last Hope and Beyond:Two Souls sitting on my shelf, untouched AND I have MGS V coming in three weeks and Stick of Truth coming in one... I'm a monster
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  29. #209
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Last game I finished was Assassins Creed: Brotherhood, still in the middle of Revelations, just being extremely lazy.
    Signature Updated: Yesterday
    CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy

    CPC8! - Chess Club


    Currently Playing: Video Games

  30. #210
    Tales of Xillia -- Jude's side! Now on to Milla's side!~

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