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Thread: Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread.

  1. #1
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Dark One's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread.

    Here are the things I can help anyone with.

    1.MAGIC ?'s
    2.Summons and how they work
    3.Items where to find them
    5.Hits and Tips for both games
    6.And Downloads from the New kingdom hearts game.

    Also just about anything you might need other then these.

    There is a great Guide here

    Last edited by Dark One; 09-11-2006 at 04:30 PM.

  2. #2
    I not a question...In kingdom hearts 2 where do you go to find sepheroth?
    Ive looked all over for him but I cant find him.
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  3. #3
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Dark One's Avatar
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    Boco shut up.
    Where to find Sephiroth
    - You can find Sephiroth in "The Dark Dephts", after you revisit
    the worlds and Hollow Bastion turns into Radiant Garden (right
    after you defeat Sark and the MCP in Space Paranoids). Its
    located near the Crystal Fissure, and were you fought the
    1,000 Heartless.

    I was on Level 58 when I beat him. Hope these stuff helps it took some time.

    Easy Way To Beat Sephiroth

    Alright probably many of you have been wondering "how do i beat Spehiroth?"

    First off, you need the following skills:

    -All the ariel attacks (The attacks that expand your combos)
    -High Jump (You get High Jump when you turn lvl 4 for Valor)
    -The last chance thing (Sorry can't remember the name)
    -(OPTIONAL)Ground combo moves

    I wouldn't fight Sephiroth untill you are at least lvl 50.

    Alright now how to beat him...

    First off, when you first start the battle you must always remember that he does that special attack. When he does this press "triangle" to block. After you block Sephiroth will pause. At this moment you want to attack him. After you get a combo on him he fade into darkness and teleport. Right as he does this hit "Square" over and over again (Square is guard). Somtimes Sephiroth will still hit you. Occasionaly when you get hit you will fly into the air. Sephiroth will keep teleporting when your in the air. What you want to do when he does this is hit square over and over to make a combo. After you take down four or five health bars Sephiroth gets new moves. One of the moves is he summons a whole bunch of dark balls that surround you in a circle. When this happens you want to attack the balls (Still be aware of Sephiroth). The next move is Sephiroth raises a whole bunch of fire. During this time you just want to run away but be aware that the first pulls you in. The next move is the most deadly. Sephiroth will float in the air and turn pink. When he does this you must try to attack him as fast as you can or else you will die. You won't die unless you put on the last chance thing.

    I know it is alot but he is hard as hell.

    Last edited by Dark One; 09-06-2006 at 06:08 PM.

  4. #4
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Kratos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robo_kirby
    I not a question...In kingdom hearts 2 where do you go to find sepheroth?
    Ive looked all over for him but I cant find him.

    You can find Sephiroth in the 'Dark Depths'.Just go straight from where you fought all of those heartless.(1000 Heartsless battle)xD

    How Summons work:They work by going to the 'command' menu,move down to 'summon' and push X.Then,after doing that,choose one you want to summon.

  5. #5
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Shadow_Axel_03's Avatar
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    can you give me some tips on beating Sephiroth in the 1st game??? I got him down the yellow bar but everytime I get down there I get screwed over 5 seconds later...

  6. #6
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Kratos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow_Axel_03
    can you give me some tips on beating Sephiroth in the 1st game??? I got him down the yellow bar but everytime I get down there I get screwed over 5 seconds later...

    I never and never will beat him in the first KH. I will recommend this gaming site for any tips on beating him:

    Just look there.

  7. #7
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Shadow_Axel_03's Avatar
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    thanks man oh yeah sweet avatar...
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  8. #8
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Chase's Avatar
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    While you are reading this,I'm behind you stabbing you with a sponge
    If you find all four of them,you'll get the spell blizzard but you wouldn't get another after you've finished with that world.The fourth is a little hard but you'll get it eventually.Even I forgot where it is.

    The least you need is one "item" to meet up with the queen of hearts.She will place your "item" randomly with her own and you have to choose from five of the boxes.If you chose the wrong item,either donald is jailed or goofy is jailed or both.(don't worry you can free them)if you chose the right one,Donald and Goofy won't be jailed.You will end up fighting with the cards anyway.

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  9. #9
    Registered User Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Adramelech_scott's Avatar
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    How does the form outfits work in Kingdom hearts 2 i am a bit confused about these

  10. #10
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Chase's Avatar
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    While you are reading this,I'm behind you stabbing you with a sponge
    Form Outfits only works when you transform.Basically,you're drive gauge needs to reach a limit to change on the form you want.When you reach that limit,you have the option to transform.The option is already available at the menu bar during the game.You will get new forms when you go deeper in the game.
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    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Not really something I need help with but currently I am doing the Mushroom hunting sidequest to get the Ultimate Weapon but so far I haven't managed to get one Mystery Goo. Who here has the Ultimate Weapon and knows if it is actually worth getting? I am currently close to the end of the world and I will probably tackle it for some of the other items but I have gotten like 17/24 items so far.

  12. #12
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Chase's Avatar
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    While you are reading this,I'm behind you stabbing you with a sponge
    Ultima Weapon is worth getting.It has a long range attack and is the strongest keyblade in the game.

    And as for the mushroom :

    Read it carefully though.
    You have to use magics following its' "moods"

    Fire = Use when it crosses its arms and looks like it is shivering.

    Blizzard = Use when leans back and fans itself,

    Thunder = Use when it has a light over its head which is casting a

    Cure = Use when it has fallen on the ground.

    Aero = Use this when its spinning around.

    Stop = Use this when the mushroom has frozen in mid move.

    Gravity = Use this when the mushroom is floating in mid-air.

    If you hit the mushroom with 3 of the same spell, it will always drop a Mystery
    Goo item.
    For the US release, the Mystery Goo's can still be dropped, but are
    uncommon. Regardless if you get a Mystery Goo or not, if you hit with all 3 of
    the same magics, a White Mushroom
    will drop 1 of 7 different secret Arts items depending on the magic you casted/
    Last edited by Chase; 10-05-2006 at 06:10 AM.
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  13. #13
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. cloudlet's Avatar
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    I didnt really read everything....i just think Kingdom Hearts and FFVII are the greatest games on the face of the earth....i dont have the attention span to read everthing, im just a 13 year old boy with ADD =)

  14. #14
    Registered User Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Adramelech_scott's Avatar
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    in kingdom hearts 2 is proud mode hard at all because i have got to standard mode halfway through and i need to get all mickey icons in jimminys journal to unlock the secret ending and is time consuming.

    is proud mode twice the difficulty of standard mode of something like that

  15. #15
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Shadow_Axel_03's Avatar
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    I think that the enemies just have more strength defense and health than the normal mode...the easy version you'll kill em in like one hit...(pretty gay)
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  16. #16


    How can I defeat Xaldin? Pls help eventhough I had tried many times but I still can't defeat him.

    Edit by Djinn: Firstly there is a Help Thread at the top of the forum. Secondly, add more content to your posts. You need to tell people what you've tried. Consider this a pre-warning.
    I merged your topic with the Help Thread.
    Last edited by Djinn; 10-14-2006 at 06:40 PM.

  17. #17
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Chase's Avatar
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    While you are reading this,I'm behind you stabbing you with a sponge
    First thing first , get high jump and double to be at least at level 2. You get these from leveling up Valor and Master Drive Forms.And also not to use summons or limits as you really need the MP for healing yourselve.Stock up hi-potions in both party members ( I recommend using Donald and Beast ).

    Strategy on defeating him.
    Maintain lock onto him ALWAYS.Have Donald uses his magic often on Xaldin while you and Beast attack him straightforward.If there is a reaction command "learn" , click it fast as you will need to use it often.He is not
    as vulnerable as he looks, as the second you get close to him, you will
    immediately be met with several lances straight to the chin if you're not
    extremely careful. The only reason you want to get close to him while he is
    doing this is so you can coax him into an attack, dodge it and use 'Learn' to
    get more 'Jump's.

    After using the same strategy over and over again , it's time for him to use the dragon like thingy attack.You cannot attack him at this stage and you can't even avoid it.My suggest is to just accept it as it will give moderate damage onto you.After that, keep attacking him with the same strategy.Note : be sure that you do not use your MP for any other reason except healing yourselve.

    Anymore ... you can refer to gamefaqs
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  18. #18
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Shadow_Axel_03's Avatar
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    yeah what she said...and if you can't beat him try leveling up a bit....if not then I don't know how ta help ya....
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  19. #19
    Registered User Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Randomness's Avatar
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    Hi, not been on here in a while but I have recently got KH2 and am going through it quickly, just to get a feel for it, see if its good. Never played KH1 but after finding KH2 so good I think I'll play that too. I am up to saix, I think thats his name. He's the dude that fires bullets at you from far away and moves up close when he misses you. I'm not at a very high level, just 48. Is there any way I can beat him or do I have to level up. I keep getting really close, just 1 bar left but he keeps doing this really awesome attack that, if you get caught, wipes out nearly all your HP.

  20. #20
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Shadow_Axel_03's Avatar
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    Well I'm not sure if level has anything to do with it...but try ur best, focus,and everytime you see a reaction command take that chance cause you can damage Xigbar alot...If you still can't beat him try using your joint attacks with your partners any time you can or use your forms like valor or master...(wisdom is cool cause it's like a gun showdown ) if this doesn't work out then I can give you more tips if you PM me...
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  21. #21
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Juice's Avatar
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    ok, KH2 questions =3

    Will i at some stage get things like roll (which was one of the first things i got in kh1, i miss it so very much!). And also high-jump, glide, (the fast glide) Mermaid kick, etc? I really miss all these things, they make walking funner xD

    Do the gummi ships impact at all on the main game and characters? i.e. can you obtain items / armour from doing the gummi ship side quest?

    Does the choices i made at the start (Inclueding the blue bats/staff etc) make a big difference?

    um, i think thats all for now =)
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  22. #22
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Chase's Avatar
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    While you are reading this,I'm behind you stabbing you with a sponge
    Will i at some stage get things like roll (which was one of the first things i got in kh1, i miss it so very much!). And also high-jump, glide, (the fast glide) Mermaid kick, etc? I really miss all these things, they make walking funner xD

    You won't get dodge roll and mermaid kick in KH 2.However , High jump , double jump and glide can be obtained by leveling up your forms.Valor for high jump , master for double jump and final for glide.And yes they do make walking alot more convenient and funner ^^

    Do the gummi ships impact at all on the main game and characters? i.e. can you obtain items / armour from doing the gummi ship side quest?

    Yes . You can gain alot of items , models and weapons for gummi ships in the gummi side quest.You will obtain rare things if you succesfully passed and get Rank S for the gummi ship side quests.

    Does the choices i made at the start (Inclueding the blue bats/staff etc) make a big difference?
    Yes , it makes a really big difference.Your status will concentrate on which weapon at the start you chose.If you chose the staff , your infliction of magic damage will be the highest at the end.Abilities also effects the weapon you chose.If you chose the staff, your abilities will concentrate on magic related abilities first.
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  23. #23
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Wizardcat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juice
    ok, KH2 questions =3

    Will i at some stage get things like roll (which was one of the first things i got in kh1, i miss it so very much!). And also high-jump, glide, (the fast glide) Mermaid kick, etc? I really miss all these things, they make walking funner xD

    Do the gummi ships impact at all on the main game and characters? i.e. can you obtain items / armour from doing the gummi ship side quest?

    Does the choices i made at the start (Inclueding the blue bats/staff etc) make a big difference?

    um, i think thats all for now =)
    Okay. I'll start off with the first question. If you level up your forms, you will get versions of High Jump and Glide but not the others you listed. You get High Jump from Valor Form and Glide from Final Form. The other obtainable are Quick Run from Wisdom Form which could serve as a variation of Dodge Roll, and Master Form will give you Aerial Dodge (It's basically a double jump).

    The Gummi Ships have no influence or impact on the main game or characters.

    And, they do make a difference. Depending on which of the bats you pick, you will get a stat enhancement. The one with the hand guard is Defanse +1, the one that looks like a staff is Magic +1, and the remaining one gives Strength +1. Next, the choice between the sword, staff, and shield decide what oves Sora will learn and at what level. Sword will give priority to combat abilities, the shield to support abilities, and the staff to magic abilities.

    Edit: =X_X= Why does he always beat me to it?
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  24. #24
    Definitely not 6:10:50 Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Kaiser Dragoon's Avatar
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    Hm, I do believe "Quick Run" would be roll from KH's replacement, gotten from the Wisdom form, it is used through tilting the directional stick and pressing square. It helped eliminate the uselessness of the right analog stick so that it could be used for something, well, useful, controlling the camera angle *thank you Squenix* the rest of the questions have been sufficiently awnsered, so *nodds sagely*

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  25. #25
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread.
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    Helpies Please!?


    I've a few quezzies I could do with answers for if any of y'all fine folk could lend a hand...
    First up, i've finished the game and i'm now going back to my last save before completion and running around doing all the side quest thingys. But i'm struggling with a few, to say the least!

    First up in Twilight town how the hell are you supposed to complete the poster duty minigame in 30 seconds or less? My best time's nearly 2 minutes!
    Any strategies for beating the trash in 6 hits or less as well?

    Next big problem, still in twilight town, is the struggles minigame. I've absolutely annihalated Hayner; beaten him 200 orbs to nil with 40 seconds remaining but i can't get it to let me fight the next guy (Setzer, i think). What am i doing wrong?

    Sephiroth.... WTF! Is it even possible to beat this guy?

    That's all i can think of for now. I'll post more questions as I get stuck!

    Thanks in advance for any and all help I recieve. It's much appreciated

  26. #26
    I've finished the journal completely, so I'll give you a hand.

    Quote Originally Posted by Axeman
    First up in Twilight town how the hell are you supposed to complete the poster duty minigame in 30 seconds or less? My best time's nearly 2 minutes!
    What you should do first is level up your Forms till you get all your Growth Abilities (Quick Run is optional) to LV 3. Once that's done, start the minigame. Here's what you should do:

    1)Aerial Dodge then Glide (this will be further referred to as AG) over to the nearest poster spot in front of you, and place a poster.

    2) While still in the air (VERY IMPORTANT) AG to the next poster spot you come across.

    3) Repeat step 2 with any posters that you see. You'll recognize a "path" from poster spot to poster spot as you play; use it to your advantage.

    This may take many tries, so stay calm and you'll get it eventually. My best time is around 25 seconds.

    Quote Originally Posted by Axeman
    Any strategies for beating the trash in 6 hits or less as well?
    Equip all your Combo Minus abilities, unequip any extra finishers (including Finishing Plus), and equip the Keyblade you get from defeating Sephiroth. With this setup, all your attacks will be basic combo finishers, perfect for knocking the boxes away with few hits. My best is 2 hits.

    Quote Originally Posted by Axeman
    Next big problem, still in twilight town, is the struggles minigame. I've absolutely annihalated Hayner; beaten him 200 orbs to nil with 40 seconds remaining but i can't get it to let me fight the next guy (Setzer, i think). What am i doing wrong??
    You just need to beat Hayner about 10 times. Once you do, the fat guy will tell you that you can now battle Setzer. After defeating him 10 times, you can battle Seifer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Axeman
    Sephiroth.... WTF! Is it even possible to beat this guy?
    Yes, it is. There are guides on Sephiroth at GameFAQs. To find the guides, click on PS2, then click on Kingdom Hearts II in the Top 10 Games list. Then click on the FAQs & Guides tab. You'll see two Sephiroth guides, IIRC.

    Hope that helped!

  27. #27
    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread.
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    Thank you very much, superastura. I will give that a go later!

  28. #28
    Chocobo Child
    WOW! i learn something new every day....?...!..<(^_^)>

  29. #29
    Sepiroth was a ***** to beat. But I did it. If your wondering how todo it i'll something that will save you looking.

    This is what I did.

    I just went to the World that Never Was. And I jsut kept training there. Because the Nobodies you beat there are like a 1000 points each. I did that and I fought Sepiroth when I was at like............ level 82 and I beat him. Oh it was soo sweet.

    Hope this helps.
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  30. #30
    I'll make you famous Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 help thread. Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    another way to easily beat sephiroth, use the keyblade obtained from halloween town and equip berserker charge, then when you use up all of your mp you attacks will go into an unending combo until your mp recharges. the keyblade from halloween's power raises with every hit in one combo.
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