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Okay, I just looked up a video on Youtube to see what you're talking about. Is it the giant red spider that shoots tons of missiles and light rays at you?
Well, anyway, the greens slashing things are just for the lesser bosses. How I beat that mission was that I upgraded my ship with lots of HP enhancing things and lots of Thunders, Ultimas, the projectiles. Then comes the defense so that you won't be obliterated quickly.
When you enter the mission, the only way to ensure the bosses' defeat is by going into Berserk Mode. Try to go into it, and remember to stay in Berserk Mode throughout the mission. When you reach the final boss, just keep spinning and flying everywhere to try to avoid its attacks while attacking it. It isn't hard, but it takes a few minutes. Remember to just go straight on with it because it's not every time that you can keep Berserk Mode at that point. Anyway, I believe Berserk Mode is the key to defeating everything.