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    G'day Jiggly Boobs and Nut Shots NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Jiggly Boobs and Nut Shots

    I got Saints Row The Third today. I've only been playing for 2 hours and so far I'm pretty happy with it. I've only completed 4 of 47 missions, as I've been jerking around, killing people and running people over, which is always fun and getting my b*tch dressed up all awesome like. She's hot with black hair, black t-shirt, black shorts and black combat boots. She has her right arm fully tattooed and she's just the s**t. You can make boobs big and they jiggle when she moves. Rowan likes that feature. I'm guessing most guys will too Oh yeah, you can choose to be a guy if you wish. One of the reasons I love this game, is that you can be a woman!

    The graphics are pretty awesome, only a step up from Saints Row 2 in my opinion. It's a lot more clearer and clean to look at, or it could just be my tv. I haven't explored Steelport enough to comment on it, but so far the parts I have seen are b*tchin'. Lots of detail. The music is real gangsta. Lot of different genres to float your boat. Deftones, Amon Amarth, Black Veil Brides, Drowning Pool, Opeth, Strapping Young Lad and The Black Keys are a few that I enjoy. There's even some Goatwhore on there.

    There are some challenges, which is always nice. So far I have destroyed 22 cars, run over 14 people, had 60 near misses, 6 headshots and only 5 out 25 nutshots. 25 doesn't seem like enough. And there's the usual assassination and vehicles theft challenges as well.

    The only thing I'm unhappy about, is that Shaundi doesn't look like how I remember her. But she is damn fine, which I guess makes up for it.

    I'm not sure what whore mode is all about. I haven't tried that out yet. There's co-op, which I'm not into and I must say, the manual is not very informative at all. Ah well, who needs a manual anyway!

    Anyone else got this game? What are your thoughts so far?

    Last edited by NikkiLinkle; 12-03-2011 at 03:30 AM.

  2. #2
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Jiggly Boobs and Nut Shots The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Post Re: Jiggly Boobs and Nut Shots

    Still haven't picked it up yet, gamestop has called multipul times leaving me messages asking me to come get it, just hasn't been on my mind as much as I would like. I loved how you could rob the stores in the first game, and was sad when they left it out of SR2!

    That's all I can say about it right now, and will post more when I pick it up.
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  3. #3
    G'day Jiggly Boobs and Nut Shots NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Jiggly Boobs and Nut Shots

    That's cool. Pretty sure everyone is too busy playing Skyrim maybe I should've got that instead. I'm so like devastated that nobody has replied to this thread *sarcasm* hahahaha.

  4. #4
    Death Before Dishonor Jiggly Boobs and Nut Shots Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Jiggly Boobs and Nut Shots

    I got a used copy of it yesterday so that I could do a quick run through of it then return it to gamestop and get my cash back. So far it is a good game, not liking it nowhere near as much as I did the first two.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  5. #5
    persona user Jiggly Boobs and Nut Shots foster kid's Avatar
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    Re: Jiggly Boobs and Nut Shots

    i beat the game a couple days ago lol i really love this game i never played the first one though i played the second one as well and it was great i love this series way more than the gta series......gta dropped the ball and saints row picked it up and ran with it and it seems they aren't lookin back lol....... great game

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  6. #6
    Nobody Shaves Me Jiggly Boobs and Nut Shots Gummy's Avatar
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    Re: Jiggly Boobs and Nut Shots

    The third is my first Saints Row game so I can't compare it with the others, but I'm enjoying it a fair bit. At first I played as a girl, but trying it as a fella now. Seems more fun that way, and Troy Bakers voice acting is a plus for me. :>

    It isn't as fun as I thought it would be after watching videos of it, but it's still real fun.

    Not that far into the story, been doing those challenges as well.

    People complain it's too easy, but I kinda like how you can just go around smashing shit up without having to worry too much about yourself.

  7. #7
    Boxer of the Galaxy Jiggly Boobs and Nut Shots Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Jiggly Boobs and Nut Shots

    Saints Row 3 is how a sandbox game should be.
    The game itself is brilliant. Its not overchallenging, theres plenty of rewarding activities to do, using a cellphone to call for backup, helicopters, cars, zombies, transfer cash from properties you own, check missions etc makes everything accessible and organised. Customizations are fantastic. Plenty of different clothes, ways to change your characters appearance, cars, body mods, performance upgrades, weapon upgrades and the list goes on.

    The story will give you the option multiple times to allow you to decide which path you wish to take, each giving a different bonus depending on what you decide. The characters are actually really humerous, the story is great, the muisc is fantastic (especially the way its integrated into some of the missions AKA, power by Kayne West) and without spoiling anything, they play a song called 'hero' at the very last mission and my mind was exploding with EPIC EPIC EPIC EPIC EPIC.

    this game is fantastic and far superior to any sandbox I have ever played. It surpasses GTA with ease in terms of customizations, playability and general fun. If Saints Row 3 had one downfall, Id say that its city was slightly bland and there was nothing really memorable about it. If we think back to Vice City, we know that place back to front, am I right? All in all, its a fantastic game.

    And yes, I love the fact that my characters boobs jiggle and I can give her tight short shorts and boob tubes. As well as oiled skin. Even facial piercings. Its great.

  8. #8
    G'day Jiggly Boobs and Nut Shots NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Jiggly Boobs and Nut Shots

    I have finished the main story now. I love this game but I completed in 20 hours. That's too short. Ah well, still plenty of fun to be had

  9. #9

    Re: Jiggly Boobs and Nut Shots

    I've heard the driving physics are even crappier than GTA's.


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