Final Attack+Revive Matera
Lightning Matera Loss of power? nope.
Hero (the one that makes you invincible)
Remedy Medical application on everything
Pheonix downs, if used responsibly
What item in any video game do you think would be handy to use in the real world and what would you use it for?
An item I would find useful in real life is the Switch Hook from Zelda: Oracle of Ages. If there was a place I couldn't quite get to, i'd use it to switch places with an object thats sitting up there. If I was looking a race, i'd use it on the person in the lead and switch places with him (heheh sucker >:]). If I was about to be punched, I'd use it on the attacker so i can get behind him and hit him back. There would be alot more I'd use the switch hook for but i'll leave it there.
EDIT: NO LIFE RELATED OBJECTS ALLOWED! (such as 1ups, phoenix downs, and items of that sort)
Last edited by SuperSabin; 02-23-2011 at 05:59 PM.
Currently Playing:
Final Attack+Revive Matera
Lightning Matera Loss of power? nope.
Hero (the one that makes you invincible)
Remedy Medical application on everything
Pheonix downs, if used responsibly
Pheonix Downs, without a doubt. They'd have to have strict rules attached to them though, as I can see practical jokers killing themselves just to be brought back with them again. You'd probably have to sign something anyway if you want to be brought back.
The Stasis module from Dead Space would be cool too. Imagine accidentally dropping a plate or a glass, but being able to slow time long enough to grab it? Kinesis would be good too, for getting hard to reach things.
Also, the Ari from Heavy Rain. Imagine having a computer in your glasses and mind, and being able to play virtual games.
I second this but dude who needs to be responsible when you have phoenix downs? That would be the best part about their existance. I'd rock that sh*t like Claire Benett. Sure, I may become a shambling corpse if left too long... So what...Originally Posted by JuzamDjinn
Totally with you on that one!Originally Posted by Unknown Entity
I'm gonna go ahead and say pretty much every single tonic available on Bioshocks 1 & 2. The world would be a fully awsome place if everyone was like a superhero. I'm sure we wouldn't become one big, grotesque Rapture. Even if we did there'd be enough vigilantes to stop it surely!?
The Anvil of the void from Dragon Age would be good... If only it didn't involve taking lives.
I'd also like Links pants... His pockets are deeper than Mary Poppins' bag.
Last edited by Trunks; 02-23-2011 at 05:30 PM.
Hell yes to the ARI.It looks awesome, and can do all kinds of nifty things. ^^
I think having a 1-up mushroom would be useful. I think Phoenix Downs only revive people that are unconscious, but 1-up mushrooms give you another life. ^^
EDIT: Idk if that would be considered an "item" though.Oh well. I'll edit this again when I think of something.
Last edited by Dodie16; 02-23-2011 at 05:49 PM.
Click at your own risk.:
I think they bring you back to life hence the name 'phonex' down. In the story they don't seem to so it's a good point, I'll go for the life-bottles from the Tales series instead. Just a drop of that and I'd be out and about again in no time. Nice save Dodie, nearly relied on phoenix's.Originally Posted by Dodie16
I'd also like a cloaking device a la Perfect Dark, Metal Gear and so many others. That would be a great thing to have.
Liquid Luck (Felix Felicis, yes I know I'm sad but I don't give a damn) from Harry Potter would be AMAZING! I'd be an ace at potions just for that.
sorry to rain on your parade guys, but, NO LIFE RELATED OBJECTS ALLOWED! (such as 1ups, phoenix downs, and items of that sort) i mean, seriously, lets see some creativity here. No offense but it just sounds lame. Going to edit my post with this rule.
Currently Playing:
You rained on the parade, man. Only joking.Originally Posted by Sabin Rene Figaro
I think the mags from Phantasy Star would be really cool too. I'd love to have a little friend follow me round protecting me. It's be like havng a cool pet you didn't have to feed. I also like having things to customize. I'd have mine as one of the big hornet type ones.
I think I need to stop thinking of more.